Immersion or hydrographic images. Printing on T-shirts with paints: water based, etching Preparing the surface for immersion printing

The phrase "immersion printing" is not familiar to anyone, but the word "tuning" is known to all motorists. What is common between them? Let's figure it out.

What is watercolor used for?

Car tuning (from English tuning - "setting") involves changing the appearance, decorating individual elements. Finishing can be done in many ways, including using the immersion printing method.

Considering that the army of motorists who regularly update their personal fleets is constantly growing, it is not at all surprising that interest in aquaprint is growing.

A specific process allows you to transfer the desired pattern to the surface of any shape, even with many curves. Due to the ability to paint three-dimensional surfaces, hydrographic decoration is called 3D technology.

The principle of operation of water-soluble printing

Immersion printing technology implies the possibility of applying a special textured film that dissolves in water onto any smooth surface. Therefore, it is also called hydrographic printing.

To find out whether it is possible to make immersion printing with your own hands, you must first understand the principle of its operation. The main material is a special WTP-film, on which a certain multi-color pattern is applied in an industrial way.

There are a lot of options for graphic coatings. This can be an imitation of the surface of stone, metal, ceramics, various types of wood, animal skins or fur. Also popular are drawings that create the illusion of carbon fiber (carbon fiber), military camouflage. Prints with plants, flowers, fruits or fantasy drawings look beautiful.

Aquaprint equipment

The process of hydrographic coating does not look laborious, anyone can easily make an immersion print with their own hands. The procedure for applying an aquaprint is carried out in a rectangular metal bath, equipped with heating elements and automatic equipment that constantly maintains a certain temperature of the water. For work, you still need an airbrush and chemical protection equipment (respirator, overalls, gloves).

Today, compact semi-automatic equipment is widely used, which can be inexpensively bought and installed in a small room.

Process steps

Having all the necessary materials available, you can start making immersion printing with your own hands. The product to be decorated must first be treated with an abrasive material in order to smooth the surface as much as possible. After that, degrease and cover with a thin layer of soil using an airbrush. As a result, a substrate layer will be obtained, on which the hydrographic layer will lie.

Having cut off the necessary fragment of the decorative film, you need to carefully place it on the surface of the water with the matte side down. After waiting no more than two minutes, you need to evenly apply a layer of solvent with a sprayer. As a result of a chemical reaction, the film softens. The paint completely dissolves in water, but does not mix with it, but remains in the form of a thin layer of suspension.

The product to be painted must be carefully immersed in the liquid vertically so as to completely moisten it. The melted film gently and evenly wraps the entire work surface. By shaking the item several times in water, you can get rid of unnecessary residue.

When performing immersion, you need to act carefully and methodically, avoiding sudden movements. The painted surface should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and then dried with compressed air. The last step a protective layer of varnish will be applied.

DIY aqua immersion printing allows you to decorate various surfaces, creating a unique design. The advantage of aquaprint can also be considered its low cost, practicality and durability.

Bathtub for hydrographics.

Workplace preparation.
Preparing a detail for an aquaprint.

The process of applying a decorative film.
Drying of the finished product.

Difficulties at work.

Business organization.
Sales of products. How to set up sales? To whom to sell?
Is it possible to make an aquaprint on your own?

Aqua printing to order search for clients on the Internet.
Investment in a hydrographic production workshop.
Investments in a home business on hydroprinting.


The world is full creative people. Each of them is unique, but everyone wants to convey to people something new, unusual, but at the same time, of course, earn extra money with their own special idea. Therefore, creative "reforms" are taking place, one of which was hydrographic printing. Popularly, hydroprinting is also called aquaprinting or immersion printing. But it has another, more scientific name - immersion or water-immersion printing. According to one version, it is believed that the Japanese became the founders of this industry when they replaced a real tree with a wood-like coating.
The appearance was almost indistinguishable, but a huge savings in material resources. Soon, this technology spread all over the world so that it was used on weapons, and on furniture, and on cars. Generally speaking, the list of parts on which you can apply aquaprint is almost limitless.

Usually, hydro printing is done in car services or similar establishments. And the people who provide these services have the title of immersion print master. This is a rather painstaking work that requires special equipment and certain skills, so not every service can provide such a service.
That is why the idea appears - to start preparing an aquaprint on your own, to sell and earn good money in this business.

Such a business remains unique, because in Russia this technology is underdeveloped, which means that it is still relevant. Many simply do not see the benefits in this business, so they avoid it. It is worth considering the types of earnings on water-immersion printing:

1) Organize your service, hire workers who will do hydrographics. Organizing your own immersion printing team will be profitable if you train your workers to professionally make an aqua print. This case is the organization of another type of private business. It requires initial capital, because even if you already have the equipment, you will have to pay salaries and bonuses.

What is the benefit of this option?
Everything is simple, orders are taken, a work plan is drawn up according to them, hydrographic printing is prepared, and then it is sold according to this order. The profit here is calculated according to the formula: the profit received for the order - the salary of the workers and the cost of material and equipment, as well as the room in which the aquaprint will be made, and even advertising your business so that buyers appear. As you might guess from the formula, such a business will not pay off immediately, but after 1-2 months. Therefore, it is better for him to have a serious start-up capital. According to statistics, people who are engaged in hydro printing are in great demand in society, because 70% of people want to stand out from the crowd, which helps to make immersion printing.

2) The second option is simpler and does not require as much cost. The entrepreneur finds a manufacturer of water-immersion printing, agrees with him that he will find buyers in exchange for a share of the profits. Thanks to its advertising, it is strongly promoted, acquires regular customers, to whom all unusual creativity is sold.

What is the income from this business to a businessman?
He will act as an intermediary, that is, receive money for finding a client. For more productive work, you still have to invest your capital, because free advertising will not create the desired effect. Such a business is based on the relationship between the manufacturer and the businessman, the businessman and the buyer. From this we can conclude that such a business is more often used by people who know how to psychologically influence people, present information from the side from which the businessman himself is interested. Well, finding someone who agrees to give part of the proceeds for customers is also not an easy job.

3) Another option is to start producing hydrographics yourself, sell it yourself, and, of course, make a profit yourself. This idea is very similar to the first one, but the only difference is that you will have to do everything yourself (to some extent this is a plus), and you do not need to pay anyone to do the work. But it takes skill and just the same necessary equipment, space and material. The working time here is seriously different from the first one: that one person works, and that 10.

Let's take the third option as a basis and consider it from all sides, put everything "on the shelves".
In any case, the most important thing for work will be desire, if there is no desire, there will be no profit. So, in order to start making an aquaprint with your own hands, you need to figure out what the process of making an immersion print is. As a rule, the action consists in applying a pattern on a film to a hard surface under strong water pressure along with strong chemicals. The film is on the surface of the water, and the part is dipped into it, immediately after the treatment of the film coating with chemically active substances. But everything is not as simple as it seems.

Let's talk about what you need to create hydrographics. All work can be divided into stages, but first, what equipment is needed to create an immersion print?

Bathtub for hydrographics.

1) A bath, but not a simple one, in which everyone is used to relaxing after a working day, but a special, steel, unusual brand that holds from 500 to 1000 liters of water. Directly to the bathroom, you need to connect the drain and the water flow, so that the water in the bathroom is always at a constant temperature.
For regulation, it is advisable to purchase an automatic thermometer. If funds allow, it is possible to fully automate the process of pouring water and regulating its temperature and volume. It will be enough for the employee to press the switches, the action will flow on its own. Water heating can be achieved using a water heater through which water is driven. But that's not all. A special filter should be connected to the bathroom, which will keep the water clean and rid it of film residues (this will be discussed later).

Decorative films for hydrographic printing.

2) It has already been said several times that film is needed, so it is the next necessary item. You need a transparent film, it can be ordered at any major hardware store and even via the Internet. But still, it’s scary to order via the Internet, because no one knows in what condition it will be brought. And it should be without a single scratch, unwrinkled.
The main thing is to choose the right one, without confusing it with a conventional construction film. As for the drawing on the film, it usually depicts wood, stones, various metals, and pressed ones. Basically, the pattern depicts natural phenomena or elements of nature, but you can also find any other abstract patterns, for example, lines, dots, squares, circles, arranged in a single pattern.

If we take statistics as an example, then definitely, the first place in sales is occupied by a drawing on a film, resembling a snake skin or a spotted color of a leopard. That is, animals are a topic that is very relevant in aquaprint. Others depict a whole natural picture on their property: birds in the trees, the sun at its zenith or a red sunset. Still others try to give uniqueness to their object, for example, stick its interior on the exterior of the car, thereby giving the effect of transparency.
Or maybe a picture of a modern one, such as an airplane or the latest car model for racing. It can be added that basically the preferences of the pattern are taken from the customer, so the choice is based on the description of what he wants. Modern engineers are able to display any pattern or design on film, but not for free, of course.

Additional equipment and tools.

3) Spray guns are also a necessary subject for work. One of them is needed to process the part in order to prepare it for applying the pattern. Its purpose is to apply the base color of the desired shade, and to complete any gaps in the final, if any. The second one is useful for applying the desired pattern on the film with chemistry. The fact is that you cannot use the same spray gun for both processes at once, because they are different in diameter: the first is from 1.4 to 1.8 millimeters, and the second is from 0.8 to 1 millimeter. And the substances in them are different, they cannot be combined. It is better to buy spray guns of different colors so as not to confuse, because if this happens, the job will be deplorably finished.

4) "Nuclear chemistry" is needed, thanks to which the desired pattern is applied and attached to the part. In society, it is called "activator". The chemical can be purchased at hardware stores or industrial products. As a precaution, be sure to read the instructions and also take note of the extent to which it should be used.

5) Lacquer, for processing the finished part, and a grinder, processing the surface. It is worth noting that the varnish should not be taken at too high a concentration so as not to get the "decomposition" of the applied pattern. No need to overdo it with a grinder, so you can take not too powerful.

6) Washing, in which the part will be processed after the film has been applied to it. Of course, the same bath can be used for this purpose, but washing with clean water will bring more benefits. Therefore, if money allows, you should not save them on washing. It gives a guarantee that the finished film will not come off the part after application.

Do not forget about safety precautions. Because health is more important than any work, and how to work when there is no health? That is why do not skimp on a pair of gloves, glasses and a work uniform. There were many cases when, due to their negligence, aquaprint manufacturers forgot and did not wear gloves while treating the film with acid or while dipping the part in chemical water. This is dangerous!
After each completed product, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room, ridding it of harmful odors and chemical activity. The more painstakingly you treat your health, the better you will live and work. We must remember this and never forget!

You can calculate the cost of equipment and materials for making an aquaprint:
Bath (50,000 rubles) + Film (1,000 rubles) + Chemistry (2,000 rubles) + paint (5,000 rubles) + varnish (500 rubles) + grinder (10,000 rubles) + water heater and thermometer (10,000 rubles) + monthly water fee (8,000 rubles) + other needs (10,000 rubles) + a set of protective clothing (5,000 rubles) + washing (6,000 rubles) = 107,500 rubles. There is a condition here that some equipment will be purchased not for 1 time, others - one-time.

Technology of immersion printing on aquaprint.

Workplace preparation.

In this video you can watch a very thorough preparation of the workplace for immersion printing:

We got acquainted with the necessary substances, now we can proceed to the preparation of the premises in which all the work will take place. Here again, there are several options to consider:

1) Rental of premises. As a rule, this option is not very good, because you will still be dependent on someone. But this significantly facilitates the equipment and reduces the time of preparation of the premises.

2) The second option is more suitable for private businessmen. This is the rebuilding of its premises, which will be intended exclusively for work in this direction. There is no doubt that this option will come out cheaper than a monthly rental, but however, it will take much more time and effort. Moreover, you will have to look for where to order something, whom to hire there, etc.

Let's go to the calculations:
Renting a room of 350 square meters will cost us about 210,000 rubles per month, that is, we will pay 2,520,000 rubles per year. If we build our premises: land 300 square meters (300,000 rubles) + piles 5 m (25,000 rubles) + brick (50,000 rubles) + windows and doors (250,000 rubles) + interior decoration (300,000 rubles) + order of workers (70,000 rubles) + other work (100,000 rubles) = 1,095,000 rubles. Conclusion: building your own premises will be cheaper than renting.

We narrate the main stages of the manufacture of our creativity and consider all the flaws that should be paid attention to in order to avoid a miss. The technology of preparing and applying hydrographics is a rather complicated thing, so it is important to calculate even the smallest details. Like any other business, this business requires utmost care. If a defect appears, it will interfere throughout the entire work, and at subsequent stages it becomes much more difficult to correct it, if at all, it seems possible.

Preparing a detail for an aquaprint.

The first thing we need is to prepare the part. As a rule, parts can be of different sizes, shapes and other things. We will take a small one, for example, a car drive. After removing it from the car, the first thing to do is thoroughly rinse it everywhere.
One condition: it is not necessary to clean up carelessly, because later a problem may arise, which consists in the fact that the film is not glued everywhere. It is also important to understand that after washing the part must be thoroughly dried. But this is not the end of the first stage. After drying, we take a skin or other similar tool, we clean the part.
It is advisable to go over the entire surface of the part to be sure that there will be no problems with this in subsequent steps. If the work will be done by eye, then in case of a defect, blame yourself and only yourself.

Now the most crucial moment is applying the base paint to a part of the car. This must be done evenly, without exceeding the concentration of paint over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disk. It is better not to save, because in the final result all unpainted places will be visible, even under the film. Just for this process, we need one of the spray guns. It is important to remember: in everything you need to follow safety precautions!

The process of applying a decorative film.

The second step is to prepare the film. Start over. An important step is the preparation of water. There is a clearly defined line here, you cannot exceed 34 degrees and do it lower than 29 degrees Celsius. This is where a water heater and an automatic thermometer will help you. If these devices were not purchased, you can manually regulate the water. An ordinary thermometer is suitable for this. Why exactly this interval among degrees? The answer is simple, because one of the elements of the equipment is chemistry, which can only be used in this degree measure, otherwise the reaction will not take place, the film will not be applied to the part.

Next comes the preparation of the film itself with a pattern.
First you need to warm it to room temperature so that there is no sharp heat exchange with water. If this happens, the film may be broken, which is absolutely not necessary. Then comes the next step. In it, we need to spread the film on the surface of the water with the utmost care. There is a certain precaution here: the film has two edges, and the first one is very vulnerable in water, it literally immediately begins to "blur". The second one, which we need, reacts well with water, which is why we need it. So, with this passive edge we apply a film to the water. The time that the film should lie on the surface of the water is approximately 1.5 -2 minutes. But here, too, a danger awaits us: if the film is overexposed even for a minute, the drawing on it will begin to sag. This is facilitated by the chemical mixture.

After that, such a drawing is no longer suitable, because if it is applied to the surface of the part, it will be washed off even with water, but it will have time to corrode the paint that we applied when preparing the part. Now about chemistry. It is applied as carefully as possible, observing safety precautions. As a sprayer, we need a second spray gun, with a diameter of 1 millimeter. Another condition: the chemical film must not be overexposed. If it lies for more than 2-3 minutes without being applied to the part, the activator will dry out and will not stick to our car disc.

Video, hydrographic - the process of applying a decorative film to a part:

Application of a decorative film.

Stage number three is the most important work, because now we have to dip the part into the finished mixture. This must be done within the first minute after film preparation. There are some tricks here, the failure of which will not lead to the desired result. This is that the disk will have to be dipped at an angle of 30-35 degrees, moreover, the part must be slowly moved, lowering it lower and lower until it is completely under water.

The immersion speed of the part should be 1.5 - 2 centimeters per second. It is important! Why? Yes, because at such an angle the film will lie evenly, and if you do not move the disk, the film will end in this area and there will be nothing to lie on the surface of the car part. Another very important tip: do not be alarmed when you see that the film begins to distort and disappear after the detail. It's okay, it's been applied.

Again for safety!
You need to work with gloves, because you will be dealing with chemistry, especially when lowering the disc into the water. Protective goggles should also be worn, because chemical splashes are very dangerous. After the part is completely dipped, you need to make a sharp movement right in the water (so that the entire greasy, shiny layer - this film is unhooked from the product) and pull out the disk. Then you will see the effect. It should be on the surface that was lowered into the water with the film.

Drying of the finished product.

The next step is drying the finished product. This is also a very important point, although all the most difficult is over. The part must dry even in those places where the film has not been applied, if any. Hard-to-reach places are included in this list. Then we take varnish and cover our disk with a new layer. Do not forget about the grinder, it will come in handy too. After the last one, our disk is ready. We add it to the car and this is where the main stages end.

Difficulties at work.

Now let's see what troubles can arise during the main work - the manufacture of hydrographics.

1) The room must be clean, ventilated. However, during operation, nothing should adversely affect the film. For example, dirt or dust particles that have fallen on the active side of the film will not allow it to look beautiful on a car. In these places, holes or wide scratches form after washing.

2) Drops for the active side of the film are harmful. If they appear there, it simply will not stick to the part in these places, and, moreover, it will form incomprehensible bubbles that can be accidentally torn off.

3) A little about chemistry. If we apply more activator to the film, it will corrode it, and if less, it will not stick. Conclusion: apply a strictly equal amount of the mixture reserved for one film.

4) Regarding film immersion. Diving at a small angle will result in blisters and air bubbles between the film and the part, but on the contrary, at a large one, it will promote breakthroughs or severe distortions in the scale and dimension of the image. When immersed horizontally, without observing the slope, the film will be broken and may not lie at all. Swinging movements from side to side or up and down contribute to cracks in the film, creases, wrinkles and even tears.

5) Now about the temperature of the water: if it is less than the set value, the reaction will last more slowly, and, accordingly, the film will not have time to prepare for application; well, in too hot water, the reaction will go full speed faster than expected, and the "chemical rage" will corrode the film and paint on the surface of the part.

6) About the film before use. Note that this often happens: if the film is stored in a folded state (in half, four times, etc.) before use, that is, if it is bent, it may have cracks or strong stretches that spoil the pattern at the broken points. And also you need to observe the time during which the film is on the water. It should not be too small - the film will not have time to soften, respectively, will not lie as it should on the part, and, possibly, will not stick at all. Conversely, if the film is overexposed, it will become too soft, corroded by the chemical solution, and damage the paint of the part. After application, during the first wash, it will be removed with water.

7) What happens if the film is not varnished? It's simple, if gasoline or a similar substance gets in, it will come off the part, if water gets in, melted snow or just touched with a wet hand, part of it will fall off. Also, if your part is too touched, the film will only last for a month.

Business organization.

Sales of products. How to set up sales? To whom to sell?

What can be said about how the finished product looks, whether people like it. It is very important to understand this, because the answer to this question affects whether there will be regular customers or just customers? Do they like this idea, especially on their subject?

According to many years of research, statistics were compiled, on the basis of which it can be assumed that the film is indeed often used in modern world. People are so accustomed to everyday life that they want something new, fantastic. Many try to stand out in different ways, but almost everyone is looking for these methods. Hydrographics has given humanity such a chance. Therefore, a person who owns such creativity will always have buyers, which means that a constant profit is guaranteed. This conclusion implies a responsible performance of work, without the presence of "deficiencies and shortcomings." In a word, it all depends on the manufacturer of the aquaprint.

You can also note how the finished product looks. Only smart professionals can determine whether this is a hydrographic or a real coating made of expensive material. Ordinary people will simply be surprised, if, of course, the work is worthy of it. Sales of products will be successful if you do not overcharge, and the state of the work will be the best.

Finding clients in the real world is one of the most difficult tasks for a novice businessman. Advertising will help, the quality of work will help, reviews will help. In order to have regular customers, an entrepreneur can apply to a newspaper, purchase television advertising, use the media to his advantage. The main thing is effective ads. For this, it is better to contact specialists.

After the advertisement bears fruit, buyers will appear with whom it will be necessary to discuss the quantity, timing and amount. In such negotiations, the main thing for a businessman is to make the initial amount maximum, and then throw it off if the customer asks for a discount. Well, in general, prices are a matter of chance. Consider the amount of work and terms adequately, you should not take on too much work. Only in this case, there will be a regular buyer with an excellent attitude towards the businessman.

Is it possible to make an aquaprint on your own?

After reading the main stages of making water-immersion printing, you can understand that self-employment in this industry, perhaps moreover, is given, but not to everyone. Again, this will be available only to those who do not know how to be lazy and do not work according to the principle "and so it will do."

It is also not advisable for beginners to experiment with orders and try to speed up the work or add something of their own that, in their opinion, will decorate the work. Believe me, how many people have so many opinions, so if the inventor likes it, it’s not a fact that the customer will like it. Anyway, in the end everything will have to be redone, because the client's desire is the law. Often beginners are exposed to their emotional state after the first failures, and there are such. Do not give up on the matter, because without failure, nothing will work.

As a rule, you learn from your mistakes, because your work will get better and better over time. And one more thing: a beginner must be extremely careful, observe safety precautions and do everything only according to the instructions. Well, chasing orders and taking several at the same time is also not worth it. Perhaps you will not be in time, but the deadlines require. There will be a penalty, and this is a very bad thing.

In order to establish a business, an entrepreneur needs to learn how to make imers. As a rule, anyone can establish a business in this business, the main thing is that there is an initial capital and desire.

Many start, but not everyone succeeds. The thing is that people are starting not to receive orders at all or 1-2 in half a year. Why is this happening? The work is poor quality, customers are unhappy. They tell others, others tell others, word of mouth arises, and they are dissatisfied with you, only bad reviews about you. And reviews, they have a very strong influence on the decisiveness of the buyer. Therefore, some part of people leave this business, but other, successful people take their place.

Many "do business" in that they produce materials and equipment for hydrographics. The working film is quite expensive, so it is very profitable to produce it. Especially if you sell it complete with paint, varnish and chemicals and other things. That is, the entire set of material for immersion printing.

Why are such kits profitable to sell?
They are bought for one main reason. No need to go to different points, dial, but you can just buy in one place. This reason often covers the difference in prices: the price of the kit will be more expensive than the sum of each accessory. If we take the example of equipment, advertising plays a major role here. If you sell an aquaprint bath in a plumbing store, few people will know about it. And if you place, say, an advertisement on the Internet: "Bath for water-immersion printing."

Ads will pop up as soon as a request is made. Accordingly, many more people will click on such advertising than they will reach the plumbing store. The link from the advertisement will take them to your site, which should be attractively equipped. Different bathtubs should open immediately, the sale of which you carry out. Specify all the necessary information directly in the product description, because smart people look there first of all. Having found what they need, many will certainly want to place an order via the Internet, and if a successful businessman is engaged in this project, then he will be able to deliver throughout Russia, for a fee, of course. Hence, the conclusion: you can earn not only on the IMERS itself, but also on the production of materials and equipment for this process.

Let's move on to the calculations:
The cost of materials: film (1,000 rubles) + paint (5,000 rubles) + varnish (500 rubles) + chemistry (2,000 rubles) = approximately 8,500 rubles. The cost of the kit can be raised to 15,000 - 20,000 rubles, which means that the net profit will be at least 11,500 rubles.
The cost of a special bath in a store is from 45,000 to 70,000 thousand rubles. On the Internet, the same bath can be sold for 90,000 - 100,000 rubles + delivery.

Let's take a look at a new idea for starting a watercolor business. It can be subdivided into two fundamentally different options:

Make hydroprinting on parts purchased at your own expense, collect 20-30 such items and sell in bulk to one person or any service or other institution. This is a non-standard option, only a few are engaged in this, so you can observe a huge increase in profits from such businessmen.

The most important thing in this business is to find a buyer, because not everyone will agree to buy parts made in the style of aquaprint in bulk. If you consider that the necessary buyers-clients will be found and become permanent, then this business becomes quite profitable. Because it is possible to create a favorable price for parts with pasted film. Surely, the question arises of how to find such a regular buyer who can buy goods in bulk. This is not a problem, even if the purchase price is huge.

Attracting customers is a gift, as people who are successful in this business would say. Nonsense, that's not true.

Everyone will be able to attract transaction partners if they understand a number of factors:

A) In our case, you can play well on the difference in prices and time, for example: that you will buy 20 ready-made parts made in the style of aquaprint, and that you will purchase parts separately, rent them for aquaprint. The question arises, where is more time and money spent? You can automatically answer that in the second case more of both is spent. But we also need to make a profit in money. So it is, your price will be higher, but the buyer will be deceived by long actions. This can be called psychological deception. By the way, psychology plays a huge role in trade and business.

B) The Internet is everything, so they say more and more often. As for advertising on the Internet, it is really excellent. Professionals live by it. And we just need to offer a product through advertising. If you need free advertising, then the best means is forums and blogs, but if the budget allows, why not try paid services? Although it can be made simpler: Google and Yandex are very versatile in terms of advertising, they even show it only to those who are interested in the topic of aquaprint. Therefore, you can win very large sums on advertising.

C) Reviews. As already mentioned, reviews have a very strong influence on the sale, in our case, of parts with a glued film. The more reviews, the more customers. Therefore, with each successful transaction, you should simply ask for feedback, which most partners will gladly agree to. And you are a plus, and they are pleased. Still, as an option, you can use the forbidden method - wind up reviews for yourself. It works, but not always, because a businessman sees only the good in his business, without minuses, and they always exist. For this, a sober head from the outside is needed, a review of the "arbitrator" working with the entrepreneur.

Aqua printing to order search for clients on the Internet.

The next option is easier. Sell ​​the service - immersion printing via the Internet. How to do it?

In fact, it should not take much time, but at the same time it will definitely bring a lot of income and save a lot of precious minutes. The first thing you need is your own website. It can be done both for a fee and for free. Now there are many services that will help you create your own website for free. But, after creation, you will have to "untwist" it. That is to attract potential buyers. If you do not feel sorry for personal Money, then you can order a "turnkey website" from well-known resources. This option will not only provide you with a website, but also there will be regular customers, and the page will be in the best places of search engines. This will significantly improve your sales.

How to fill your site?
In the event that you order a ready-made project, all the "content" (this is the name of the internal content of the sites) will already be created by professionals. But you yourself can fill your resource. It is advisable to use a specific menu of several tabs: work, contacts and home.
On the main page, you should write a unique article why it is profitable to purchase works with hydrographics on this site. The work tab should contain a list with examples of work and prices, as well as a short description. After clicking on any instance, it should redirect to the internal page of the site "place an order".

In the contact tab should be detailed information, how to contact you. It can be mail, Skype and so on. It should be noted that this is just an example of a possible website selling your products. It will not be superfluous to warn you against competition.
That is why the first article should be unique and should contain a direct answer to the question: why is this site better than others?

It is desirable to directly enter this question, moreover, it is highlighted in a different, large, bold or other font, and just below, immediately give an answer. This question will immediately explain a lot to the buyer, he will understand that you are original, your work is worth buying. As for the interface of the web page, it can be made in gentle colors so that it does not attract too much attention, but does not seem too boring. Warm colors are perfect. In general, the design of the site is thought out to the smallest detail, experienced designers do this, of course, not for free. They can take an image as a base and combine it with a tone, they can break down a site into all the colors in the palette, and so on.

Attracting customers occurs again with the help of advertising, so just no one will go to the site. Professionals can do it, and you can too. There are many ways:

1) Create topics on forums - free, but requires activity and a certain amount of time. The topics of those users who already mean something on the forum, who have answered a large number of questions, and are daily active, are most popular. A businessman can become such, or you can profit from this by paying the best users of the forum to create the desired topic;

2) create your groups in in social networks- the way is old, but reliable: the creation of a group is always manifested by the appearance of subscribers. The more subscribers, the more activity in your group, the higher it is in searches, the better for you. It is better to replenish the group daily with unique news from your site, post all your work. This will encourage subscribers to buy at least one of your works, in others - to become regular customers. Alternatively, a businessman can buy a group with a huge number of subscribers, start posting his work there;

3) buy a subscriber base and send out news and just your website - a very productive method, but it requires your own investments. Such subscribers of the entrepreneur read the news that he sends them to the mail. Most importantly, throwing off your work is the key to success;

4) ask friends to tell their friends and so on. The principle of operation is word of mouth. In this method, the number of your friends affects. Of course, the more of them, the better for you. It is better to take friends interested in your work. They will sincerely talk about you.

Of course, you can sum up the financial results:
When creating, promoting a site with the help of professionals, about 150,000 rubles will be spent, but if you create it yourself: advertising (10,000 rubles) + buying a subscriber base (10,000 rubles) = 20,000 rubles. What can be the conclusion? When creating your site, it costs several times less, but you should be prepared that the result will not be as effective as when using the services of specialists.

Investment in a hydrographic production workshop.

Hydroprinting is an interesting thing because you can act as an investor. Your funds will find their application both among private traders and in workshops. Investing is always scary, it's a constant risk. But aquaprint reduces the risk to a very low percentage. Do companies need investment? Rather, yes, especially developing ones. This is so because they need financial resources for equipment and materials. Why not consider each example separately?

If you invest in professional teams that already have their own workshop, equipment, materials. You invest in the development of their industrial part. They find clients, act according to the scheme ... Six months later they turn into a large hydrographic company, and they give the investor a large sum, saying thank you for helping them once. Why is the risk of "investing in nowhere" minimal? Yes, because this topic is relevant, it is still developing strongly in Russia, which means that it is always beneficial for investors. Another plus of investing in a business is that the risks are minimal. The ruin (insolvency) of an enterprise occurs in extremely rare cases, therefore experienced investors invest in them rather than in private entrepreneurs.

Let's sum everything up:
Let's say the investment was 1,500,000 rubles. According to the contract, the return amount will have to be 100% more than the original amount, the terms are half a year. Contract signed. 6 months pass, the investor receives 3,000,000 rubles. In total, his net profit amounted to 1,500,000 rubles.

You can clearly see the labor costs using the example of hydrographic printing on auto disks (video):

Investments in a home business on hydroprinting.

But as an investor, you can earn in another way. If you invest in private production, there is a risk that is greater than the risk of investing in an enterprise. What can be done to get a refund? To do this, you should invest smaller amounts, negotiate a return guarantee at any cost and set the shortest terms for a refund.

For example:
We are investing 50,000 rubles in an aquaprint of one person, the term is 2 months. With a successful investment, namely in 85% of cases, after 2 months, the investor will receive 100,000 rubles, that is, a net profit of 50,000 rubles. In the remaining 10% of cases, the investor will get back only the amount invested by him, and in 5% of cases, the investor will fail.

As a final calculation, it can be determined that absolutely any business using hydrographic printing will pay off in 1, 2 months with active work, so it can be considered profitable.

Calculation of payback and business growth on water printing.

This calculation was carried out taking into account the fact that the initial investment will pay off in the first two months of work. If the payback of the business occurs later than two months, it's okay, the calculation schedule can be started from the moment of payback, since this does not affect the calculated figures for the percentage of monthly growth. The percentage of monthly growth moves from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles per month, it is this figure that is included in our business plan as a profit target 10 months after payback.

On the graph, we tried to reflect the optimal monthly profit growth as a percentage. From 25,000 thousand rubles to 50,000. Based on these data, we will calculate investments in an advertising company.


As a conclusion, it should be noted that the water-immersion printing business is very profitable, because the topic is not yet well developed in Russia. All types of businesses that are associated with hydrographics, whether it is self-production, mediation or sale, will bring a considerable amount of net profit, the topic is relevant. The payback of the business is amazing: statistics have summed up that after working for two months or 8-12 large orders, such as the interior of a car or its appearance, a motorcycle, etc., a businessman returns the amount that was needed to develop the industry. After further work, his net profit will begin to grow. Do not forget about the constant purchase of material, which will take a smaller part of the money for itself.

Do you have a business idea? On our website you can calculate its Profitability Online!

As a rule, there is no general sewerage system in the private sector. Each site has its own drain and cesspool, where drains and liquid household waste are drained.

Aquaprinting is a technology for applying special textures to various surfaces that are absolutely identical in their own way. appearance natural wood, stone, metal, camouflage, skins of various animals and more. Unlike other technologies, immersion printing allows you to work with any solid surfaces and materials: plastic, metal, wood, ceramics and glass.

What you need for aquaprint:

  • A hydrographic film is a material with a specific texture.
  • - a special active substance that gives the film the necessary elasticity.
  • Protective coating - ideally car varnish.
  • Primer and paint - are used at the stage of preparation of the part and are necessary for better adhesion and to give the desired color.
  • Equipment - technological bath, the size and configuration of which is selected in accordance with technical specifications workpiece. You can try the technology without equipment, almost any container with water is suitable to get started, but for professional work and fulfillment of customer orders technological bath is necessary.
  • Knowledge of hydrographic technology. In general, Aquaprint technology is easy to use. The first acquaintance with it can be started literally at home. But in order to start making really decent works of good quality, accepting client orders and making a profit, you need to master hydrographic printing at a more professional level. Therefore, we suggest that you undergo training in working on technology at our production site in Samara.

Aquaprint is a technology available to everyone. It can become an interesting hobby or a source of additional income, but the same technology can become the basis of a profitable and promising business. Master the aquaprint with us!

Application technology

Aquaprint is not a sticker. Introduction to technology

Immersion printing is a technology for applying texture to an object, which is performed in several stages:

After coating with an immersion film, the product is able to effectively resist:

    ultraviolet radiation;

    sudden changes in temperature;

    mechanical impact (chips, scratches);

    increased pressure;

    exposure to moisture;

    the negative effects of increased vibration.

The main activity of our company is immersion printing (aquaprint, aquaprint). , video tutorials, expert help and hands-on training are just a few of the services we provide. We provide full support for young and promising companies that have decided to start a business in the field of aquaprint.

  1. Immersion printed parts guaranteed for 5 years

  2. Work completion time 2-3 days

  3. Salon treatment cost

    The cost of processing the interior of an average sedan is 10,000-13,000 rubles. Jeep about 15,000 rubles. Runabout and VAZ about 8,000 rubles.

  4. Cost of immersion printing

    The cost of immersion printing works is from 3 to 5 rubles per square centimeter and is calculated from the area of ​​the treated surface. The texture of the film is chosen at the discretion of the customer and does not affect the final cost of hydrographic printing.

Today it is quite simple to change the appearance of any product beyond recognition. After all, now we have access to hydro-printing - the technology of applying a decorative coating to objects of various shapes. It has many names - immersion printing, aquaprinting, 3d decoration.

A bit of history

This technology began to be used in the 80s of the last century, but to this day has not lost its relevance. Moreover, now it has become publicly available. It is not difficult to do. To do this, you just need to have a set of necessary devices.

Aqua technology

Immersion printing is quite easy to use. Special films, which can be bought today in almost any specialty store, are placed in a solution and applied to the part. The pattern remains due to the fact that the film envelops the product. The coating is applied under the influence of strong chemicals of a certain temperature and density of water.

Stages of hydrographic application

Who among us does not want to update the appearance of our own car or furniture, gracefully decorate windows or various souvenirs?! Hydrographic printing at home makes our desires possible.

The process itself consists of several stages.

  • First you need to decide on the design of the film,
    choose color and protective varnish.
  • Then you will have to work with the surface on which you intend to apply the hydrographic. It must be cleaned, degreased, sanded and painted in the base color you chose at the very beginning.
  • Now you can proceed to the hydrographic itself.
  • In conclusion, several layers of varnish are applied to the dried product, which gives the finished item a finished look.

Do-it-yourself hydro printing

Of all the above stages, the most difficult is the application of the print. Although you shouldn't worry about it. It is safe to say that each of us can apply hydrographics with our own hands, for this you do not need to have special skills.

It is necessary to take any container that is suitable in volume and fill it with water of a certain temperature. The film for aquaprints has a water-soluble base, so it is laid out in water. It gradually becomes soft and spreads evenly on the surface. Next, an activator is applied that turns the film into a liquid. Immediately after that, the product prepared by you for processing is immersed in the container. Thanks to water, the decorative coating is evenly applied to the surface of the object.

As you can see, do-it-yourself hydrographic printing according to the instructions is available to almost everyone. But any product acquires its former attractiveness and presentable appearance.

Benefits of hydro printing

This technology has many advantages that have long been recognized by those who have encountered it at least once.

See how many pluses hydro printing has! With your own hands, you can work wonders by repainting products, making them prettier and more attractive.

Immersion printing. Water print. Aquaprint.

APPLICATION GUIDE. Aquaprint itself.

We will need:
1. immersion soil.
2. Immersion varnish.
3. Activator for hydroprinting.
4. Scotch brite, for matting the surface.
5. Napkin for degreasing.
6. Alcohol thermometer for water.
7. Protective mask (type-A is enough).
8. Latex gloves.
9. Well, the instruction itself, respectively.

We take any container that will fit the size of the part (thing) that you want to decorate. You can use for example a bucket or a bowl. If the part is large, then we use a regular bath. If, on the contrary, it is small, then you can use at least a cropped canister. Everything is at your discretion and under your conditions. The most important thing here is that the depth of the container is sufficient so that you can freely and completely place your part in it. It is better that when immersed, there is still free space between the part and the sides of the container itself (at least 5-10 cm).

1. First you need to mat the surface. If the surface of the part is more or less smooth, then mat with a polishing sponge. If it is rough, with chips, bulges and other byaks, then we just skin and at the same time align everything.
2. We degrease the surface of our part. As a degreaser, we use any solvent or just alcohol.
3. We apply soil to the surface. Better a couple of layers with intermediate drying. You can primer either from a spray gun, or simply by pouring or lowering the part directly into the primer itself.
4. We dry the product for 20-60 minutes, depending on the humidity and air temperature in the room. And again we mat our part with scotch-brite.

1. Cut off a piece of immersion film (aqua film) of the desired size.

The size of the film should be 5-10 cm larger than our product on each side.
2. We stick strips of masking tape on all sides of our aqua film. In the middle of each of the strips of adhesive tape we make small incisions. About half the width of the tape itself.
3. We put the cut piece of immersion film on the water in our prepared container. The water must be heated to a certain temperature, 28-32 degrees Celsius. Water temperature plays a key role in the hydrographic process. It depends on how the drawing will lie on the part and whether it will lie at all. You can see possible problems and ways to eliminate them in the aquaprint process in the summary table: aquaprint technology (problems and their solutions). The immersion film must be placed on the water with the soluble (active) side. The soluble side is determined very easily! Just wet your fingers and pinch the edge of the aqua film on both sides. The side that will stick to your fingers is the active side. It is this side that you need to put our film on the water.

4. Carefully put the aqua film on the water, wait 80-120 seconds. During this time, the film should "get used" to the water. Now we apply (by spraying) an activator to the aqua film. For spraying, you can use a regular plastic sprayer. The same one that is allowed to be used for flowers (plants). You need to spray the activator from a distance of about 20-30 cm. Try to avoid spraying with drops.

You can also spray the activator with a low pressure spray gun.
5. After pollinating the immersion film with an activator, wait 10-15 seconds. and immerse our part directly through the film into the water. You need to "drown" the part at an angle of 30-45 degrees.
6. After "drowning" the product, hold it under water for another 30 seconds, periodically shaking, twisting, swaying or twitching. Who likes it better. This is necessary to remove the film residues adhering to the product. After that, we take out the product and rinse it with warm running water without pressure. You can just take a shower.

7. After washing, dry our product at room temperature 20-25 degrees for an hour.

After drying the product, to protect the film coating from mechanical damage and fading, we cover everything with varnish in 2-3 layers. For immersion printing (hydroprinting).

How to make an aquaprint with your own hands at home? Tuning for real

More and more people are interested in how to make an aquaprint with their own hands at home. Now, more and more drivers are striving to make their car more beautiful. External tuning is becoming more and more popular. After all, this is how you can stand out from the stream of identical cars. AT last years There are more and more new ways to improve the appearance of a car. Basically, these are modified old methods, but at the same time, they are much more convenient. Thanks to new technologies, changing the exterior of a car has become much easier. For these purposes, you no longer need to visit the service, you can do everything yourself.

How to make an aquaprint with your own hands at home? To answer this question, you need to understand what it is. In fact, aquaprint is a kind of water-immersion printing. Using this method, you can simulate a variety of surfaces. Moreover, it can be applied to any surface, adjusting to the design features. This method of decoration was actively used in Japan at the end of the last century.

Now, he has gained unprecedented popularity among craftsmen who are fond of tuning cars. The film perfectly lays down on all possible surfaces. This allows you to decorate cars of any models. The material practically does not fade, and also, it is not afraid of water. The latter characteristic makes this film popular with yacht owners.

What will be required?

For this type of tuning, quite a lot of different tools are required, which will allow you to carry out this work as accurately as possible. Therefore, stock up on the following devices:

  • Thermometer for water;
  • Boiler electric;
  • Water bath. It must be the right size;
  • Compressor;
  • Spray.

This is the required minimum. A spray gun may also be required.

It all depends on the amount of work.

Car preparation

An extremely important point is the correct preparation of the part for applying the film to it. This work consists of several stages. The appearance of the car after tuning largely depends on the correctness of their implementation. Preparation is carried out in the following order:

  • First degrease the surface. To do this, wipe the part with a solvent.

    Please note that many decorative parts of the car are covered with a rubber-containing substance. This is done to protect the item. Be sure to completely remove this substance;

  • Sand the surface with fine sandpaper. This will greatly simplify the gluing of the decorative film;
  • After sanding the part, a special primer is applied to it;
  • The part is primed. For this, a conventional primer is used. If a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body is processed, then you can purchase it in an aerosol can. For large volumes, it is easiest to use a spray gun.

It remains to carry out the last preparatory operation - applying the base color. The easiest way to use nitro-based paints for this. It dries quickly enough, and allows you to stick the film without much difficulty. It is important to choose the right color. This is done taking into account the characteristics of the film that you plan to use. For color selection, it is better to use the advice of professionals. Most auto paint shops will mix the best color for you.

Applying an aquaprint

Before the main work, make sure that the paint is completely dry. If everything is in order, then you can start gluing the part.

We do it like this:

  • First, heat the water in the bathroom. It should be 30°C;
  • We cut the film. We make cuts along the edges after 2 cm;
  • Immerse the prepared pieces of film in water. Do this with the sticky side down. You can determine the correct position of the material by touching it with wet fingers. On the one hand they will stick, on the other they will not;
  • We observe the film floating on the water, after about 2 minutes the cuts along the edges should wrap up;
  • We apply an activator to the part, the easiest way to do this is with a brush;
  • The next step varies depending on the features of the pasted part. Small items are removed from the machine and immersed in the bath. The process of applying an aquaprint takes place directly in the water. Large body parts are abundantly wetted with water, after which they are pasted over with a film.

This concludes the main part of the work. Be sure to rinse the grease off the coating. It is also recommended to cover the part with a colorless varnish. This will protect the film from damage during operation.

Conclusion. Many car enthusiasts seek to improve the appearance of their car. That is why they are often interested in how to make an aquaprint with their own hands at home. After all, this is a very beautiful type of tuning. At the same time, there are practically no problems in the process of applying the film.

What is the essence of this technology?

Everything is simple! A very thin layer of paint with an image (any texture or pattern) is uniformly applied to the prepared part in an aquatic environment. After drying, the decorated surface of the part is varnished and polished (or remains under a matte varnish).

And how are the parts of production cars coming off the assembly line processed?

Since the late 1980s, all leading car manufacturers have been using this technology to decorate car interiors as an alternative to natural materials. Today, most production cars coming off the assembly line have components machined using this technology. Decorating “under the tree” is especially popular - it’s hard to understand in finished form: is it “Aquaprint” or natural veneer! The peculiarity of processing parts in car studios is exclusive! You will not find such variants of colors and textures on serial cars.

Why do I need to decorate a car using Aquaprint technology?

The new look of your car is beautiful, exclusive and matches your ideas about interior decor and exterior trim ...

What will Aquaprint coating give?

individuality, and this, among other things, is a kind of anti-theft complex;

quality at the level of "factory" decor;

the pleasure of being in a car, the interior of which we observe longer (we drive inside ...), than we inspect the car from the outside ...

What can be covered using the Aquaprint technology from exterior parts?

Wheel rims, radiator grille, moldings, trims, mirrors, door handles, etc. It all depends on your desire, the ability to dismantle the part and the size of the working container for coating. The coating resists the impact of an aggressive external environment no worse (if not better) than a regular paintwork.

How long does the coating last?

The entire period of operation of the car! "Aquaprint" is covered with a layer of varnish and the condition of the decorative elements depends only on your attitude towards it...

Advantages of "Aquaprint" in comparison with interior veneering

The price for decoration is much lower, it is not afraid of temperature changes, a large selection of images, a quick order execution time.

How to take care of treated surfaces?

Special care is not required. You can remove dust and dirt from the surface with polishes (for car interior care) using soft wipes. Do not use organic solvents, acetone or other aggressive liquids for cleaning.

How long does it take to work on details?

The process is time-consuming and requires strict adherence to technology at all stages of processing (especially drying). Depending on the type of car and the number of elements, the process usually takes no more than five days. In most cases, the removed elements do not interfere with the movement of the car.

Beauty requires sacrifice!

How to remove the "boring" coating and change the look of the car again?

There is no need to shoot "Aquaprint"! On top, you can apply a new pattern, just paint or cover with a vinyl film ...

How much will such an exclusive cost?

For example, the cost of finishing the center console of a car starts from 1,500 rubles. And the finishing of all internal plastic and metal interior elements - 10,000 - 20,000 rubles. It is not much more expensive than finishing the same parts with decorative vinyl film. But the appearance and wear resistance of the "Aquaprint" coating is incomparably better!

Aquaprint or aquaprint- This is a technology for applying special textures to various surfaces that are absolutely identical in appearance to natural wood, stone, metal, camouflage, skins of various animals, and so on. Unlike other technologies, immersion printing allows you to work with any solid surfaces and materials: plastic, metal, wood, ceramics and glass.

There are practically no restrictions! External and internal elements of cars, rims, computers, furniture, accessories, sports equipment and even weapons - all this can be applied with our decorative coating.

Any item can be made more attractive and original.

  • high pressure washer
  • hot steam treatment
  • temperature from -50 to +180С
  • vibration exposure
  • ultraviolet radiation

Depending on the number and area of ​​parts, the process will take from two to five days. At this time, you will not be left without your favorite "vehicle". In most cases, the removal of elements is not an obstacle to the operation of the vehicle.

Aquaprint today is one of the most common methods of restoration and decoration of car interiors. With this relatively new technology, you can quickly and inexpensively transform the interior of your car, making it a modern interior. The technology of aquaprint (immersion printing) is as follows: the picture applied to the film base is softened in prepared water, after which it is transferred to a given surface using special equipment. Particular attention is paid to the preparation of the surface, which is pre-primed, a background is applied to it, and then thoroughly dried.

Features of water printing The decor of car interiors with the help of water printing has a number of obvious advantages, to name some of them: Versatility. The aquaprint technique allows you to decorate any hard surface in the car interior, even with a complex relief. Parts made of plastic and metal are suitable as a basis: a torpedo, door handles, instrument panel, gearshift lever, etc.