Virtual exhibition library lesson. Technology for creating virtual book exhibitions Virtual book exhibition in the school library

CBS of the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod. Creation and use of electronic exhibitions in the library

Karzanova, A. Creation of electronic exhibitions in the library / A. Karzanova // Panorama of library experience. - Minsk, 2012. - S. 80-93. - (Library offers).

Examples of virtual exhibitions:

Children's and Youth Library Anapa Resort City. Virtual book fairs

Creation of electronic exhibitions in the library

The objects of innovation in the library are as technological processes, so products and services. Usage multimedia technologies allows you to introduce innovations in the traditional activities of the library - the exhibition. What is an electronic book fair?

Electronic exhibitions (virtual) is a synthesis of traditional book and the latest electronic ways presentation of information. The virtual exhibition is mobile, compact, meaningful and is an up-to-date guide in a vast flow of information. The virtual exhibition is mobile, compact, meaningful and is an up-to-date guide in a vast flow of information. The concept of "virtual book exhibition" includes the presentation of books in electronic PowerPoint format, and an electronic exhibition of fully digitized publications, and complete digital author's collections of works.

Thanks to the possibility of organizing permanent exhibitions, libraries can create cycles of virtual book exhibitions that operate simultaneously.

Using the capabilities of hypertext allows you to focus on each book. Note that moving around the exhibition using hyperlinks requires active participation from the user; the user has the opportunity to ignore sections that do not meet his interests, and to get to know the publications of interest to him more deeply. Hypertext links allow organizers to organize the space of the Internet page in such a way that the user can at any time get an idea about the exhibition as a whole and about each book shown in the exposition.

An electronic library exhibition can be created in PowerPoint format - an electronic presentation. This format is currently widely used by us. The possibilities provided by this program allow you to create electronic exhibitions of literature, where the first slide represents the entire set of exhibited publications, and all subsequent slides represent individual publications or authors.

The main elements that make up the electronic exhibition are visuals and text.

The visual range is represented by illustrative material (book covers, spreads, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc.).

The text that accompanies and reveals the visuals consists of quotations, annotations, biographical notes and bibliographic descriptions.

Conditions for visual comfort:

  • the brightness of the object should be within reasonable limits;
  • the contrast of the image relative to the background must be chosen taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;
  • the size of the symbol should be consistent with the visual acuity of the person. It also affects the speed and correctness of perception of information, the visual sensation rises and falls for 0.5 seconds.

When using animation effects in text fragments, it should be taken into account that an electronic library exhibition can be implemented in two modes: a random demonstration mode and a user-controlled demonstration. These modes offer different viewing times.

It is more expedient to use animation effects in relation to the entire text or its large fragments. The appearance of the text on the principle of "typewriter" - by letter - slows down the viewing time of the exhibition and, if the text is large enough, tires the eyesight.

When using traditional (static) drawings and photographs, it is important to choose the right scale for the image. The size of the details must match the resolution of the screen and the acuity of human vision.

Electronic representation of information involves careful handling of colors. When choosing a color, experts recommend following the following principles:

  • red and blue colors attract the most attention;
  • however, the blue color is of little use for coloring small graphic objects, requiring maximum image clarity, for these purposes, the colors yellow-green, yellow and orange are used, and the blue color is used for an accent substrate for highlighted graphic elements;
  • it is advisable to use color rather than light (brightness) contrast;
  • dark purple, dark green, lemon yellow, yellow green and pale pink shades and combinations cause negative reactions and should be used very carefully

Electronic exhibitions for children also have their own specifics. The ability to use not only animation, but also game moments makes this form of work especially attractive for children and adolescents. An exhibition in a children's library may include a literary quiz, which will allow you to take full advantage of the opportunities information technologies.

There are various models of electronic exhibitions:

  • exhibition-question;
  • exhibition-quote;
  • chronicle exhibition;
  • exhibition-quiz;
  • crossword exhibition;
  • exhibition-illustration.

Their basis is the same - a set of bibliographic descriptions, illustrative material.

The virtual exhibition provides librarians and readers with additional opportunities, namely:

  1. The use of information technology. The very "participation" of the computer in the conversation, the presence of book characters on the monitor screen, animation - all this is very popular not only for children, but also for adults. Perception through a computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching the attention of children from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. Taking a book as a basis, creating electronic resources for children, it is possible not only to provide the user with quick access to materials and information about documents, but also to present the value of the book at a new level of understanding.
  2. The exhibition is designed for different audiences. Both one person and a large group of readers can get acquainted with books either on their own or at an event with a librarian. And if you present it on the Internet, everyone can get acquainted. The use of electronic exhibitions makes it possible for librarians to communicate remotely with readers, without being tied to the inevitable formalities in service.
  3. There are many books on display.
  4. At any time, you can change slides and their location in a matter of minutes, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, vary color scheme, or overall design.
  5. The work of such an exhibition can be launched automatically, equipped with a voiced text and demonstrated without special accompaniment.
  6. The possibility of developing electronic exhibitions as traveling ones. It is very convenient to demonstrate them in different educational institutions, auditoriums, classrooms, classrooms.
  7. Electronic exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

In the book "Exhibition Activities of Public Libraries" N.V. Zbarovskaya gives an algorithm for the preparation and organization of electronic book exhibitions:

  1. Development of an electronic book exhibition model:
    • select the theme of your e-exhibition;
    • analyze what material you will need for
    • organization of the exhibition;
    • select the books and illustrations you need;
    • plan the exhibition.
  2. Technical training project:
    scan illustrations, prepare text materials;
    create a separate folder on the disk in which your preliminary materials will be stored.
  3. Presentation of work in PowerPoint format:
    create 6-10 presentation slides by yourself or using templates;
    illustrate slides using prepared materials, as well as animation effects;
    preview the exhibition;
    correct the shortcomings you noticed;
    prepare the e-exhibition for display.

On the material of any exhibition, you can develop its electronic version. Thus, the exhibition will take the form of a computer presentation.

Thus, an electronic (virtual) exhibition is a new type of information and library service for users. It is mobile, compact, informative, is an up-to-date conductor in a vast flow of information and allows libraries to keep pace with the times.

Today, to attract attention to a book, it is no longer enough just to put it on an exhibition shelf. Users are increasingly going to the Internet for the necessary information and the right books. Therefore, librarians need to look for new forms of communicating information to their users.

The use of multimedia technologies makes it possible to introduce innovations into the traditional activities of the library - exhibitions.

Virtual Exhibition - public demonstration on the Internet using Internet tools and tools of virtual images of specially selected and systematized works of print and other media, as well as public electronic resources recommended to remote users of the library for viewing, familiarization and use.

Purpose of the virtual exhibition – public Internet - presentation of various types of documents. Such an exhibition is mobile, compact, meaningful and is an up-to-date guide in a vast flow of information. Each exhibition is made with the help of an original multimedia design that simulates being at an exhibition, facilitating navigation and perception of information.

A virtual exhibition, in comparison with a traditional one, provides librarians and readers with additional opportunities and benefits.

Use of information technology makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching attention from animated screensavers to a static page, virtual exhibitions are attractive to readers, and especially to children.

The virtual exhibition is not limited by place and time - from any computer, anywhere and at any time of the day, you can get all the necessary information on this topic in full.

What tasks does a virtual exhibition solve in a library? By creating virtual exhibitions, librarians solve several problems at once:

· master a new type of work by applying digital technologies to the exhibition work of the library;

· keep the exposition for a longer period than a traditional exhibition provides;

· support the safety of the library fund by submitting material to in electronic format;

· enable the remote user to use the information resources of the library.

Types and forms of virtual book exhibitions:

· One book exhibitions

· Book collection exhibitions

· Presentation of covers and brief annotations to books with musical accompaniment

· Collection of book trailers

· Collection of audio recordings

· Exhibition of books in the form of an interactive poster

· Exhibition of books in the form of a mind map

· Exhibition of books of any author in the form of a timeline

· Exhibition of books in the form of a 3D book.

Unlike the traditional one, the virtual exhibition provides librarians and readers withadditional features:

1. use of information technology. Perception through a computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching the attention of children from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic;

2. the use of the INTERNET makes it possible to get acquainted with the exhibition remotely, both in bulk and in the order of individual treatment;

3. mass character. More books may be on display;

4. variability. At any time, you can quickly change slides and their location, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, change the color scheme, or the overall design;

5. autonomy. The work of the exhibition can be launched automatically, equipped with a voiced text and demonstrated without special accompaniment;

6. mobility. Most often, electronic exhibitions are developed (organized) as traveling exhibitions. It is very convenient to demonstrate them in various educational institutions, classrooms, offices, classes;

7. profitability. Electronic exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

Thanks to the possibility of organizing permanent exhibitions, libraries can create cycles of virtual book exhibitions that operate simultaneously.


A virtual exhibition, like a traditional one, should consist of sections that are accompanied by quotations, introductory articles, and illustrative material. The exhibition should be user-friendly in the web space and may contain the following information:

Visual (cover image, digitized parts of the book: preface, introduction, etc.),

Bibliographic data (bibliographic record and ciphers of the collection of the library presenting the exhibition),

Analytical information (abstracts, abstracts to publications, reviews, reader reviews, etc.),

Digitized parts of the book (chapters, most interesting excerpts, etc.),

You can also placeadditional materials on the theme of the exhibition:

Information about the availability of books in other libraries, online stores, etc.

Special requirements apply toorganizing virtual exhibitions. The first slide should contain information relating to the virtual exhibition as a whole. All subsequent slides are separate exhibits of the exhibition. The visual range of a virtual exhibition is represented by illustrative material (book covers, spreads, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc.). The text itself, which accompanies and reveals the visuals, should consist of quotations, annotations, biographical notes. It is recommended to place hints and help messages at the top of the screen.

When using animation, two options for the display mode are taken into account: a free demonstration and a user-adjusted demonstration. It is advisable to use animation effects in relation to the entire text or its large fragments. The appearance of typewriter-like text slows down browsing time, and large text tires the eyesight. When using traditional drawings and photographs, it is important to choose the right scale and use the color palette well. In this case, if a graphic image is displayed on the screen along with text, it is recommended to leave 1/2 of the screen blank: the size of the details should correspond to the resolution of the screen and the sharpness of human vision.

There is a certain set of conditions that ensure the visual comfort of the user when working with information in electronic form:

The brightness of the object should be within reasonable limits;

The contrast of the image relative to the background must be chosen taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;

The eye has the greatest sensitivity to yellow-green radiation, the least to violet and red;

The size of the symbol must be consistent with the visual acuity of the person; it also affects the speed and correctness of perception of information;

Since the space of a virtual exhibition is limited by the size of the monitor, it should not be overloaded with special effects and color diversity - the user's attention should not be distracted by distractions. The exception is exhibitions for children, who are attracted by colorfulness and animation effects. But still, you need to remember that the abundance of animation, photos, pictures increases the page load time.

It should also be noted that the creation of a high-quality, attractive and easy-to-view virtual exhibition involves the use of modern technology and software.

What is a "virtual exhibition" and what should it be like in a library?

There is no single answer to this question. Some believe that a virtual exhibition is images of paintings, books, other resources, press releases, information about works and authors. Others that this is a 3D animated journey with detailed information about authors, artists, lists of references, additional information from other Internet sites. Thirdly, that it is a synthesis of traditional, book and newest electronic ways of providing information to the library reader (free form of presentation)

There is no clear definition of what a virtual exhibition is yet, but with a certain degree of confidence we can say that this is a new, multifunctional information resource that provides a wide range of users with the opportunity to increase the efficiency of information search, expand the range of necessary materials (texts, graphics, audio, video, etc.). etc.).

In other words, a virtual exhibition is a public demonstration on the Internet using web technologies of virtual images of specially selected and systematized printed works and other media, as well as public electronic resources recommended for viewing, familiarization and use by remote library users.

Approaches to the organization of virtual exhibitions are very diverse: from the already traditional, conservative form - the image of book covers and annotations of publications in the Ms.Word document format, to an animated journey into the world of the book. The exhibitions of the latter type present a variety of illustrative, audio, video material, bibliographic lists on the topic, etc.

The exhibition involves a virtual presentation of publications, revealing their content, as well as access to bibliographic, factographic, encyclopedic materials that exist in electronic form and are available via the Internet. Using, among other means, the possibility of Web - design - the next step in the development of the concept of virtual book exhibitions.

The exhibitions are no longer duplicating the traditional book exhibitions shown in the library, and are created specifically to be presented in an interactive form. Such exhibitions are made as mini-sites, where much attention is paid not only to traditional library methods of disclosing information about a book, but the possibilities of virtual space to attract additional types of information are widely used.

The advantage of virtual book exhibitions is the opportunity to present publications without removing them from the shelf. Provide users with books shown at the exhibition and not limit the lifetime of the exhibition.

Unlike the traditional one, the virtual exhibition provides librarians and readers with additional opportunities:

1. use of information technology. Perception through a computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching the attention of children from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic;

2. using the Internet makes it possible to get acquainted with the exhibition remotely, both in bulk and in the order of individual treatment;

3. mass character. More books may be on display;

4. variability. At any time, you can quickly change slides (frames) and their location, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, change the color scheme or the overall design;

5. autonomy. The work of the exhibition can be launched automatically, equipped with voiced text and demonstrated without special accompaniment;

6. mobility. Most often, virtual exhibitions are developed (organized) as traveling exhibitions. It is very convenient to demonstrate them in various educational institutions, classrooms, classrooms, simply by downloading to a USB flash drive;

7. profitability. Virtual exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

A virtual book exhibition, unlike a traditional one, does not have to consist of sections accompanied by citations and introductory articles. The exhibition should be user-friendly in the web space and may contain the following information:

visual (cover image, digitized parts of the book, etc.),

bibliographic data (bibliographic record and codes of the collection of the library presenting the exhibition),

Analytical information (annotations, reviews, reader reviews, etc.),

You can also place Additional materials:

· Information about availability of books in other libraries .

There is a certain set of conditions that ensure the visual comfort of the user when working with information in electronic form:

The brightness of the object must be within reasonable limits;

The contrast of the image relative to the background must be chosen taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;

The eye has the greatest sensitivity to yellow-green radiation, the least - to violet and red;

the size of the symbol must be consistent with the visual acuity of the person; it also affects the speed and correctness of perception of information;

Since the space of a virtual exhibition is limited by the size of the monitor, it should not be overloaded with special effects and color variety - the user's attention should not be scattered by distractions. The exception is exhibitions for children, who are attracted by colorfulness and animation effects. But, nevertheless, you need to remember that the abundance of animation, photos, pictures increases the viewing time, and hence the perception.

Algorithm for preparing and organizing a virtual book exhibition (on the example of Microsoft PowerPoint):

Table 1


I Development of a book exhibition model

Choose an exhibition theme

Analyze what material you will need to organize an exhibition

Choose the illustrations, music, etc. you need.

Plan an exhibition

II Technical preparation of the project

Scan illustrations, prepare text, sound and animation materials

Create a separate folder where you will store your preliminary materials.

III Presentation of work in PowerPoint format

Create presentation slides

Illustrate slides using prepared materials and animation effects

Preview the exhibition

Correct any flaws you see

Prepare the exhibition for display

IV Making a presentation or publishing a project on the Internet

Web Publishing

There are a fairly large number of services that can help create virtual exhibitions on their sites. Here are some of them (in most cases, instructions for working with services are presented on English language with the possibility of automatic translation into Russian):

1. PhotoPeach. The service is good for creating simple but vibrant photo exhibitions.

2. BannerSnack. Using this service, you can create a simple and bright book photo exhibition or "bibliobanner" that can be edited at any time. In the banner, in addition to pictures, you can embed videos.

3. Sharesnack. The service allows you to create a voiced exhibition on the work of one writer or on a specific topic. The product is created in a simple way: links to videos from YouTube are inserted into the proposed form.

4.Popplet. The service provides opportunities to create a more complex and extensive exhibition, even if it is a single book exhibition. It allows you to create detailed exhibitions with sections, quotes, illustrations. Here you can insert video, audio materials and text in Russian. In addition, the service is ideal for organizing the collective work of readers on the creation of an exhibition. Each of the participants can work on their own section of the exhibition.

5. Playcast. The service allows you to create a small exhibition - a postcard on a separate work, using text, photos, music.

6. Calameo. Service for creating an exhibition - books. You can create both individual books and entire virtual bookshelves.

7. Dipity. This service is an ideal option for creating an exhibition-chronicle on the writer's work. Such an exhibition can be supplemented with illustrations, video materials, links, a map, and viewed in four modes to choose from: as a timeline; each event separately; list of events; event locations specified when the map was created.

8. Zoo Burst. Service for creating 3D books. As an option - the joint creation of an exhibition - fairy tales. To insert pictures, the ClipArt library is used, but you can also upload your own pictures.

9. Prezi. A service for creating an exhibition - a presentation of a new generation, in which you can collapse all the material into one picture, and by enlarging one or another slide, focus on a specific text, word, image.

More and more libraries, having mastered the traditional structure of a virtual exhibition, are trying to find new ways to publicly display printed works on the Internet in order to open their funds. Currently, playcasts (see above) and book trailers are becoming popular.

A book trailer is a free-form miniature video about a book. It includes the brightest and most recognizable moments of the work, visualizes its content. When creating a book trailer, you can use video, or you can get by with illustrations, photographs, scanned book spreads.

Presenting books to the reader and promoting book reading in the global cultural community, book trailers have become a separate original genre that combines literature, visual arts and the Internet. Since 2012, the All-Russian booktrailer contest-parade has been held annually in Russia, in which libraries also take an active part. So, on the portal "Wiki. SibiriaDa", created in 2011 by the Novosibirsk Regional Children's Library as a free resource for the collective work of librarians, teachers - local historians, children, adolescents and youth on the creation, placement and preservation of materials from the Siberian region, today a remote "Training on creating book trailers" is organized.

Virtual book exhibitions have become widespread in libraries of all types - regional, municipal, special.

Can't you hear the groans of books, dusty and forgotten on the bookshelves of libraries? Nobody needs, forgotten, rejected. They huddle together forlornly in the vain hope that someone will someday reach out to them, take them from the shelf and start reading again, thereby preventing the books from completely disappearing among their own kind, doomed to non-existence. Gradually, these books acquire the status of "forgotten". Most of them are rarely read, they have not been republished for a long time, but they are completely undeservedly forgotten ...

The library fund of the State Educational Institution "Minsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education" also has such undeservedly forgotten books. We offer to recall some of them by referring to the virtual book exhibition "Remember You Can't Forget". The exhibition contains books of a scientific, artistic nature, literature for leisure; designed for readers of all ages. Thanks to the exhibition, one can imagine the nature of the library's reader requests several decades ago.

Makarenko, A. Pedagogical poem / A. Makarenko. - Minsk: People's Asveta, - 542, p. – (Library of domestic and foreign classics). "Pedagogical poem" - one of the most significant works of A.S. Makarenko. It tells about the re-education of juvenile delinquents in a children's labor colony, the creator and leader of which was the author in the 1920s. The description of the life of the colony at the dawn of its existence amazes the reader: several dilapidated buildings, thirty dacha beds and three tables in the only habitable bedroom, half-decayed outer clothing, lice and frostbitten legs, half-starved rations - in a word, conditions where the upbringing of a full-fledged personality, it seemed impossible...

Tolstoy, L. N. Pedagogical works / L. N. Tolstoy; under total ed. E. N. Medynsky, N. A. Konstantinov, N. N. Gusev. - M., - 398 p. : ill. This collection of works includes selected works that characterize the pedagogical theory and practice of Leo Tolstoy. The publication reflects the views of the great Russian writer on the issues of education, methods of teaching literacy, professional instructions are given to the teacher.

Newton, I. Lectures on optics / I. Newton; per., comment. and ed. acad. S. I. Vavilov. - [Moscow]: Publishing house Acad. Sciences of the USSR, - 295 p. : ill. - (Classics of science). In our time, Newton's "Lectures on Optics" are almost unknown. This is partly due to the fact that for a long time the Lectures were published in their entirety only in Latin and were not translated. Meanwhile, in this edition, even for the modern reader, a lot of new and interesting things are found. "Lectures on Optics" today is a document of paramount importance for the history of optics and for the biography of Newton.

Tarashkevich, B. Belarusian grammar for schools / B. Tarashkevich. - 5th issue, revised version. and pashir. - Fax machine. issued. - Minsk: People's Asveta, - 132, p. – (Belarusian mova: history and present). "Belarusian Grammar for Schools" played an important role in the development of Belarusian literary language. It is important to note that B. Tarashkevich's "Belarusian Grammar" on pratsyaga x bastards pulled out a few extraditions and squandered Belarusian language in all spheres of life. The most gallant Yana has neglected the functions of the Belarusian language school in the sphere of school education. At the connection with this significant book, note the important, Iago tsyazhka pereatsanits.

Ancient geography: a book for reading / comp. : prof. M. S. Bodnarsky. - M. : Geografgiz, - 375 p. : ill. This book is an attempt to give a summary of the ideas of Greek and Roman authors in the field of geography. In the publication, the texts of ancient authors are preceded by introductory articles about them; the notes provide explanations for individual geographical names found in the text. The book is intended for a wide range of readers who wish to gain knowledge in ancient geography.

Magidovich, I. P. Essays on the history of geographical discoveries / I. P. Magidovich. - M., - 752 p. : ill. Special purpose books - to show how, from antiquity to the middle of the 20th century, the idea of ​​the physical map of the world has developed. The publication also provides a description of the main stages of the study of the Arctic and Antarctic, including the achievement of the North and South Poles. The book is intended for teachers and others involved in geography and history.

Osipov, A. M. Afanasy Nikitin and his time / A. M. Osipov, V. A. Alexandrov, N. M. Goldberg. - M .: Uchpedgiz, - 189 p. : ill. – (School Historical Library). The book introduces the reader to the outstanding Russian traveler of the 15th century. on the countries of the Middle East and his "Journey beyond the three seas". The authors not only reveal the paramount importance of Nikitin's travels and his notes for the history of geographical knowledge, but also briefly outline the state of the Russian lands by the 15th century. and the history of medieval India.

Bogoslovsky, M. M. Peter I: materials for a biography: in 5 volumes / M. M. Bogoslovsky; ed. prof. V. I. Lebedev. - M .: Sotsekgiz, 1940 - T. 5: E. I. Ukraintsev's embassy in Constantinople, 1699-1700. - - 312, p. : ill. The fifth volume of the multi-volume edition presented to the attention remained unfinished due to the death of the author. It covers the period of life and activity of Peter I before the start of the events of the Northern War. The publication is illustrated with portraits of Peter I, made from life, as well as subsequently created by Russian and foreign artists based on the originals of the time of Peter the Great.

Lvov, V. Life of Albert Einstein / V. Lvov. - M .: Young Guard, - 318 p. : ill. - (The life of wonderful people). The book tells about the life and work of the famous physicist. Talking about the complex and controversial life path of a scientist, the publication introduces the reader to the world of the great discoveries of Albert Einstein.

Nikulchenkov, K. I. Admiral Lazarev / K. I. Nikulchenkov. - Moscow: Military Publishing, - 200 p. : ill. The book introduces the reader to the life and work of the outstanding Russian navigator Admiral Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev, who made three round-the-world voyages and participated in the discovery of Antarctica. Mikhail Lazarev made a significant contribution to the development of Russian naval art, which remains valuable to this day.

Kochin, N. Ivan Petrovich Kulibin, 1735–1818 / N. Kochin. - M .: Young Guard, - 237 p. - (The life of wonderful people). For many years, Nikolai Ivanovich Kochin worked on materials for the biography of his fellow countryman, Ivan Kulibin, a talented self-taught Russian mechanic. These materials form the basis of this book. Page after page - and the tragic fate of a gifted self-taught from the people is revealed to the reader ...

Sklyarenko, S. Legendary commander: an essay on the life and military exploits of Nikolai Shchors / S. Sklyarenko. - Simferopol: Krymizdat, - 112 p. : ill. This book is a biographical sketch of the life and work of the hero of the civil war, Nikolai Shchors. The author tells about the glorious battle path that the hero passed, fighting for the Motherland. The book is intended for older children.

Jalil, M. From the Moabit notebook: poems / M. Jalil; translation from Tatar; ed. S. Shchipachev. - Moscow: Soviet writer, - 115 p. "Moabit Notebook" is a cycle of poems by the Tatar poet Musa Jalil, written by him in the Moabit prison. About a hundred poems have been preserved in two notebooks. They were first published in 1953 in Literaturnaya Gazeta thanks to the editor-in-chief Konstantin Simonov. In 1957, the author was posthumously awarded the Lenin Prize for this cycle of poems.

Dityakin, V. Leonardo da Vinci / V. Dityakin. - M., - 221 p. : ill. The book introduces the reader to the titan of the Italian Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci. The famous representative of his time went down in history not only as an artist and scientist, but also as an engineer, builder, writer and architect. The book is addressed to high school students.

Konchalovskaya, N. A priceless gift: a romantic story / N. Konchalovskaya. - Moscow: Children's literature, - 393 p. : ill. The book tells about the life and work of Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, the great Russian painter. The author of the publication is the artist's granddaughter, Natalya Konchalovskaya. It shows the most complex process of the birth of a painting inseparably from the life and life of the famous master of the brush. The book is illustrated with reproductions of Surikov's paintings and sketches.

Tales of the Battle of Kulikovo: [texts, translations and notes] / ed. prepared M. N. Tikhomirov, V. F. Rzhiga, L. A. Dmitriev; [res. ed. M. N. Tikhomirov]. - M .: Publishing house Acad. Sciences of the USSR, - 511 p. - (Literary monuments). The Battle of Kulikovo was of great national and patriotic significance. She was reflected in a number of historical stories. Ancient Rus'. The content of this book is presented by the poetic "Zadonshchina", a sharply journalistic story about the battle on the Don, filled with military heroism "The Tale of the Battle of Mamaev".

Shevchenko, T. Kobzar: translations from Ukrainian / T. Shevchenko; [ed. comp. A. L. Deutsch]. - Moscow-Leningrad: OGIZ, GIHL, - 686 p. : ill. A kobzar is a folk singer who accompanies his singing on a kobza (stringed plucked instrument). At the same time, the word Kobzar (with a capital letter) lives in Ukraine. This word means Taras Shevchenko, only him and no one else. The most important thing that worried the poet in life was included in the poetry collection "Kobzar". Thus, a great literary monument was created, reflecting the Ukrainian language in its historical development, people's destinies in all their gravity, patriotism.

Bianchi, V. Forest newspaper for every year / V. Bianchi. - Leningrad, - 360 p. : ill. Bianchi's most famous book was The Forest Newspaper. There was simply no other like it. It was a poetic hymn to nature, a unique encyclopedia book, a calendar book, a game book, a book organizer of children's creative discoveries in nature, which had no analogues in world literature for children, subsequently translated into many languages ​​of the peoples of the world.

Baby food: a book on how to properly feed a child in order to grow him healthy and strong / [comp. : V. S. Vail [and others]; poems under photos and drawings: N. Konchalovskaya, S. Mikhalkov]. - Moscow: Gostorgizdat, - 239 p. : ill. Despite the imprint, the book may well pass for a kind of culinary guide for a modern young family. It contains recipes for delicious and healthy dishes for children from birth to 7 years old, a lot of useful tips, historical references, color illustrations and photos.

Aitmatov, Ch. Scaffold: a novel / Ch. Aitmatov. - M .: Young Guard, - 300, p. The novel is based on the idea of ​​the inconsistency of human nature. On the one hand, a person subjugates and uses nature, consuming it through the fruits of his activity, and on the other hand, he destroys it with his transformations. Thus, the natural world is transformed into the human world. The novel makes you think about how we live, remember how short life is... The novel "The Scaffold", like many other works by Aitmatov, warns that the Day of Judgment began long ago - you just have to force yourself to see it.

Ivanov, A. Shadows disappear at noon: a novel / A. Ivanov. - M .: Soviet writer, - 604, p. A father kills his own son. This is how their long-term blood strife is resolved. And yesterday's laughing young lady becomes a devout sectarian, fearlessly burning dozens of people alive. Deadly enemies, hiding, are waiting in the wings... In the small Siberian village of Zeleny Dol, the fates of different people who know how to love recklessly and hate cruelly are intertwined in a tight inseparable knot.

Ivanov, A. Eternal call: a novel: in 2 books. / A. Ivanov. - Moscow: Military Publishing, - 847 p. The main historical upheavals and turning points of the 20th century dictated the plot of the poignant saga about the Saveliev family. All the difficult periods in the life of a vast country, all the troubles, like in a drop of water, are reflected in the Siberian Shantar and its environs. But the people living here are trying to cope with adversity not on orders from above, but with their own minds. The most beloved heroes of Anatoly Ivanov do not feel like cogs in a huge mechanism of power, trying not only to comprehend it, but, as far as possible, to change it in some way.

Vasiliev, B. And the dawns here are quiet ...: a story / B. Vasiliev. - M .: Children's literature, - 140, p. - (School library). The story of Boris Vasiliev “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” is one of the most poignant in its lyricism and tragedy of works about the war. Five female anti-aircraft gunners, led by foreman Vaskov, in May 1942, at a distant junction, confronted a detachment of selected German paratrooper saboteurs. Fragile girls engage in mortal combat with strong men trained to kill...

Bondarev, Y. V. Coast: a novel / Y. Bondarev. - M. : Soviet Russia, - 400 p. "The Shore" allows you to see with your own eyes the life of the war, its heroism, to evaluate its victims. The novel introduces the participants of great and formidable events, who, despite the cruelty of circumstances, remained people, dreamed, hated, loved, searched for the truth. Testing human characters and relationships with the standard of humanity, Y. Bondarev raises love to a particularly high pedestal, a feeling that excludes selfishness, cruelty, not to mention meanness and cynicism. Love triumphs in Bondarev's novel.

Bykov, V. Obelisk: stories / Vasil Bykov. - M .: Veche, - 381, p. The story "Obelisk" is one of Bykov's immortal works, which touches upon the problem of the continuity of generations, the inseparable connection of times, loyalty to the traditions of fathers and grandfathers. The writer raises a serious problematic question: what can be considered a feat, are we narrowing this concept, calculating it only by the number of downed aircraft, blown up tanks, destroyed enemies? Is the deed of the rural teacher Ales Ivanovich Moroz a feat?

German, Y. My dear man: a novel / Y. German. – M.: Pravda, – 621, p. Herman Yuri Pavlovich - prose writer, screenwriter. Herman's most famous work is a trilogy about doctors, about choosing life path. In total, he wrote it for about ten years. The first part of the trilogy is the novel The Cause You Serve. Continuation of the novel "My Dear Man", in which the author traces the fate of his heroes in the Great Patriotic War and the post-war years.

Grossman, V. Life and fate: a novel. - Minsk: Higher School, - 670 p. “Life and Fate” by Vasily Grossman is the broadest epic canvas, the center of which is the Battle of Stalingrad.

Lipatov, V. And it's all about him: a novel / V. Lipatov; [author of the introductory article A. G. Zhakov]. - Minsk: Yunatsva, - 447, p. The hero of the story "And it's all about him" Vilya Lipatov is now remembered by few people. If you re-read this story today, it becomes clear that many modern young people simply will not understand it. “There are no such things at all!” they will say. They find it insane to think that young man it was not all the same when others next to him did not even break the law, but simply did not work at full strength and received bonuses for this .... By the way, it is not by chance that the hero of the book expects a tragic ending. It seems that the author simply did not know what to do with him in the circumstances offered by the time.

Alekseev, M. Weeping willow: a novel. - M. : Veche, - 560 p. - (Folk novel). In the novel "Weeping Willow" the author gives a broad picture of folk life from the pre-war period to the mid-1960s. Central to the novel is the storyline associated with Fenya Ugryumova, nicknamed the unweeping willow for her amazing hardness of character, the first soldier's widow in Zavidovo with her little son in her arms. Ivushka not weeping, she is Fedosya Ugryumova, the long-suffering Fenya, with her proud, uncompromising, courageous character, is the greatest artistic success of Mikhail Alekseev.

Leafing through the shabby pages of a book in a library or at a home bookshelf, one should remember that in our hands, perhaps, a whole world of impressions and experiences that the book has managed to evoke in several generations of people ... REMEMBER it or FORGET? The choice is for each of us.

Virtual exhibition "Tasting book novelties 1"

Booktrailer "Snipers of Stalingrad V. Pershanin"

“Virtual book exhibition based on the works of Yu.A. Nikitin "CHARMED FANTASY WORLD"

"Parallel Worlds" virtual book exhibition

Books from the Central City Library

Virtual exhibition on A series of books by Enal Barbara

Books from the Central City Library

Hungry House book trailer by David Mitchell

Books from the Central City Library

Virtual exhibition for February 23 "Holiday as an occasion to read"

Books from the Central City Library

Book novelties of 2018

From the collection of the Library No. 4

Books by Martha Tarot from the Gallant Detective series

Books from the Central City Library

Fiction - Easy Reading: New Heroes; fantastic action movie; adventurous detective; international bestseller; love story 16+

Book series "Forest of Friendship". Adventures for young and growing people 0+

Novelties in Children's Library No. 15

New children's literature

Represents the Library Complex Family

Virtual exhibition Autumn is a wonderful time (everyday prose of Maria Metlitskaya)

Prepared by the Central City Library

Book novelty from the genre of science fiction and fantasy

100th anniversary of the October Revolution based on the books of poets and writers, eyewitnesses of the revolutionary events of 1917

The virtual exhibition was prepared by the Central City Library

Virtual book review for Primorsky Krai Day

Along the Ussuri region. Literary Kaleidoscope for the 145th Anniversary of the Writer, Traveler, Scientist V. K. Arseniev

Prepared by Library No. 4

New books of regional studies and local history

In the library complex "Semya"

Audio publications to help the school curriculum for students of primary and secondary grades

Library complex "Livadia"

Books-anniversaries of 2018. Far East"

The virtual exhibition is presented by the Central City Library

New items in the Central City Library

"My mother in a portrait" Collection of children's drawings in Library No. 14, Wrangel village

"Reference Books from the Rare Book Collection" Libraries №4

Review of the books "Etiquette for All Seasons"

Review of books for young people “Read to yourself! Books for 15 year olds and older»

Virtual exhibition of one book "90 years of the book of Arseniev V.K."

Virtual exhibition - a review "together we will choose the winner of the Big Book"

Competition of children's drawings "And each line wants to become a drawing"