What is a freelancer in simple terms. What kind of animal is a freelancer and what does he do? What does a computer freelancer do?

The term freelancer seems to be taking the world by storm, as one in three is already working remotely… In fact, a freelancer is someone who works for himself and takes risks.

On the Internet, there are only some collective farm, identical articles about who a freelancer is and what he does.

Therefore, it's time to write "from the heart", pour some tea and let's go ...

The word "freelance" comes from the Middle Ages, when there were two types of knights. There were knights who worked exclusively for one king. And there were "free mercenaries" or knights who worked for those who paid them.

Like the mercenary Bronn in Game of Thrones.

The idea of ​​freelancing has survived to this day. The kings were replaced by entrepreneurs, and the knights were replaced by professionals of all stripes.

There are more freelancers today than ever before. There are so many of them that in some coffee shops in New York, they even began to turn off Wi-Fi in order to survive freelancers who take up all the places with laptops and do not leave places for ordinary visitors.

According to J'son & Partners Consulting for last years, in Russia, a twofold growth of the freelance market was recorded, moreover, J&P predict a threefold growth by 2020:

If you have a valuable skill, you can start selling it now. But, it is important to have a clear understanding of who a freelancer is, what he actually does and how to think in order to weather even the storm.

A freelancer is someone who trades their time for money. Freelancers are self-employed people (like me) who provide services to multiple clients without any long-term commitment.

Being a freelancer means being a tool for hire and being paid as an independent contractor.

The Internet is littered with pictures of some dude lying on the beach with a laptop and claiming that he is a freelancer and travels around the world.

According to a study, 82% of freelancers prefer to stay in one place. Despite this, 79% of freelancers say that working remotely is better than working in an office.

Studies show that 50% of people are not ready to give up a free lifestyle, for any amount of money. Only one out of four will willingly agree to work in the office.

The subtleties of freelance work

A freelancer has one thing in mind - " time is money».

Unlike office worker, a freelancer is not afraid of the idea of ​​looking for a job, he does it all the time anyway.

Successful freelancers are constantly making connections (), and constantly learning to become more professional, and as a result, get more experience and orders.

A good freelancer is quick to adapt to changing markets. He doesn't leave his job on autopilot for too long. Because he has no boss, and all responsibility lies with him.

A freelancer is less likely to waste time on empty things because they can't afford it. And he clearly knows his hourly rate.

A freelancer works not only for the sake of money, the next order can open the door to a series of new interesting orders and new experiences. Therefore, a freelancer can easily refuse a highly paid office job.

A freelancer divides his work into three types:

  1. well paid boredom
  2. underpaid work
  3. Highly paid interesting contract, which is like winning the lottery

A freelancer constantly risks his reputation. When you are an independent contractor and your name is tied to everything you do, the level of responsibility is higher than when you work in a team or in a company.

A freelancer is a perfectionist, constantly striving for a higher level of perfection, because everything he creates belongs only to him. And each element is a stepping stone to the next step.

How would you feel if everything you make was marked with your name?

Excessive perfectionism is often the cause.

A freelancer, day after day, is faced with the need to sell himself and negotiate skillfully, as opposed to working in a team where everyone is responsible for their own narrow direction.

A Freelance Mindset Can Make You More Efficient, Competitive, and Capable weather the storm!

How much does a freelancer earn

Most people avoid answering when you ask them a question:

- "How much do you earn?"

But I will not leave ... and I will answer with concrete facts.

The top ten most active freelancers working there full-time earn an average of 141,000 rubles per month, according to Kwork freelance exchange data for 2018.

But, freelancers' income is not stable.

For example, there are very few orders in summer, and in autumn and winter there are so many orders that you can even rake them with a shovel.

According to Quark's statistics, a novice freelancer earns about 10,000 rubles in the first month, after six months you can reach an income of 30,000 - 40,000 rubles. And at least a year, it will take to reach an income of 100,000 rubles or more.

These figures are "hospital averages".

Because there are many factors that influence the outcome. It takes time to build up and to fill your hand, improve your skills, gain ratings, reviews and regular customers.

Experienced freelancers believe that income in this area depends on your skills and personal brand.

How to become a freelancer from scratch and without experience

If you haven't made a dime online yet, it's time to become a freelancer. This is the easiest way when it comes to making money online.

But which direction to choose?

There are hundreds of different service categories on Kwork. But, from such a variety, 60% of the volume is occupied by 10 areas:

On the one hand, it immediately becomes clear which directions are better to choose. But, do not forget, where there is a great demand, there is also a high level of competition.

Fast growing freelance destinations

If we talk about specific professions, that is:

  • Programmers and layout designers
  • Designers
  • content managers
  • translators
  • SEO Specialists
  • Business consultants, trainers, coaches
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • recruiters

And here are the top 5 most unusual freelance services:

To get closer to your dream faster, here are some simple and universal tips:

  1. Bury your ego. The client is always right. The ego overshadows the mind, and is the cause of misunderstandings and quarrels.
  2. Reply to customers quickly. Be polite, ask clarifying questions, respond immediately to any comments.
  3. Do more than is expected of you. Quality work will make the customer recommend you to friends. And most likely he will leave a good emotional review. In addition, it is cheaper to keep an old client than to find a new one.
  4. Offer great prices. In the beginning, no one knows about you, so your only trump card is the price. When you have a high rating, you can always raise your prices.
  5. Submit work well before the deadline. There is nothing that would affect the mood of the customer so much as a task completed ahead of schedule. The customer will experience the WOW effect. Make friends with time management.
  6. Do not take on multiple assignments at the same time. Many freelancers have a problem with burnout when they start juggling multiple tasks.
  7. Think through the eyes of the customer. Successful freelancers understand that customers do not need their skills multiplied by hours, but the result. Customers want a product that solves their problem.

Don't sit at home all the time.

The loneliness of a freelancer can hinder professional growth. because Professional Development requires interpersonal interaction and feedback.

Therefore, having a place to work in the office, at least once a week, is good for health and psyche. You get the opportunity to communicate with colleagues and keep your communication skills in good shape.

There are many places: cafes, libraries, coworking spaces.

Working alone will be boring.

By the way, most often they want to know who a freelancer is, what he does, and what a person of this profession does - these are young mothers who are on maternity leave. If this is you, then read the article:. And then come back here.

How to hire a freelancer

Tasks such as targeted advertising or SEO promotion require time and experience. Freelancing platforms like Kwork are a good place to start looking for the best candidate.

Some freelancers (like me) act as customers themselves, and these are 20% of the total.

This is not uncommon.

Because, a freelancer often acts as a "Project Manager", this is when he takes a large order, consisting of several smaller tasks or stages, and entrusts them to other performers, earning as an intermediary.

One day, I stumbled upon a man who bought articles cheaply from some and sold more expensively to others. Making money by reselling someone else's labor, essentially doing nothing.

Most likely, on freelance sites, you will see a list of freelancers with headings such as: "Guru" or "Contextual Advertising Master".

But, these high-profile names are worth nothing.

For example, the freelance platform Kwork has a reputation system that consists of five stars. In my experience, if a freelancer doesn't have four or five stars, they're not worth your time.

On Kwork, each performer has a limited number of "Connections", which are the responses they can send to various tasks. Therefore, when placing your order, you will not see a long stream of the same type and template messages that look like bots are writing to you. Instead - clearly described options for solving your problem.

On Kwork More 100 000 services from 500 rub. Quick order, user-friendly interface, money back guarantee. Main sections:


Hello. In this article we will talk about what freelancing is and who freelancers are.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is freelancing and who are freelancers;
  2. Why is this trend so popular in recent years;
  3. How to find a job as a freelancer;
  4. How much can you earn;
  5. Which direction to choose.

What is freelancing in simple words

Recently, you can often hear the words freelancing and freelancers. If for some citizens this is a mysterious word, then for others it is a way of life. So what is freelancing?

- This is a remote "free" work. A special type of employment in which you do not need to officially get a job and carry out instructions from superiors in working time, since in this direction everyone decides independently with whom to cooperate and what services to offer to customers. For some, this is simple, while for other citizens it is a stable, good income.

Who are freelancers

Some still do not even know who a freelancer is. Translated from English, “freelancer” is a free specialist who works for himself via the Internet.

He himself is looking for a customer, and also decides what work to do and sets a work schedule. Freelancers can work with one or several customers at once.

In most cases, among freelancers you can meet representatives creative professions. Although recently, engineers, consultants, teachers and many others have been engaged in remote work.

Finding a job today is very easy. All that is needed is to visit a special exchange, register and start actively doing work.

In practice, freelancers earn 1.5-2 times more than regular office workers. The income of successful freelancers ranges from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles per month. There are, of course, stars who have and receive more than 100,000 rubles a month. Everything is real - the main thing is to work hard and go towards your dream.

Who are freelancers you already understood. Let's see what they can do.

Fields of activity of remote work:

  1. . This is purely based on my own knowledge. If you are an expert in some field, you can write author's useful tips. Everyone needs texts today, so you definitely won’t be left without work. For a convenient search for orders, there are.
  2. Rewriting. If you lack your own experience and knowledge, this direction will help you. In this case, you will need to carefully read the finished article on the Internet and simply rewrite it in your own words. The main thing is that at the end you get a completely unique material.
  3. Translation of material. It should be noted right away that this is a very popular type of activity and well paid. All you need is to translate small articles and get paid. Just do not hope that you can translate an article with basic knowledge using an online translator. Customers only want quality work.
  4. . This unknown word is well known to those who deal with them. This is very good profession with high pay, which requires special care and experience.
  5. Administration. Today, among the vacancies you can find such a position as a project administrator. But who is this? This is a person who leads groups or projects in social networks. You will need to always be online and control all actions: delete obscenities, spam and other intrusive.
  6. Programming, layout and website development. It should be noted right away that special knowledge is needed here. For some, this direction is from the realm of fantasy. Thanks to this type of activity, you can.
  7. . Today without design anywhere. To choose this type of activity, you must be able to use all graphic editors. As they say, the main goal is to make it beautiful and stylish. A designer can make good money.

As you can see, there are many directions, so anyone can become a freelancer and start.

Why freelancing is becoming more and more popular

Why today more and more people choose remote freelancing, call it a trend and claim that it is the future? If you look closely, today pensioners and office workers become freelancers.

Probably, all the demand lies in the freedom of action and self-realization. Thanks to this destination, you no longer need to get up at 6 am, quickly run to work and ride on a crowded bus.

If at work you were told all the time what and how to do, then there are only the wishes of customers and complete freedom. What could be better? No bosses and envious employees, no fines for being late or not fulfilling the plan.

But do not forget that remote work is, in turn, interesting job with the help of which you can combine several directions at once and constantly develop. Working as the so-called "office plankton" it is hardly possible to get good skills and do what brings positive emotions.

Every person has hobbies. They can bring not only positive emotions, but also good money. There are a lot of directions in freelancing.

Freelancing pros and cons

As in any field, this area has its positives and negatives. Before you start working remotely, you should carefully study them. Let's start with the positives.

Freelance pros:

  1. Free work schedule.

This is perhaps the most important thing that people who have chosen this area as their main job appreciate. You can decide for yourself how many days a week you work, which days you take days off and when you go on vacation.

The main thing is to complete the order on time. You can wake up and go to bed at a convenient time for you and not worry at all about having to get up on time.

  1. Work at home.

What could be better than doing the work in cozy pajamas with a cup of aromatic tea? You no longer need to waste time on the road and communicating with unpleasant colleagues. Working from home, you are in a comfortable environment for yourself, next to your loved ones and decide for yourself with whom to communicate.

  1. It doesn't matter where you live.

If you look at the level wages, then in large cities it is much higher than in small cities. At the same time, specialists are the same everywhere. This is the biggest disadvantage of regular work, since the salary depends on where you are geographically employed.

When it comes to freelancing, it doesn't matter where you live. You get paid solely for your ability.

This is the most pleasant thing that a freelancer has. It should be noted right away that the level of income here is unlimited. Your earnings will depend on the kind of work you do. In some areas, payment depends on the quantity of work performed, while in others it depends on the quality.

  1. Quiet work.

Peace of mind is what many citizens value. No more nervous customers who will bother you and ask various questions. The same applies to nervous bosses, who often swear and load with useless work.

  1. Opportunity to combine work and travel.

Some may think that you can't work and travel at the same time. Everything is real if you work as a freelancer. All you need to work is a computer or laptop with Internet access and some free time.

As mentioned earlier, any job has its drawbacks. Consider what they are in remote work.

Freelancing cons:

  1. There is no fixed salary.

Many citizens have been accustomed to doing the same type of work and receiving a fixed salary for years. As for remote work, it is difficult to find an employer who will agree to pay a fixed salary for the work performed.

  1. Search for customers.

You should not hope that you will simply register on the freelance exchange and orders will fall on you. You must look for customers yourself, apply and actively develop.

Freelance services:

Work-zilla- the best exchange!

If you want to find an order that you can quickly complete and receive funds, then this is a great exchange. A simple and intuitive interface will allow everyone to instantly get involved in the work and start earning.

Fl is one of the largest exchanges.

This is one of the largest remote work services. A large number of free orders daily different directions good pay and friendly customers.

However, there is a small downside. To start earning good money, you will need to buy a Pro account, and these are additional investments that are sometimes unacceptable for a freelancer.

Etxt, Advego and Text.ru - the largest copywriting exchanges

These are trusted exchanges. Only here you can get a job there only in one direction. You can make money on the listed exchanges if you know how to write articles. These are the so-called rewriters and copywriters who write articles to order.

You can also find a regular customer today on special forums, in a social network or groups.

How much do freelancers earn

How much can a freelancer earn? This is the most popular question that arises among all newcomers who have decided to give up office work and.

It should also be taken into account that each field of activity has its own range of payment. The more useful information you know, the higher your payment will be. If in one direction the size depends on the number of completed tasks, then in the other direction it depends on the quality.

If you approach work responsibly and devote at least 8 hours to remote work, you can earn from 30,000 rubles or more. As for the beginner, the first time will be paid less. But you should not give up and you should always strive to move only forward, develop and receive more money.

As experienced freelancers advise, you should clearly understand how much you want to earn. The set plan will need to be divided by the number of your working days.

Is it a real amount for daily earnings? If yes, then everything is in your hands. The main thing is to strictly follow the task and do your job with high quality.

Today in freelancing you can meet many successful professionals who receive more than 100,000 per month. They share their achievements on the World Wide Web.

Most in-demand freelance professions

What are the directions, we have already briefly considered above. Consider which areas are the most in demand.

How to make money freelancing:

  1. Graphics editor.

In order to expand the client base, well-designed promotional materials are needed: leaflets, business cards, brochures, etc.

To do quality work, you need to be able to use graphic editors. And, of course, you need to be creative and follow the innovations that appear in the field of design.

A novice freelancer can get 500 rubles for developing a simple logo or leaflet.

  1. Website developers.

Almost every company seeks help from specialists in order to create their own website. This is a well-paid field of activity that requires special knowledge.

It takes several weeks to complete the work, but you will be pleased with the payment. Creating an "empty" site without information costs an average of about 30,000 rubles. The cost of publications is negotiated separately.

Example. Do you own a cosmetics store? To increase your customer base, you find a freelance developer who . But just creating a website is not enough, you need to correctly place information about each product.

The buyer must visually see what he is purchasing, study the characteristics and understand how much to pay. If new products appear, you will need to again seek help from a specialist and ask to publish the material for a fixed fee.

  1. Developers of mobile applications or games.

What is a mobile application today even a schoolboy knows. Applications are ordered, as a rule, by cafes or online stores.

For development and creation. Some site owners order games that require investment.

  1. Photographer.

This is a great direction that everyone can do. Just do not think that it is enough to buy a good camera and start taking pictures. If you set a goal, you will need not only to learn how to take high-quality pictures, but also to process them.

Every day, citizens use the services of photographers: weddings, children's parties, presentations or exhibitions. Some citizens simply ask to take some good shots in a special studio or in nature.

  1. Videographers.

With the advent of YouTube, the attitude towards video content among marketers has changed a bit. If earlier they shot long videos about the company's activities, today they prefer short, well-edited videos.

  1. Accountant.

Not all firms can afford to hire an accountant. But what if you need to prepare reports? In this case, you can use the services of a freelancer for a fixed fee.

At the same time, a remote accountant can keep records of several companies. What is most attractive is the persistence. You need to do quality work and then companies will contact you constantly. The vacancy of a remote accountant is not only in great demand, but also well paid.

  1. Tutors.

This is a great direction if you can teach others something useful. Today it is not necessary to personally meet with the client, since training can be carried out via Skype, and payment can be accepted on bank card or e-wallet.

English tutors and musicians who can teach how to play the guitar will be able to make good money.

If you have thought carefully, clearly weighed all the advantages and disadvantages of remote work, and decided to go free swimming, then you should follow a few basic tips.

Tips to help a beginner at the beginning of their career growth:

  1. Education.

No wonder they say that it's never too late to learn. Learn new material and development is always necessary, no matter what area you work in. Today, you can easily find training videos, thanks to which you can immediately understand how to work in the necessary program.

Do not forget that there are also many freelancers on the Internet who are ready to teach you for a fee. If you understand that paid courses will benefit you, then you should not save money and should purchase them.

Remember invested in knowledge cash help you make more money.

  1. Do not look for expensive orders right away.

If you have just registered on the freelance exchange, then you should not immediately look for expensive orders. Customers are ready to pay well only to proven freelancers who already have a good portfolio, rating and positive reviews.

  1. Forums.

To get as much useful information as possible, you should visit a special freelance forum. Today, each exchange has a forum where system participants share their knowledge.

  1. Portfolio.

If you want clients to offer you a job, then you need to make a good portfolio. If you are a beginner, no problem. Start doing the work and gradually fill this section.

  1. Improve constantly.

It must be remembered that there is no limit to perfection. Try to keep a close eye on the latest trends in the area in which you provide services. Constantly read professional books and communicate with more experienced colleagues.

Even if you are sure that you know everything, attend special courses. All this will help you become better and achieve greater success.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that freelancing is a very interesting area that is actively developing in Russia. More and more citizens prefer to do what they love, manage their own time and earn good money. Only with a strong desire can you achieve good results.

In search of remote work, we often come across such a concept as freelancing. The word is new and not entirely clear. Today, these people are not bad and therefore attract a lot of attention. Who is a freelancer and what does he do, where to look for vacancies and how can a beginner become a successful freelancer?

In fact, each of us can try himself in this lesson. We will talk about where to start, how and where to work and, most importantly, find out what we will be paid for. Well, at the end of the article I will give examples of sites where you can earn money. I will immediately please everyone who wants to become a freelancer, you can learn this profession on your own. Or maybe you already have all the necessary skills and knowledge.

Here, no one requires a diploma and you do not need to spend 5 years at the institute. Anyone without special education today can easily figure out how to become a freelancer from scratch and earn money sitting at home. Agree, this is a very tempting offer, right?

Who is a freelancer, what does he do and how does he earn

So on the Internet they call those people who work remotely. A person earns at home by completing orders and tasks of other people or companies. Freelancing or remote work is different. This can be constant cooperation with one customer, part-time work or searching for orders and performing one-time tasks. That's who a freelancer is in reality.

Your communication with the future customer will be carried out via the Internet. And often you won't even see each other. You just need to do the job efficiently and on time. Then the money will go to your electronic wallet, card or account.

A novice freelancer can easily combine remote work at home with the main profession. And this is understandable, because a beginner needs to figure everything out right away. But there are many examples when making money online has become the main source of income for a person.

Demanded professions on the Internet, or what a freelancer does

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of the most requested online professions. It is for these actions that real money is paid on the Internet today.

  1. Work with text. Writing, editing and selection of articles. It can be writing term papers, theses, essays, problem solving, essays, tests and so on. As well as regular or Seo , . Do not forget about editors and proofreaders (check spelling errors, punctuation and style). Well, and a content manager (a person who is responsible for filling the site with the necessary information). Here you will need fast and dexterous pens to type texts. As well as knowledge of the desired topic and the ability to beautifully and competently express their thoughts.
  2. Translation of texts on various subjects. How to become a freelance translator? You can do technical translations, translate literary texts, advertising slogans, and even entire websites. Or audio and video recordings, computer games, etc.
  3. Earn on social networks. These are various kinds of specialists such as SMM (brand promotion in social networks), SMO specialist (website optimization for social networks). Either a novice user who earns on his group or simple.
  4. Programming. Writing programs and scripts, solving various tasks of site administration, applications, etc. It can also be testers of any software products. These are games, again programs, mobile applications, online services, usability of the desired site, etc.
  5. Designers, work with graphics. You can be an interior and landscape designer, a graphic designer (drawing banners, buttons, etc.), and finally a web designer (designing websites). Here you will need the ability to work with programs such as (Photoshop, CorelDraw, and so on).
  6. Seo Specialist(website promotion). The essence of earnings is to increase the position of the site for certain queries and increase the number of visitors from search engines. As well as increasing the income of the project. To do this, you need to study the algorithm of the search engine. It is desirable for an SEO specialist to understand the work of optimizers, link managers.

How to become a freelancer and where to find remote work?

Freelance work is interesting, assuming the availability of free time, the Internet and the desire to earn money. Basically, these people find jobs for themselves on special exchanges. Each freelancer chooses work himself. You can search for orders by price, lead time, and volume.

Every day, hundreds of new tasks appear on the freelance exchanges, so there is enough for everyone. Moreover, even a beginner can find an easy job. As a rule, a beginner will not be trusted with an expensive order, and he will do the simplest and cheapest work. But when you gain experience, you will be able to choose with whom to cooperate. But how to become a freelancer and start making real money?

You, like everyone else, must register on one of the exchanges. Next, choose the type of work and see what orders there are. If you decide, just apply for execution.

Here is a list of the most popular exchanges for making money:

  • Author24.ru. Earnings on writing term papers, theses, essays, solving problems, essays, translations, control and so on. If you have worked as a teacher, or are well versed in the desired topic, then you are here.
  • Fl.ru. Today it is one of the largest and most famous freelance exchanges. Suitable for almost any professional.
  • Freelance.ru. The old proven remote work exchange.
  • . This site allows you to earn money by writing articles.

To become a full-fledged freelancer, you must also have an E-mail. For a start, this is enough. Perhaps later you will need Skype, but almost everyone has this goodness today.

If you are interested in remote work, then feel free to register on one of the above exchanges. And then look for tasks for yourself and start earning money without leaving your home. And it doesn’t matter what profession you have now, because, as I said, everything can be learned and freelancing is no exception!

Hi all! Dmitry Afonin is in touch! It has long been possible to consider the slogan of our time - "If you want to live - know how to spin!". Here we are spinning to the best of our strength and abilities. Who is at a permanent job, who is on a part-time job, and who is this way and that. Today I will talk about. At the same time, I will give a number of valuable tips for beginner freelancers based on personal experience.

Freelance- in Russian there is a wonderful word that will explain to you what freelancing is better than any definition - this is a side job, in jargon - hack work. Work directly with customers and perform certain tasks remotely for money.

Why is freelance so popular?

  • Firstly, this is remote work that is done at home, and for many it is much more convenient.
  • Secondly, freelancing gives you some freedom of action and choice. No need to sit in the office 5 days a week for 8 hours a day. There is no such boss, there are customers, and this is somewhat different. You can take a vacation whenever you want.
  • Thirdly, the Internet is common to everyone, whether you are from Moscow or the provinces. This allows people to earn decent money, even living on the periphery, where salaries are very small.

Profession - freelancer

A person who earns freelancing is. Pretty reasonable definition, right? There are people who do not work at all at a permanent job, but live only at the expense of orders. In this case, freelancing is already a profession. In most cases, freelancing is used as a convenient way to earn extra money.

For example, I provide services related to blogging: its creation, analysis, WordPress security and acceleration, theme editing, and so on. What are my rates, you can see in the section. Real examples of how much and for how much I managed to earn can be found in the Important Information section:

So far, my record is 1000 rubles for 10 minutes of work. One company needed to fix something in WordPress, which I did. Everyone was satisfied: the customer with the result, and I with the money. On my own blog, I earned and.

In fact, small companies very often order WordPress work from me, they are mainly related to speed and security. Ordinary people are more likely to apply for the creation and analysis of blogs. Here the price and time vary, but I don’t take on a lot of work and don’t do business with inadequate people, so 1000 rubles for 30 minutes of work is a very real amount of earnings.

Big money or not - everyone decides for himself. A lot of people work hard for 3000 for a whole month. From the same blog, the effect will not be immediate, and sometimes money is very needed, for example, for the same blog (hold a contest or buy links).

Prepare TOR in advance and specify the scope of work.

What a big word - "Technical task"! In fact, it all comes down to a detailed written description of the plan and scope of work. Is it necessary to do TK? Yes, definitely! To prove my words, I will give an example from practice.

A person orders the creation with all the necessary plugins. You do everything according to your own understanding and in a day the work is ready. The customer pays for the work, and after a couple of days reads on the Internet that some plugin is required, but he does not have it! What does a person do? Of course, he appeals to you with claims! And here comes the fork:

  • Explaining to a person that you did everything right is a waste of precious time. Most people will remain unconvinced and will assume that they have been deceived.
  • Installing a plugin - again, you are wasting your time, which cannot be returned.

Such troubles can and should be avoided by drawing up a written statement of work. In this case, you drive the customer into the frame. If he wants to marry them - no question, the empty pays extra money for doing new work. He agrees to these conditions quite consciously, of his own free will and without the use of physical torture.

In addition, the question remains open - to provide consultations after the services have been performed? Everyone decides for himself. Personally, I provide, but within reason and in the presence of free time.

And most importantly! The presence of TK is mandatory, I hope you realized this, but it is very important to be able to talk with people and find a common language with them. TK is a necessary formality in case of disputes - the basis is always human relations! Only in this way will people be truly grateful to you and will seek your services again.

Appreciate your time and work.

Your main task is to work less and get more! Never forget about it! How can this be achieved? Get the job done that others can't, quickly and efficiently. In addition, have a good reputation. Reputation is very expensive, so value it! You must be a professional, not a jerk. It is very important!

In the beginning, you will work for pennies, just for a name, for a reputation, for a portfolio.

Don't trust anyone.

Make sure you pay in advance! Trusting strangers in our world is not worth it, you can get burned properly. After completing the work, transfer the final result (login and password from the site, source images, and so on) only after paying the full cost of services. The customer does not want to pay? Come on, goodbye! The advance payment remains with you to recoup the time and effort spent, and the customer is left with nothing.

Personally, I work on 100% prepayment, and there have never been any conflicts with the customer. On the contrary, they are very satisfied with my work.


I know that many people earn their first money on the Internet by copywriting. Writing texts is a very, very hard job that does not pay very well. My advice to you is to develop! Don't stand still! Learn WordPress first - there are enough people who are ready to order the creation of a blog, its analysis and other work on WordPress, and most importantly, it brings much more money in much less time. Then get yourself a project that can be developed and then monetized.

Dare to refuse.

You can't earn all the money in the world, so learn to say no. Calculate your time in order to have time to make all orders on time and do not spray on trifles. In addition, be sure to leave time for your projects. Yes, and take a walk, go to the movies, play football, too.

Personally, I take on mostly small projects that do not require much time, but cost decently. If I also have sites on promotion, but everything is already optimized there, so they don’t take much time.

Where to find clients

On the Internet you can find many portals for freelancing - a kind of labor exchange. Customers are looking for performers and vice versa. For example, here are three such resources:

If you already have a good portfolio, then customers will find you themselves. If you are a beginner, then the first orders will have to be completed for a small fee for reputation and, again, a portfolio.

In this regard, I have a chic trump card - my blog. People see it, see how many people visit it, and they no longer need any portfolio. The customer understands that in front of him is a professional who does not mind paying good money, because the work will be done in full and at the proper level.

Order services from freelancers or not?

Of course yes! It is impossible to know and be able to do everything and everything at a professional level, and it is simply not necessary! For example, you are a blogger. What basic knowledge do you need to have:

  • be able to edit a picture in a graphic editor (apply a watermark, reduce the size, cut / glue, and then on the little things);
  • know WordPress well - I'm sure a blogger needs this, because from time to time you have to install, configure, tweak something;
  • know SEO at a good level, because most people will come to you from search engines;
  • know HTML and CSS at a basic level - you don’t have to be a mega layout designer to tweak the theme in detail.

I think that's the main thing. If there is a job that requires more skills, then it is best to outsource it to a freelancer. For example, I am making a video course. To distinguish it from the general mass of similar products, I need a well-executed one. I'm not a designer and I don't know Photoshop very well. What to do? Of course, to find a freelancer who will make this cover for me for a reasonable amount.

As a result

I believe that freelancing is a very good start for further advancement and earning really solid money. Not only can you really raise normal money (if knowledge allows), you will also get precious experience, clients and an excellent portfolio that will never be superfluous. The main thing when doing freelancing is not to stop there, but always move forward and develop.

I know that everyone strives for passive income, but there are a couple of points:

  1. Not everyone is able to reach a decent passive income, on which to really live. And you can’t follow a dream all your life either - you can’t spread dreams on bread, but you always want to eat. So a titmouse in your hands is the money from freelancing, but if you catch a crane or not, no one will tell you for sure. Even yourself.
  2. The guys who have reached normal heights in "passive" earnings work very hard to this day. So "passive" earnings come out not so passive.

And so, everyone will decide for himself whether to be a freelancer or not. I have said everything for today. Thank you for your attention!

A freelancer is a freelancer, a self-employed person who offers his services to companies, to several clients at the same time. In America, 35% of all working people are freelancers. Freelancing is gaining popularity in the countries of the former CIS. The opportunity to work from anywhere in the world and even for a foreign company attracts more and more Russians. But freelance work also has its downsides.

Freelancers - pros and cons

Before deciding whether to be a freelancer, you need to know not only about the benefits of this mode of work, but also about the pitfalls:

  1. It will take time to develop a stable client base for decent earnings.
  2. Work may be irregular. Many freelancers experience high and low tide in their work. Clear budget planning and a willingness to work overtime when there is a lot of work is essential.
  3. Working with numerous clients and projects is a challenge. Someone finds it really difficult to meet all deadlines, to do quality work. Freelancer is a great time manager.
  4. Low income at first. In today's era of the digital economy and with high competition, few are willing to pay decently for a new freelancer.

Freelancing benefits:

  1. Work when you want. If you want to sleep until noon - easily, arrange a day off in the middle of the week - no problem. In freelance mode, you can devote to work those hours when performance is at its peak.
  2. Work with whoever you want. Rude and inadequate people can be excluded from work. If you feel that you do not agree with the character, or are not satisfied with the payment procedure, you can simply wish all the best and not work on the project.
  3. Work where it's convenient. One of the most compelling reasons that makes you opt for freelancing. You can do the work while sitting in a local cafeteria or driving around Europe, or swinging in a hammock under a palm tree. In the park, in the library, in bed while wearing pajamas - anywhere!
  4. work for yourself. What is a freelancer - one who is his own boss. No one hangs over him and does not control. All important decisions are his.
  5. All money is yours. Freelancing allows you to receive all the profits from the project, there is no boss - there is no distribution of funds between the company and employees.

Types of freelancers

Freelancers have a wide variety of specialties, from humanitarian to technical. Forbes made the top 10 professional areas where you can make a great freelance career:

  • marketing;
  • business project management;
  • web development;
  • work with texts;
  • Accounting;
  • insurance;
  • teaching;
  • work in social networks;
  • graphic design;
  • administrative assistance.

What freelancers are in demand right now?

To become a successful freelancer, you need to have experience in a field that pays well and is in demand:

  1. Programming and development software . Specialties related to programming, especially with the creation of mobile applications, are the highest paid.
  2. Web design. With the rapid development of online business, the need for web designers is growing. The services of a freelance designer are well paid, but the competition is high - it is important to be an experienced and creative specialist.
  3. Content Marketing. Tasks for freelancers in the field of content marketing - writing unique articles that will increase traffic to the Internet resource. Being a successful content marketer means reading a lot, writing a lot, being an inquisitive and creative strategist.
  4. Graphic design. Infographics are in demand these days. Visualization is important in the online environment, which is why graphic designers are in the top 5 most paid areas for freelancers.
  5. Copywriting. What is the job of a freelance copywriter? Creation of content for websites, writing descriptions of goods and services.
  6. Video editing. The high demand for video editors in the freelance industry is due to the opportunities provided by platforms such as YouTube and others.
  7. Social media management. Almost every business has a social media page. network, uses it to attract customers and promote the brand. Associated with this is a high need for specialists who would intelligently promote the account.

How to become a freelancer from scratch?

It's easy to start working for yourself. As easy as loading a page on the internet. For example, a freelance exchange website page where you can find your first client. Simple steps that will tell you how to become a freelancer:

  1. Decide on a field of activity.
  2. Create an account on the exchange.
  3. Set prices.
  4. Look for clients.

How to work as a freelancer?

Working as a freelancer on the Internet requires an integrated approach. To be a successful specialist, you need to try. Freelancing is work. Build a portfolio, accumulate recommendations, establish professional connections, look for clients, sell yourself. What is the work of a freelancer: in activity, in high-quality performance, in meeting deadlines.

Freelance marketplaces for beginners

A freelance marketplace is a great way to find your first clients. There you can also create your own profile, develop a portfolio, and over time, clients themselves will contact the artist. There are general and specialized exchanges, where specific specialists, web developers, designers and others “hang out”.

Well-known foreign freelance exchanges for those who want to work for a foreign company:

  • freelancer.com
  • upwork.com
  • guru.com.

The largest exchanges of Runet:

  • fl.ru;
  • weblancer.net
  • freelance.ru

Exchanges for copywriters:

  • etxt.ru;
  • text.ru;
  • textsale.ru;
  • advego.ru.

Exchanges for illustrators and graphic designers:

  • logopod.ru;
  • illustrators.ru;
  • russiancreators.ru

Exchanges for programmers and 1C specialists:

  • www.1lancer.ru
  • devhuman.com
  • modber.ru

How much do freelancers get paid?

A freelancer is a person whose income depends only on himself. The more you work, the more experience, the more chances you have to work on big projects and earn more money. At the thought of leaving office work, many are hampered by doubts about how to get a freelancer paid for his work. There is only one advice - work on a contract basis, taking the word of the customer is a noble cause, but not always grateful.

Do freelancers pay taxes?

How to pay taxes to a freelancer is an exciting question. On the one hand, there are tempting prospects to hide from them, on the other hand, the risk of a fine. A freelancer earns the same income as a person working for a company. The same - in the sense that it is subject to taxation. Firstly, you should always work with the client on a contractual basis, where everything will be spelled out, and secondly, for the convenience of tax deductions, you can open an individual entrepreneur, or file a declaration regularly and on time.

Newbie freelancers think about how to become a successful freelancer, how not to get into trouble, how to have reliable financial support. These tips will help:

  1. Get ready. Before you leave your office job and dive into the world of freelancing, you need to gather all the tools for success. For most professions, such as copywriting or graphic design, you need to have an impressive portfolio to convince a client to hire you. It is better to prepare in advance - analyze your experience, select those parts that can be reflected in the portfolio. Start with a part-time job - take on work on individual projects in parallel with the current work in the office.
  2. Sell ​​Yourself Smartly. We've been taught that bragging is bad, but if you don't talk about yourself and your accomplishments, it's hard to convince a client to hire you. The secret to success is to back it up with facts. For example, if you are trying to convince potential client that you are an expert in content creation for business blogs, send him the samples you have developed earlier.
  3. Set goals and create a plan to achieve them. Before you start freelancing, you need to decide what you want to achieve. Calculate how much money you need to earn per month to provide for yourself. How many projects are you willing to take on and how much money will you receive.
  4. Be active. Don't sit back and hope that customers will find you. Be active on social media networks, on exchanges, look for your target customers.
  5. Be in the party. If you work alone, it does not mean that you need to isolate yourself from society. People trust recommendations from people. Attend events, online conferences, network, share experiences.
  6. Collect reviews. Customer references are a great way to get a new one, and they prove that you are not the only person who considers you a professional.
  7. Grow your brand. There are thousands of other freelancers out there, what makes you different from them? Your brand is your personality. Develop your website, your social media accounts. networks, replenish your portfolio. When sending an e-mail, be sure to include links.
  8. Always make a contract. One of the biggest mistakes many freelancers make is not signing a contract with a client. Sometimes it ends sadly.

The richest freelancers

As practice shows, the old proverb does not lie. If this sounds too good to be true, it is. Famous freelancers have proven it: