HR specialist: professional standard, job description. Leading specialist in personnel management: professional standard

HR specialist job description template

A sample job description is drawn up taking into account the professional standard

1. General Provisions

1.1. The following person is accepted for the position of Human Resources Specialist:

1) having a secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists;

2) having additional vocational education programs professional retraining, professional development programs.

1.2. The HR specialist must know:

1) regulatory legal acts Russian Federation governing the rights and obligations government agencies, trade unions and other representative bodies of employees to provide accounting documentation;

2) the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data;

3) the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of personnel documents;

4) the procedure for recording the movement of personnel and compiling established reporting;

5) the basics of workflow and documentation support;

6) technologies, methods and techniques for analyzing and systematizing documents and information;

7) the procedure for calculating the length of service, benefits, compensations, drawing up pensions for employees;

8) the structure of the organization;

9) the basics of archival legislation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in terms of maintaining documentation on personnel;

10) local regulations of the organization governing the procedure for issuing administrative and organizational documents for personnel;

11) norms of ethics and business communication;

12) basic foundations of informatics, structural construction of information systems and features of working with them;

13) labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms;

14) Internal labor regulations;

15) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;

16) ……… (other requirements for the necessary knowledge)

1.3. The Human Resources Specialist must be able to:

1) develop draft organizational and administrative documents for personnel;

2) draw up personnel documents in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations of the organization;

3) keep records and register documents in information systems and on physical media;

4) organize the storage of documents in accordance with the requirements of the labor, archival legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations of the organization;

5) analyze personnel documents and transfer information to databases and reports;

6) identify errors, inaccuracies, corrections and false information in documents, determine the legitimacy of documents;

7) work with information systems and databases for maintaining statistical and reporting information on personnel;

8) develop draft personnel documents;

9) develop a plan for adjusting the established procedure for processing personnel documents and implement the adopted changes;

10) control the presence of employees at the workplace;

11) draw up accounting documents submitted to state bodies, trade unions and other representative bodies of employees;

12) analyze the rules, procedures and procedures governing the rights and obligations of state bodies and organizations regarding the exchange of personnel documentation;

13) conduct business correspondence;

14) observe the norms of business communication ethics;

15) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.4. The HR Specialist in his work is guided by:

1) ……… (name of constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of the structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations governing labor functions by position)

1.5. HR Specialist reports directly to ……… (title of the position of the head)

1.6. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Documentation support for work with personnel:

1) maintaining organizational and administrative documentation on personnel;

2) maintaining documentation on accounting and movement of personnel;

3) administration of processes and workflow for accounting and movement of personnel, submission of documents on personnel to state bodies.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The Human Resources Specialist has the following responsibilities:

3.1.1. As part of labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carries out processing and analysis of incoming personnel documentation;

2) develops and draws up personnel documentation (primary, accounting, planning, social security, organizational, administrative);

3) carries out registration, accounting and current storage of organizational and administrative documentation on personnel.

3.1.2. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) prepares draft documents on personnel management procedures, accounting and movement of personnel;

2) organizes the system of movement of personnel documents;

3) collects and checks personal documents of employees;

4) carries out preparation and registration at the request of employees and officials copies, extracts from personnel documents, certificates, information on seniority, benefits, guarantees, compensations and other information about employees;

5) issues personnel documents to the employee on his labor activity;

6) brings organizational, administrative and personnel documents of the organization to the attention of the personnel;

7) keep records of the working time of employees;

8) carries out registration, accounting, operational storage of personnel documents, preparation for their submission to the archive.

3.1.3. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) organizes the workflow for accounting and movement of personnel;

2) organizes the workflow for the submission of documents on personnel to state bodies;

3) carries out registration of the organization in state bodies;

4) prepares:

At the request of state bodies, trade unions and other representative bodies of employees, originals, extracts, copies of documents;

Notifications, reporting and statistical information on personnel;

Information on the conclusion of an employment or civil law contract for the performance of work (rendering of services) with a citizen who held positions in the state or municipal service, the list of which is established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3.1.4. As part of the performance of his labor functions, he performs the instructions of his immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. ……… (other duties)

3.2. ……… (other job descriptions)

4. Rights

The HR specialist has the right to:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Ask the immediate supervisor for clarifications and clarifications on these instructions, issued assignments.

4.3. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information, documents necessary for the execution of the assignment.

4.4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding the function performed by him, with documents defining his rights and obligations in his position, criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of his labor functions.

4.5. Submit proposals on the organization of labor within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

4.6. Participate in the discussion of issues related to executable official duties.

4.7. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The Human Resources Specialist is responsible for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, accounting legislation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. real job description developed on the basis of the Professional Standard "", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 6, 2015 N 691n, taking into account ... ... ... (details of the organization's local regulations)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out upon employment (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee is familiar with this job description is confirmed by ……… (signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the job description familiarization log); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; otherwise)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions)

The activities of workers in many specializations that are in demand at Russian enterprises are regulated by professional standards - sources of norms approved at the level of state structures. Relevant documents can subsequently be used by employing companies in order to implement and improve their own management policy in certain areas. For example, in terms of personnel management. What is the specificity of the professional standard of a personnel management specialist? What labor functions should a personnel officer perform in accordance with the standards established by this document?

In what sources of law is the professional standard of a human resources specialist approved?

A personnel management specialist, like many other sources of similar appointments, is approved at the state level. The main legal act that establishes the relevant norms is the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 691n, adopted on 06.10.2015. This source of law corresponds to the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 23, approved on November 22, 2013.

Which was put into effect by the state, regulates, first of all, the characteristics of labor functions, which are characteristic of a personnel officer. Which ones? It is about the following:

  • documentary support of activities;
  • providing the enterprise with personnel;
  • evaluation and certification of specialists;
  • development of the personnel potential of the company;
  • assistance in providing the company's employees with comfortable working conditions;
  • implementation of the social policy of the organization;
  • participation in strategic personnel management.

It should be noted that the professional standard developed for personnel specialists also establishes for employees performing relevant labor functions. Only if a person has a certain level of knowledge and skills, the employer is recommended to allow him to solve one or another group of tasks as part of the implementation of personnel policy. Let's consider the specifics of the functions listed above in more detail.

Labor functions of a HR specialist: documentary support of activities

So, the professional standard of a personnel officer established in the Russian Federation involves the performance by a specialist of work related to the documentary support of the personnel management process.

This area of ​​activity includes:

  • preparation of internal corporate documents necessary for legitimization labor relations with hired employees (draft contracts for certain positions, job descriptions, collective agreements);
  • acceptance from employees signing contracts of personal documents (work books, diplomas, cards);
  • preparation of reports to government agencies that monitor labor relations at enterprises in various aspects - including tax, financial (we are talking about such departments as the Labor Inspectorate, the Federal Tax Service, extra-budgetary funds).

The considered direction of activity of the personnel officer is among the most important. The next no less significant group of tasks that the HR specialist solves (the professional standard prescribes to do this) is related to providing the enterprise with personnel.

Let's consider them.

Functions of a personnel officer: providing an enterprise with personnel

A personnel management specialist (professional standard also regulates the corresponding direction of his work) should contribute to providing the company with qualified employees. Actually, this is one of the main tasks of the person holding this position.

The direction of activity under consideration, which establishes professional standard Human Resources Manager, includes:

  • formation of vacancies at the enterprise, requirements for candidates for their replacement;
  • publication of information on relevant positions in the media, on specialized portals;
  • interaction with HR consultants, specialized structures;
  • inviting candidates to fill vacancies, conducting interviews with them;
  • registration of specialists who passed the tests for work;
  • to the peculiarities of the production process in the company.

The next most important area of ​​activity for the personnel manager of an enterprise is the assessment and certification of specialists working in the company.

Functions of a personnel officer: assessment and certification of specialists

A human resources specialist (a professional standard approved by the state, establishes a corresponding obligation) solves tasks related not only to attracting and ensuring the effective inclusion of new employees in the company, but also to helping maintain their level of qualifications, knowledge, and necessary competencies.

Most often, this area of ​​activity of the personnel officer includes regular assessment of the level of knowledge and skills of the company's employees, as well as certification of personnel. The responsible specialist in this case can conduct interviews, tests, invite third-party experts - in order to identify the level vocational training employees in certain positions. If the employee did not pass the test, then the personnel officer identifies the factors in the occurrence of such a situation. If necessary, it helps an employee experiencing difficulties in work to purchase necessary knowledge and skills.

The considered area of ​​activity of a personnel management specialist may be part of his next job function related to the development of the organization's human resources potential.

Human resources development both in terms of personnel

A human resources specialist (the professional standard also establishes this obligation) can solve problems related to improving the professional knowledge, skills and competencies of the company's employees. The relevant area of ​​activity of the personnel officer most often includes:

  • organization of internal corporate training of employees;
  • sending employees to courses in specialized educational institutions;
  • organizing internships for employees at partner enterprises;
  • own training in courses to improve competence in terms of personnel development.

An employee who has sufficient qualifications and is able to effectively engage in the labor process should receive a good salary, and also be able to carry out their activities in comfortable conditions. The personnel specialist (the professional standard implies this) may be responsible for the timely formation of the noted working conditions for the company's employees.

Ensuring comfortable working conditions as a function of a HR specialist

This area of ​​activity of the personnel officer includes:

  • interaction with management, financial services and other competent departments on the payment of timely, adequately presented and indexed salaries to staff;
  • communication with employees of various departments to identify requirements and wishes regarding the optimization of working conditions, the calculation of compensation;
  • providing various bonuses and privileges, interaction with the labor protection service on issues of ensuring comfortable conditions for the company's employees to conduct their professional activities.

Quite close to the considered labor function of a HR specialist is the area of ​​work of a personnel officer related to the implementation of the company's social policy. Let's study its features.

Implementation of corporate social policy as a function of the personnel officer

An HR specialist (professional standard governing the work of a personnel officer implies the existence of such a duty) can solve problems related to the implementation of corporate social policy. This area of ​​activity involves:

  • interaction of the personnel officer with managers responsible for the implementation of social policy on organizational issues;
  • participation of a personnel management specialist in improving the procedure for implementing the relevant company policy;
  • the interaction of the personnel officer with the employees of the company on the subject and wishes in the field of obtaining preferences and opportunities in the framework of the implementation of the company's social policy.

The considered direction of activity of the personnel officer can rightfully be attributed to the strategic ones. Therefore, it largely intersects with the next job function that the professional standard of the personnel manager prescribes to perform - strategic personnel management. Let's study it in more detail.

Strategic personnel management as a function of a personnel specialist

This area of ​​activity of the personnel officer may include:

  • measurement of labor productivity in various production areas;
  • identifying weaknesses in the personnel management system;
  • formulating proposals for improving the relevant system in the context of the company's strategic objectives.

These are key features that sets the professional standard for the HR specialist. An employee of the appropriate profile usually works in a specialized intracorporate structure. Typically firms. Let's consider the features of its functioning in more detail.

The specifics of the work of the personnel service of the company-employer

Experts identify the following list of functions that characterize the personnel departments of modern enterprises:

  • planning the company's needs for personnel, their training;
  • ensuring effective labor productivity;
  • study professional characteristics workers in various positions;
  • personnel records;
  • formation of corporate personnel policy;
  • search, attraction of new employees to the company, their adaptation in the organization;
  • management of intra-corporate legal relations in the field of labor;
  • ensuring document flow in the personnel sphere;
  • formation and submission of reports - internal, as well as to be sent to government agencies.

Thus, the noted functions of the personnel service of the company as a whole correspond to the specifics of such a position as a personnel specialist. The professional standard, in all likelihood, was drawn up by competent state structures, taking into account the practice of personnel management that has developed at Russian enterprises. In particular, it is observed in the field of establishing and ensuring the work of personnel services at enterprises.

The specifics of positions in the field of personnel management

So, we examined the specifics of the norms that the professional standard of a personnel specialist includes. But it should be noted that, along with an employee of an enterprise holding an appropriate position, there may be other positions in the company related to the implementation of personnel policy.

For example, it could be a lead human resources specialist. The professional standard does not distinguish it as a separate position, but in many firms this position is established. An experienced employee who successfully problem solver, provided both for those labor functions that correspond to those regulated at the level of the professional standard, and those that are established based on the local characteristics of production and personnel policy. In medium and large organizations, the work of personnel officers is managed by the head of the company's personnel management service.

For each of the positions involved in solving corporate problems within the framework of personnel policy, separate labor functions are characteristic. So, the personnel service may have more powers, and in connection with this, its work will be connected to a lesser extent with the substantive solution of problems, to a greater extent - with the procedures for coordinating certain projects, exercising control over the work of subordinates, organizing meetings on current issues.

The professional standard of the HR specialist is fixed at the level of the official normative act. If we talk about the local level of regulation, which is implemented within the framework of intra-corporate legal relations, then we can pay attention to the development and introduction by the management of firms of job descriptions for personnel officers. Let's study this aspect in more detail.

The specifics of job descriptions for personnel officers

Why does the person responsible for the development of the organization's personnel need a job description? A human resources specialist (the professional standard does not regulate this aspect of labor relations - you should pay special attention to this) may be required to familiarize yourself with these documents and sign it if the relevant source supplements his employment contract.

The job description of a personnel officer or, for example, his head, can be based on the provisions of a professional standard or based on internal corporate priorities. But since the corresponding standard is adopted at the level of an official legal act, the provisions of local regulatory sources should not contradict it. If any of its provisions involve the formation of labor functions that are not provided for by the professional standard, it is important that their essence is adequate to the required level of qualification and competence of the personnel officer.

If the manager responsible for compiling such a document as the job description of a human resources specialist uses the professional standard as the basis for the formation of the corresponding source, then he will have at his disposal a sufficiently balanced standard, which takes into account the specifics of qualifications, competencies, as well as those entrusted to the personnel officer functions. This is the usefulness of an official standard. In addition, the preparation of a job description based on it is an important condition for ensuring the legality of the provisions of the relevant document.

It can be noted that the job description of a personnel officer can be supplemented by other internal corporate sources that regulate the labor function and procedures for solving problems within the framework of production processes in the company. Among them are instructions on labor protection, internal corporate agreements. We noted above that a human resources specialist (the professional standard determines whether he has the appropriate function) can prepare these documents.


So, we investigated the specifics of such a position as a personnel specialist. An employee of the corresponding profile can also be called a manager or a personnel specialist. For the position in question, a state professional standard has been established. It defines, first of all, the list of labor functions of a person who solves problems in the field of personnel management, and also establishes qualification requirements for an employee who is obliged to perform them by virtue of an agreement with the employer.

The development of professional standards in the field of personnel management is thus in the competence of state structures. But the employing firm has the right to supplement the provisions of the relevant regulations with local sources. Which at the same time should not contradict the norms established at the official level.

Among the sources regulating the work of personnel officers and adopted locally are job descriptions, internal corporate agreements. The personnel specialist himself can take part in their development (the professional standard assumes the formation of the corresponding labor function of the person holding this position).

HR manager (HR manager)- a specialist responsible for the formation of human resources in the organization. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology and social studies (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

HR manager profession (HR stands forhuman resources- human resources) is relatively young, came to our country from the West in the 1990s and replaced the so-called "personnel officers". Recruiting and office work are only a small part of the responsibilities of an HR manager. Modern HR manager this is a strategic manager, his duties include the formation of the personnel policy of the enterprise, which includes the development of a personnel training system, maintaining a healthy psychological climate in the team, and motivating employees. The HR manager belongs to the category of managers. Its main task is to ensure the efficiency of the human resource. The success of an enterprise largely depends on the activities of an HR manager. Cadres are everything. The old slogan is still relevant today. And it is from the HR manager that the number of necessary personnel, their development and motivation depend.

In large companies, there are entire departments or departments for personnel management, in which several employees work. Each specialist has his own specific tasks: recruiting, office work, training, etc. Typically, the HR department is headed by an HR director or HR director. In small companies, HR issues are usually handled by one specialist, whose tasks include the same issues as HR managers of large firms, only on a smaller scale.

HR manager training

Moscow Education Center "PRESTIGE" holds. Intra-company personnel management, technologies for selection, placement, career growth, staff motivation, as well as modern management concepts, the basics of conflictology, management psychology, economic theory, law, modern Information Technology, office work, etc. Monthly payment.

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Responsibilities of the Human Resources Manager:

  • organization of work with personnel;
  • working with candidates, conducting interviews, deciding whether the candidate is fit or not;
  • Ensuring the staffing of the organization with employees of the necessary professions;
  • determination of the need for personnel;
  • organization of personnel training (conducting trainings, training seminars, advanced training courses);
  • providing information on personnel matters and the most important personnel decisions to the employees of the organization;
  • participation in decision-making on recruitment, transfer, promotion, demotion, imposition of administrative penalties, dismissal of employees of the enterprise;
  • drafting and design employment contracts;
  • maintaining personal files of employees and other personnel documentation;
  • management of subordinate employees;
  • monitoring the labor market, informing management about the current situation with personnel, average wages;
  • creation of a personnel reserve, creation of a system of labor motivation.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of labor legislation;
  • knowledge of the basics of sociology;
  • skills in working with personnel documentation, knowledge of the basics of office work, labor protection standards;
  • business communication skills and knowledge in the field of psychology;
  • competent Russian;
  • knowledge of the fundamentals of a market economy;
  • possession modern methods assessment of personnel and regulation of its functions;
  • the ability to read resumes correctly, knowledge of existing tests for checking candidates and which of them are effective, the ability to assess the competence of a candidate;
  • knowledge of modern concepts of personnel management;
  • knowledge of the general goals of the development of the organization and the direction of personnel policy;
  • the presence of organizational skills;
  • ability to plan time.

Personal qualities

  • sociability;
  • self-control;
  • impartiality;
  • attentiveness;
  • conscientiousness;
  • ethics;
  • self confidence;
  • active life position;
  • stress tolerance;
  • adaptability;
  • strategic thinking;
  • creativity.

Place of work

  • recruitment agencies;
  • personnel departments.

Salary and career

Salary as of 08/05/2019

Russia 25000—70000 ₽

Moscow 40000—100000 ₽

There are practically no problems with employment for graduates. In almost every organization with more than 150 employees, there are HR positions. At the same time, in large companies, the HR department may have more than 10 employees.

A young specialist can develop his career in one of two directions. In the first option, the career of an HR manager begins with the position of a recruiter. It is best to choose a recruitment agency as a place of work, in which, having shown diligence and efficiency, you can become a good personnel manager in about a year. The second option is to get a position as an assistant HR manager. With experience, income will also increase. The salary of an HR manager depends on the level of the company, the number of employees and the degree of responsibility.

The HR manager, if he wants to be successful, must meet the modern requirements of the market. What you need to know and be able to, what to strive for - read in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Useful related documents:

HR manager: position in the company

Human Resources Manager, also known as HR, is a specialist who is responsible for working with the workforce of an organization. At the same time, his duties may differ in different companies. For example, in small firms, all functions are assigned to it - from recruitment before paperwork, in large - tasks are delimited between employees of the personnel service.

Reference: not every organization needs an HR manager - duties are often assigned to a personnel officer, secretary or accountant.

The modern manager is a strategic manager. The success of the organization, its profitability and prospects directly depend on it. He must take into account not only the interests of business owners, but also the staff, be able to seek compromise solutions and convince. It is on the actions of HR and its management style that the psychological climate, the level of motivation and involvement, and overall labor efficiency depend.

HR manager education

Persons with higher specialized education can apply for the position of HR. AT last years they also accept employees who have completed training courses and who have a diploma. As a rule, they can only count on the role of an assistant, but career growth is not excluded. If your goal is to become an HR director, and not just an ordinary HR, be patient and improve your knowledge and skills, personal and professional qualities.


A purposeful and young HR manager, Stanislav dreamed of taking the chair of the director at the stage of training. After graduating from high school, after an internship, he got a job. Of course, the position to which he was accepted did not allow him to reveal his creative potential. Stanislav worked as an assistant for a year and realized that something needed to be changed. He signed up for advanced training courses, additionally participated in trainings, worked with psychologists. That it grows before our eyes professionally were quickly noticed. The management decided to transfer him from an assistant to a specialist, and a year later he took the director's chair, heading the department.

Changing market conditions, the development of the management sphere leads to the fact that the knowledge received initially is not enough. If you do not have time to study due to a high workload, periodically take distance courses. You can view the content of the programs to find out in which direction to move.

What skills should an HR manager have?

To perform the duties of a recruiting manager, manage labor resources, you need to have extensive knowledge. At the same time, it is not enough to master the techniques of selection, search, motivation, etc., you need to know the basics of psychology, because you have to work with a team in which each person has his own characteristics.

In general, you should know:

  • laws affecting personnel management issues;
  • organization development goals;
  • methods of labor quality analysis;
  • features of planning the need for personnel;
  • foundations of the sociology of labor;
  • team management practices;
  • wage systems;
  • the procedure for issuing fixed-term and indefinite employment contracts;
  • methods for assessing labor efficiency;
  • labor protection standards;
  • forms of personnel documentation and requirements for it;
  • methods of training work with personnel.

A recruiter draws up a professiogram, so learn to identify personal and professional quality others, without which it is impossible to perform official duties. Additionally, acquire knowledge that will help to conduct psychological and professional tests, interpret the results.

Human Resources Manager: Job Responsibilities

HR is assigned the responsibilities prescribed in the job description. The manager organizes work in the company or within the structural unit, monitors compliance with the law, and in order to achieve high results, HR prepares proposals for improvement and submits them to higher authorities for consideration. But his duties do not end there.

Job description of the personnel manager

Human Resources Manager whose responsibilities include comprehensive work, deals with:

  • tracking the situation on the labor market, informing management about the level of the average salary in the region and the country;
  • conducting a quick search for specialists in the labor market and among the company's employees;
  • creation of a system of non-material motivation;
  • conducting staff training at trainings, seminars, etc.;
  • advice on human resource management ;
  • organization of interviews and testing to identify the skills and qualities of staff;
  • preparation of events for the introduction of new employees into the team;
  • coordination of work on personnel training;
  • personnel changes aimed at solving strategic issues;
  • planning and decision labor issues, drawing up and signing employment contracts, maintaining personal files, etc.;
  • formation of a personnel reserve

What is the responsibility of the HR manager - determines the management and fixes it in the instructions and the contract. Despite this, you must be able to perform other functions: form a team and working groups, organize professional and psychological adaptation , attestation. Try to master modern management techniques that help reduce the number of stressful situations, gain the respect of colleagues and recognition of personal merit by higher authorities.

Rights and responsibilities of the HR manager

From what functional responsibilities HR manager is performed by an employee, his rights and responsibilities depend. HR can represent the interests of the company when working with clients, partners, competitors and authorities, correspond with external organizations without the permission of the manager.

The manager has the right to initiate the preparation of personnel documentation, request from managers structural divisions and other managers the information he needs for his work. He signs documents within his competence, makes proposals for bringing to disciplinary responsibility.

Be prepared to take responsibility for improper performance of duties, damage to the organization, distribution of trade secrets and other confidential information. Violation of labor discipline and safety regulations also entails penalties.

Important!The HR manager may bear administrative, disciplinary and criminal liability. In a number of organizations, punishments are also provided, consisting in a decrease in wages.

What qualities should a recruiting manager have?

The duties of HR cannot be fulfilled if you do not possess the necessary personal, professional and business qualities. Only competent and developed managers deftly cope with the work, lead the team, motivate it for development and career growth. They are able to retain valuable specialists in the company even in times of crisis, to select methods of stimulation that do not put a heavy burden on the budget.

The manager must be able to negotiate, find a common language with difficult people, know how and on whom to influence in order to achieve the desired goal. Therefore, literacy, flexibility, education and other qualities are given special attention when hiring new HR.

If you plan to grow and develop, improve the following professional qualities:

  • organizational skills;
  • skills of purposeful fulfillment of tasks;
  • flexibility and adaptability;
  • competence.

It is important for an HR specialist to have charisma, to have a clear life position. He must be endowed with other qualities, some of which can be developed, and not attributed to natural absence.

5 Qualities an HR Director Needs

1. Ability to overcome fear and control yourself, even when you want to cry, swear, leave, slamming the door. If necessary, you must be able to insist on your own.

2. The ability to do more than just resolve conflicts! It is necessary to be able to translate the negative energy of conflicts into a productive channel, so that opponents do not have the feeling that they were deceived, forced to give up their principles.

3. Understanding what language to speak with an employee. Only if you can adapt to him, he will understand you. It is enough just to sympathize with someone, but with the tops it is necessary to explain in the language of numbers.

4. Showing appropriate humor and showing optimism. This helps to overcome difficulties and negativity, and disposes employees to you.

5. Openness of the HR director for communication, but at the same time a demonstration of objectivity and impartiality. Don't walk around looking unapproachable. Don't put on a tragic mask.

The ideal HR manager is a confident and well-rounded specialist. It is difficult to single out the specific qualities that he should possess. Improve your skills, learn to communicate, listen to colleagues, determine their motives, desires and aspirations. Avoid stressful situations, plan working time. A faithful assistant in your work is time management. If you are attentive and reasonable, you will reveal your potential, show professionalism and quickly achieve a promotion.

Job description of the personnel manager

The law does not provide for a unified job description. This is due to the fact that in some organizations the functions of a personnel manager are performed by 1 person who conducts complex work in all areas, in another - the department may include 10-15 employees, or even more.

When compiling a document, they prescribe what knowledge the HR manager should have, duties and requirements. They are selected based on the scope of activity, functions, goals, current position firms, etc. It is recommended to take a ready-made document as a basis, which can later be finalized - remove unnecessary items and add missing ones. This will help to avoid mistakes when compiling job descriptions.

As the organization grows and develops, job descriptions are revised and supplemented. But this does not mean that in case of expanding the boundaries of responsibility, you will have to look for a new job, because the problem is solved by obtaining additional education. . In what direction to move, so as not to become unsuitable, read in the "Personnel System".

40 000 rub.

Human Resources Inspector / Human Resources Specialist


Work experience: from 3 years. Higher education. Work experience from 5 years. Knowledge 1 C 8.3. Responsibilities: Maintain personnel office work in full. Assistance in the selection of personnel. Participation in the organization of corporate events.

45,000–50,000 rubles

HR Specialist


Experience from 1 year. Knowledge of immigration law; - Experience with visa-free foreigners; - experience in military accounting; - Knowledge of the full cycle of KDP. Working conditions: Schedule 5/2 from 09.00 to 18.00, Friday until 17.00; Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Friendly team, loyal management; Comfortable office within walking distance from Vladykino metro station (15 min walk), or 5 ...

40 000 rub.

HR and immigration specialist


Experience from 1 year. Knowledge of personnel records management Knowledge of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Experience of working with foreign citizens Excellent knowledge of migration legislation, permits Knowledge of 1C 8 ... Working conditions: Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Work schedule 5/2 from 10:00 to 18:00 Compensation for travel Free meals Moscow, st. Yuzhnaya d. 10a, Novokosino

25 000 rub.


We need your: Skills: Writing an advertisement for publication in the media about the profile of the vacancy. Analysis of information on the essential conditions for hiring an employee. Business communication, ... Working conditions: Work in a large state diversified medical center. Official registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Flexible schedule within five days, part-time. Place of work - m. Schukinskaya (10 minutes ...

Recruiter / Recruiter / Recruiter


Work experience: from 6 years. Good knowledge of programs and online recruitment services. Responsibilities: Active search for candidates on various Internet resources, interviews. Personnel management.

45 000 rub.

HR Specialist


Work experience: from 3 years. Higher education, work experience from 3 years. Excellent knowledge of personnel records management, labor legislation and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, deep knowledge of shift work and ... Working conditions: Place of work: m. Aviamotornaya, 10 minutes on foot. Three months later, moving to Skolkovo Science City (Odintsovo district, Innovation Center platform. (Transport accessibility from Troparevo metro station, Slavyansky metro station ...

40,000–50,000 rubles

Leading HR Specialist


Experience from 1 year. Higher education; - Experience in recruitment; - Knowledge of special programs: 1C: 8.2,8.3; Microsoft Office - Preferred work experience of at least 3 years; - Personal... Working conditions: Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Probation 3 months; Working hours 5/2 - from Mon to Fri from 09.00 to 18.00; Place of work: metro station Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad (7 minutes on foot). Full time at...

45,000–50,000 rubles

HR manager / HR specialist


Experience from 1 year. Higher education Good knowledge of 1C ZiK 8.3, Excel, Word and Labor Code of the Russian Federation Ability to work in multitasking mode Willingness to work with large amounts of information... Working conditions: Registration according to Labor Code Work schedule 5/2 from 9.00 to 18.00 Trial period - 2 months Payment mob. Contacts Discounts on products Delivery by corporate transport from Tekstilshchiki metro station

60 000 rub.

Recruitment Specialist


Experience from 1 year. Higher education; Knowledge of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, normative documents regulating the conduct of personnel records management; Confident PC skills (Microsoft Office, 1C 8. Working conditions: Salary 60,000 rubles per hand; Bonus based on the results of work for the year; Trial period up to 3 months (may be reduced according to the results of work); Registration strictly according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (guarantees and privileges...

Radiological and environmental control specialist


Experience from 1 year. Higher specialized education, or retraining in the field of security environment in the amount of 256 hours. - At least 1 year experience in a similar job. - Responsibility, accounting... Working conditions: Full compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; - Official wage 2 times a month; - Schedule 5/2, Mon-Thurs from 9:00 to 18:00, Friday - until 15:30; - DMS; - Social package (gifts for children, etc.); - ...

RUB 44,000–56,000

HR Specialist


Experience from 1 year. Education from an average professional work experience in the field of human resource management (preferably in a large company) from 1 year confident PC user ... Working conditions: stable payment of wages 2 times a month official registration from the 1st working day bonuses based on work results five days work week internship course training and development full...

30,000–35,000 rubles

Recruitment and adaptation specialist


Experience from 1 year. Work experience from 1 year Responsibilities: Recruitment, interviewing applicants, assistance in adaptation of employees.

40 000 rub.

HR Specialist


Knowledge of SAP software and/or relevant work experience would be an advantage; Correct oral and written language; purposefulness and desire to work and develop in this direction; ... Working conditions: Official registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Working hours 5/2.8:00 - 17:00; Stable salary twice a month; Career; Free uniform, medical insurance and food allowance; Work in the Capitol shopping center, in ...

25 000 rub.

Document management specialist / Clerk (manager)


Experience from 1 year. Office work, accurate documentation; Confident user of MS Office: Word, Excel; Competent oral and written speech, clear diction, sociability. Working conditions: Work in a team of professionals; Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Payment: from 25,000 rubles + bonuses; Work schedule: 5 working days from 9 to 18; Career growth and development to a sales manager with a good income; ...

50 000 rub.

Senior HSE Specialist


Work experience: from 3 years. Higher, Secondary technical education - Knowledge of legislative acts, normative documents on health and safety - Work experience at an oil refinery is welcome Working conditions: Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Candidates from other cities are considered.

47 000 rub.

Recruitment Specialist


Experience from 1 year. Higher education. At least 6 months experience as a researcher/recruiter. Correct oral and written language. High learning ability, attentiveness, resistance to stress, ... Working conditions: Registration according to the Labor Code, white wages. VHI, food compensation, lunch delivery to the office, additional paid rest days. Office at st. m. Running (1 minute). Young friendly...