Presentation "portfolio as an assessment of a teacher's professional achievements." Computer presentation of practical achievements of the professional activity of a mathematics teacher Leading pedagogical idea

Department of Education of the Administration of the Nizhnyaya Salda Urban District of the Sverdlovsk Region MBOU "Secondary School No. 10" THE INFORMATION IS CERTIFIED by the Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 10" _______________ L.V. Volkova “____” _________ 2014 Competition of the best teachers of educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk region Presentation of professional achievements of the teacher Author: Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna history teacher of the 1st category MBOU “Secondary School No. 10”, Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region Yekaterinburg, 2014 CONTENTS 1. 2. General information about teacher Positive results of students' educational achievements 1.1. Development of motivation (interest) for studying the subject 1.2. Achievement and level of training of students in the subject 1.3. Information about the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren 1.4. Information about creative works of students in the subject Results of extracurricular activities of students in the academic subject 2.1. Local history club “My City” 2.2. Positive dynamics of the results of extracurricular activities of students 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.3. Development and conduct of excursions, cultural and educational events, open events 2.4. Involving students in organizing and conducting extracurricular activities Creating conditions for students to acquire positive social experience 3.1. Organization and conduct of events for civic-patriotic education 3.2. Participation of students in self-government of the class, school participation in the organization of socially significant projects 3.2.1. Project “Website of young local historians” 3.2.2. Project “Virtual School Museum” 3.3. Interaction of the school student community with local authorities, public organizations Effective use of modern educational technologies, including information technologies 4. 1. Use of productive learning technologies /TRKM, KOZ, ICT/ 4.2. Use of digital educational resources, methods of recording and assessing students’ educational achievements using ICT tools, use of distance education resources 4. 2. Project “Personal website of a history teacher” Availability of the teacher’s own methodological system, tested in the professional community 5.1. Availability methodological developments having an expert opinion or accepted for use, availability of methodological publications 5.2. Participation in the work of pedagogical councils, consultations, methodological associations and other forms of methodological work 5.3. Systematic work to disseminate one’s own teaching experience Continuity professional development teachers 6.1. Advanced training courses, distance learning 6.2. Participation in municipal, regional and federal professional competitions, network societies 6.3. Participation in online professional communities 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 16 Semkova Natalia Vladimirovna - history teacher of category I, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk region 2 1. Full name: Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna 2. Education: higher. 3. Diploma specialty: history and social studies teacher 4. Teaching experience: 36 years 5. Workload: 21 hours 6. Qualification category – first 7. Methodological topic : “Use of information space in the teaching and educational work of the teacher” 1. Positive results of students’ educational achievements 1.1. Development of motivation (interest) for studying the subject Ensuring the quality of education, in accordance with modern requirements, I pay special attention to the development of cognitive motivation of students, the development of cognitive competence. In my teaching practice I successfully use productive learning technologies. In my teaching activities I use various techniques and methods: taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren, choosing an action in accordance with the student’s capabilities, choosing means together with students to achieve a goal, using collective and group forms of work, etc. I presented the results of my activities at the School of Education, methodological recommendations were approved by the Pedagogical Society. 1.2. The performance and level of learning of students in the subject Mastery of modern pedagogical teaching methods, the use of a differentiated and individual approach in teaching schoolchildren made it possible to ensure from 2010 to 2013. a stable level of academic performance (without underachievers) - 100% and increase the quality of knowledge (those who achieve “4” and “5”) from 39% to 48%, i.e. by 9%. Dynamics of the level of social studies. learning 100 80 60 40 20 0 (academic achievement) 100 100 students in history and 100 2010-11. 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of category I, MBOU “Secondary School No. 10”, Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 3 Dynamics of the share of students achieving “4” and “5” (quality of knowledge). History 65 60 Social studies 64 69 70 68 66 Quality of knowledge... 64 62 60 59 56 55 50 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 66 64 Quality of knowledge... 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Presented results of educational achievements positive dynamics in the quality of education my students. show (APPENDIX 1 Certificate of confirmation) Information about the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren. I consider the organization of work with gifted and creative children to be an important area of ​​activity. I use new ways to increase interest and motivation through project activities, participation in olympiads and conferences at various levels. 1.3. Dynamics of student participation in school-level Olympiads 100 100 100 100 80 60 Participation in Olympiads 40 20 0 2010- 2011- 20122011 2012 2013 Presence among students of winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren Olympiad All-Russian Distance Olympiad in the history of Russia of the project In Fourok 2011-2012 Qty. in Number of participants, winners 2012-2013 Number of participants, winners - - 2013-2014 Number Number of participants, winners 18 12 Result: 1st place - 3 students 2nd place - 6 students 3rd place - 5 students (APPENDIX 2. 1 Copies of diplomas) Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of category I, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk region 4 1.4. Information about creative works of students studying in the subject Name of events Level 2010-2011 Number of participants Number of prize-winners School. 3 3 Protection of research- Municipal. of projects 2011-2012 Number Number of participants, winners 4 4 2 1 2012-2013 Number Number of participants, winners 6 6 3 2 (Reference - confirmation APPENDIX 2.2) 2. Results of extracurricular activities of students in the academic subject 2.1. Local history club “My City” I carry out extracurricular activities on the subject through the local history club “My City”. The main goal of which is to create conditions for instilling patriotism in schoolchildren through local history. The teacher has developed a program that has been successfully implemented over the past three years. The results of the circle’s work were research projects in the following areas: Project title “History of the native city” “History of the school” “Compatriots-veterans of the front and rear” “School graduates participants in hot spots” “NIIMash to space” “History of the Saldin Kerzhaks” Honorary citizens of the city Monuments Saldy History of SMZ Summary D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%80%D0%BE %D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0/ http://yfnfkmz1960 D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE% D0%BB%D1%8B/ %D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F%D0%BF %D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B0/ D0% B8%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%8F%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%85%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BA/ D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8 %D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%88/ %D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B5 %D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0 %B4%D0%B0%D0%BD% D0%B5/ %D1%82%D0%BD% D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B4%D1%8B/ %D1%82%D0%BE% D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D1%81%D0%BC%D0%B7/ All student research was formalized in the form of research projects, author’s presentations, videos and presented at conferences Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of category I, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region, 5 school, municipal, regional and All-Russian levels. The research served as the foundation for the project “Website of Young Local Historians” / see. 3.2.1./ (Certificate - confirmation APPENDIX 2.2) 2.2. Positive dynamics of the results of extracurricular activities of students Level 2011-2012 Number of participants School Municipal Regional All-Russian 13 1 1 1 Number of winners 3 1 1 1 2012-2013 Number of participants Number of winners 16 3 2 2 4 2 1 2013-2014 Number of participants 18 3 1 4 Number of prize-winners 10 2 1 Processing (APPENDIX 3 Copies of certificates) 2.3. Development and conduct of excursions, events, open events Activities of a teacher as... Subject teacher Class teacher Club leader Other cultural and educational activities Events Excursions to the local history museum, city libraries, trips to historical places in the region Excursions to city-forming enterprises, educational institutions “My City” program , work of the site “Young local historians” Creating videos and presenting them to the public “My friends are Afghans”, “My city” http :// “Salda Cedar Grove”, “Salda Temples”, com/watch?v=l1a9KMFhz3o “Crimea - we are with you” Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of the first category, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 6 2.4. Involving students in extracurricular activities Year Project name 2012 Action “St. George Ribbon” 2013 Action “Our fellow countrymen are participants in local wars” Action “Immortal Regiment” 2014 Result Presentation of St. George ribbons to fellow countrymen /100 people/ Design of the Memory Book /25 people/ Future photo exhibition 3. Creation by the teacher of conditions for students to acquire positive social experience The main goal of educational work, as a class teacher, is to prepare a viable, i.e. competent, socially integrated, mobile personality, capable of full and effective participation in social and professional activity . Therefore, the basis of my work to create conditions for students to acquire positive social experience is the Program “Organization of a humanistic educational space in the classroom.” The program has been implemented for the third year. The results of the work are constantly monitored and analyzed by the teacher together with students and parents. This academic year, with my work experience, I spoke to the school’s professional society, receiving high praise from my colleagues. (Reference - confirmation APPENDIX 4.1) As a teacher of social disciplines, I try to educate each of my students as a full-fledged citizen of Russia - a patriot who respects the national cultures of peoples, who knows how to live in conditions of market relations, developing information technologies, who has an outlook and breadth of thinking. Organization and conduct of events for civic-patriotic education 3.1. YEAR 20112012 Names of projects Project “My Pain - Afghanistan” http://www.._-moya-afgan-2013 Opening of a memorial plaque to the Knight of the Order of Courage Denis Bortnov, a school graduate who died in Chechnya 160222/mitingpamyati-vypusknika-shkoly 20122013 Project “Virtual School Museum” Project “Website of young local historians of MBOU “Secondary School No. 10” Project “400 years” Romanov dynasty" %D1%8B%D0%B5- %D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8B/ Project “Constitution -20 years” Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of the 1st category MBOU “Secondary school No. 10”, Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk region 7 20132014 Project “70th anniversary of UTDC” B5%D0%B9%D0%BD %D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8B/ Project “70th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad” http: // Project “70th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk” Project “80th anniversary of the Sverdlovsk region” Project “Olympics in Sochi 2014” %D1%8E%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%BD %D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%82% D1%. .html 3.2. Participation in the organization of socially significant projects Area of ​​activity Helping the elderly, disabled, orphans; Improvement of the territory, improvement of the quality of the environment Interaction of the community of students (pupils) with local government structures Events Organization of patronage by students of veteran teacher Ragozina G. T., a participant in local wars - Balakin A.V. New Year's holiday programs for pupils of the Children's Center and the Children's Home Collection of stationery and toys for the pupils of the orphanage and the Children's Home Organization of cleanup days in the city park, at the school, at the monuments of the city Organization of the search for relatives of those killed in years of the Great Patriotic War according to search engine requests. Joint work with the Museum of Local Lore, the City Council of War and Labor Veterans, the Council of SMZ Veterans, NIIMash, the Society of Afghanistan War Veterans, the City Archive, the public organization “Children of War”, and city libraries. (Confirmation APPENDIX 4.2 Photocopies, copies of thanks) 3.2.1. Project “Site of young local historians” The project “Site of young local historians” is, in my opinion, one of the most socially significant projects implemented me and my children in 2013. During its existence, the site has become an educational and cognitive, methodological resource, a tool for students’ activity-based approach to research, and one of the points of formation of civic identity. Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of the 1st category, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 8 The result of the site’s work during its existence: the site has been established as an educational and cognitive resource: on its pages are posted the results of the search work of school students on the history of their native city, extensive photographic material was collected. the site was established as a methodological resource: the experience of the project manager in organizing local history work was summarized, and methodological recommendations for working on a research project were collected. the site has become a tool for students’ active approach to local history work: on the pages of the site, students post the results of their local history research and photo reports. the site has become one of the points of formation of civic identity among the younger generation: materials from the site are used by teachers to conduct cool hours, conversations. Students use materials to work on research projects, for the performance of competitive works. The most significant result of the site’s work is that by participating in the All-Russian distance competition for student sites and blogs, we received a diploma for 3rd place in the “Site of My Hobbies” category. (Confirmation - APPENDIX 5 copy of the certificate) Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of the first category, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 9 3.2.2. Project “Virtual School Museum” The idea of ​​creating a virtual history museum educational institution and the use of Internet technologies, arose from the author in 2012. Why virtual? Because the virtual museum significantly expands the scope of the traditional school museum, forms a circle of its regular visitors, contributes to the development of information culture and maximum inclusion in joint project activities. The purpose of creating a virtual museum is to create a space for virtual communication that will help students become familiar with the history of the school. During its existence, 61 virtual albums on the history of the school were created together with students and graduates. The albums are constantly replenished by both local historians and school graduates. The author believes that the school virtual museum allows students to reach a qualitatively new level of mastery of the surrounding reality, its historical past and present. Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of category I, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 10 3.3. Interactions of the school student community with local authorities, public organizations As part of the social order of society for the political education of students, in my lessons I solve the problems of forming a civic culture for high school students. Since 2013, the school, under my leadership, has had a club for high school students, “Young Russia,” which works closely with the City Election Commission. High school students of the club carry out work on civic education of schoolchildren, open meetings, and quizzes. So, this year, a lot of work was carried out on the projects “The Constitution of Russia - the main Law of our life”, “The Sverdlovsk region is 80 years old”. My methodological development class hour, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution, having passed the examination of the Methodological portal “Teacher”, it is recommended for use by other teachers. When organizing work on local history projects, young local historians of the school work closely with representatives of public organizations of the city: the Museum of Local Lore, the City Council of War and Labor Veterans, the Council of Veterans of City-Forming Enterprises, the Society of Veterans of the War in Afghanistan, the City Archives, the public organization "Children of War", city libraries . (Confirmation - APPENDIX 4 copies of thanks) 4. Effective use of modern educational technologies, including information technologies Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of the first category, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 11 4.1. Use of productive learning technologies To ensure high quality of organization of the educational process, I effectively use modern educational technologies, such as TRKMChP, project methods, competency-oriented tasks, and problem-based learning. I mastered the methodology for using these technologies during classes in practice-oriented workshops of the Center for Educational Management. (Confirmation - APPENDIX 6) Use of digital educational resources, methods of recording and assessing students’ educational achievements using ICT tools, use of distance education resources Having sufficient knowledge of ICT, I systematically use them in preparation for lessons, during extracurricular activities and in educational work. I use ICT in the classroom: a) when studying new material and conducting presentation lessons. /electronic textbooks on the subject, methodological manuals, video lessons, world encyclopedias, etc./, I have created a bank of my own media resources for history and social studies lessons. b) when assessing knowledge, skills and abilities, I use innovative methods for assessing results - interactive tests from a unified collection of test centers; own interactive tests 4.2. c) to consolidate educational material: electronic tests created in the Microsoft office application Excel, using the computer testing program “My test”; electronic simulators, own developments (Confirmation - APPENDIX 7) 4.2.1. Project “Personal website of a history teacher” For development purposes distance learning students, project activities, presenting my materials to the teaching community in order to obtain their independent assessment, in 2013 I implemented the “Personal Website of a History Teacher” Project. their organization Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of the first category, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 12 The purpose of this project is is the creation of an Internet resource containing interactive material for students and teachers, as well as information tasks for individual work by students. The site has existed for 235 days, and during its existence it has received recognition from students, colleagues, and parents. I believe that this Internet resource helps to increase students’ motivation, stimulates their passion for the school subject, helps to increase the efficiency of the educational process, and develops students’ information competence. 5. Availability of the teacher’s own methodological system, tested in the professional community 5.1. The presence of methodological developments that have an expert opinion or have been accepted for use, the presence of methodological publications, 36 years of experience in teaching allows the author to create information resources adapted to the educational process that meet the needs of both teachers and students. Active participation in online professional societies allows me to obtain an independent assessment of my methodological developments. (Confirmation - APPENDIX 7 - links to resources) (Appendix 8, 8.1 - copies of certificates) Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of the first category MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk region 13 Participation in the work of pedagogical councils, councils, methodological associations and other forms of methodological work Based on the fact that the most important means of improving the pedagogical skills of teachers, which binds the entire system of school work into a single whole, is methodological work, I pay great attention to the development of this area. I constantly participate in the work of pedagogical councils, consultations, scientific and practical conferences. In 2013-14, I was the head of the school of education for teachers of the humanities, and this year I am the head of the school of class teachers. Every year I am a member of the group of experts at city local history conferences and defense of research projects. 5.2. (Certificate - confirmation - APPENDIX 8.2) Systematic dissemination of my own teaching experience I systematically disseminate my own teaching experience at the school, municipal, regional, regional, all-Russian and international level. 6. Continuity of teacher professional development 6.1. Advanced training courses, distance learning 5.3. Tasks for the development of professional qualities What does the teacher do (CPC, seminars, trainings, competitions, etc.) Results obtained 1. Improving the teaching methods of the subject Courses of the Scientific and Technical Faculty IRRO 2011 “Implementation of the competency-based approach in a modern school” / 104 hours / Courses of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution NTGPI 2012 under the program “Current issues of historical education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard LLC” /72 hours/ Courses of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region “Institute for Educational Development” under the program “Training of Unified State Exam organizers” Certificate of advanced training. RN2096 Certificate of short-term advanced training RN 02903 Certificate of short-term advanced training RN 5690 2. Mastering innovative pedagogical technologies that ensure achievement Practice-oriented distance workshop of the ANO "Youth Development Center" 2012 on the topics "Technology of critical thinking" /36 hours/ 2013 year “Development of KOZ for educational certificates Certificate Natalya Vladimirovna Semkova - history teacher of the 1st category MBOU “Secondary School No. 10”, Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 14 educational results of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC 3. Mastery of ICT subjects” “Second generation standards” /36 hours/2013 year ANO DPO "Methodist" "Modern educational technologies that ensure the achievement of educational results Federal State Educational Standards LLC" 2013 year method 4. Improving knowledge on organizing work on patriotic education Distance courses on the portal "Network of Creative Teachers" 2014 year "Using the capabilities of international teacher online communities in the work of a creative teacher" /36 hours/ "Learning to work with Web 2.0 services" Participation in seminars of the State Budget Educational Institution of Children's Education of the Sverdlovsk Region Children's Education Center "Palace of Youth" 2011-2013 Participation in the international scientific and practical pedagogical conference "Educating a citizen and patriot: ways of developing national and civil identity through the means of general and additional education” 2013 CDDC “Youth Palace” Generalization of pedagogical experience in local history. Placement of an electronic portfolio on the website “Teacher Portal” Creation of a website “Young local historians of school No. 10 Diploma Certificate Certificate EMC PIL - 0474 Certificate Web 2.0 PIL -135 Certificate Certificate Certificate Presentation of one’s own experience “Local history is the basis of patriotism” http://www.uchportal. ru/board/61-0-46 Diploma for third place in the All-Russian distance competition for student websites and blogs 6. 2. Participation in municipal, regional and federal professional competitions (over the last 5 years) Date Name of the competition Result 2010 City competition of teachers’ portfolios City local history competition “We are Uralians” Regional local history competition “Stone Belt” City pedagogical competition “Innovative forms of work in patriotic education of schoolchildren" City local history competition "We are the Urals" Regional local history competition "Stone Belt" Regional competition among teaching staff involved in patriotic education City competition of innovations in teaching activities Regional competition of innovations in teaching activities City local history competition "We are the Urals" Regional local history competition “Stone Belt” All-Russian competitions of the Internet portal Gratitude Certificate Certificate Diploma 2011 2012 Gratitude Gratitude Certificate Certificate Gratitude Certificate Natalya Vladimirovna Semkova - history teacher of the first category MBOU “Secondary School No. 10”, Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 15 2013 2014 “Uninvented stories about war" All-Russian competition of local history works "Fatherland" All-Russian competition of electronic portfolio on the site Teacher's portal All-Russian remote competition of student sites and blogs All-Russian festival of presentations All-Russian pedagogical competition “Scenario for a media lesson with a computer” International competition for teachers “Open lesson” Diploma Certificate III place Diploma Diploma Diploma II place Diploma (Confirmation - APPENDIX 9 copies of diplomas, certificates) 6.3. Participation in online professional communities Network Pedagogical Society Teacher's portal Internet - Portal 50/ Social network of educators Pedagogical electronic journal http://ped-konkurs .ru/ Methodological portal for teachers “Methodsovet” Educational and methodological portal http 9/ Center for New Educational Technologies TSPU Network of creative teachers Teacher activities Creation of a personal account. Placement of materials Total - 21 materials Personal account. Publication of developments. In total - 26 materials. Creation of an electronic portfolio Personal page Publication of materials for lessons, Unified State Examination, Unified State Examination. Placement of an electronic portfolio Website of a history teacher Result Certificates Certificate Certificate Certificate Publication of materials for lessons Certificate Methodological developments, website catalog Certificate Personal account. Participation in competitions Publication of materials for lessons Participation in competitions, placement of methodological developments Certificate Personal account. Participation in competitions. Personal Area. Distance Diploma Diploma of Certificate Natalya Vladimirovna Semkova - history teacher of the 1st category MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 16 Teacher portal On http:/ / erinfo&user=semkowa50 All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council 5.html School of the Best Teachers 43 Distance educational portal “Prodlenka” Electronic journal “Pedagogical World” International community of teachers “I am a teacher” http:// nizhnjaja_salda/semkova_natalja_vladi mirovna/162-1-0-157 training. Work in creative groups. Personal Area. Publication of materials for lessons about publication Certificates of publication Personal account. Publication of developments. Certificate of publication Participation in distance courses on current pedagogical topics Personal account. Publication of developments. Evidence. Diploma Certificate of publication Personal account. Publication of developments. Evidence of publication Personal page. Certificate (Confirmation - APPENDIX 10 copies of thanks, certificates) Semkova Natalya Vladimirovna - history teacher of category I, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10", Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region 17

Khrushchev Vladimir Petrovich– technology teacher

My pedagogical credo:

"The unknown world is huge

I will open it up for the children,

the best in the world -

this is my profession!

My methodological topic:

"The use of modern


technologies in technology lessons

(project activities)"

The word "Technology" comes from the ancient Greek "techne" - art, skill, skill and "logos" - teaching, science, word. This means that technology is the science of skill, skill, and art.

In more accessible and modern language, technology is a sequence of production operations that ensure the output of a certain product.

While studying the subject "Technology" (household economics), students learn to sew independently, do handicrafts, repair clothes and keep them in order, cook delicious food, take care of facial skin and hair, perform creative projects. They develop their creativity, aesthetic taste, creative initiative and accuracy in work.

The knowledge and skills acquired in technology lessons will bring great benefit to children in Everyday life and will help you choose a profession in the future.

The main goal of schooling today is the formation of a thinking, productive personality who masters interrelated methods of transformative activity.

1. Spiritual and emotional enrichment of the individual: a) the formation of ideas about the harmonious unity of the world and the place of man in it; b) fostering an attentive and sympathetic attitude towards the environment; c) the formation of aesthetic perception and evaluation of things and phenomena; d) fostering a respectful attitude towards the creative person.

2. Development of the creative potential of the individual, creative abilities.

3. Improving intelligence, developing rational and logical thinking.

4. Broadening your horizons.

5. Development of the hand, eye, etc. through the formation of practical skills.

Principles that must be followed in the process of training and education

1. The principle of development. It requires taking into account the child’s natural inclinations in the organization of educational activities, which gives freedom of choice to the child and maximum realization of his abilities. A person must develop throughout his life, regardless of age. No wonder the Russian proverb says: “Live forever, learn forever.” For the development process to proceed, a person must constantly move forward, set goals and objectives, find ways to achieve them and achieve positive results. In childhood, the role of leading to new knowledge should be played by teachers and parents.

2. The principle of collectivity. Community and collectivity are a national feature of the Russian people. Only in a team with its socially significant activities, developed relationships of responsible dependence, relationships of camaraderie, friendship, and mutual assistance can development social essence person. But collectivity should not be forced. A person should have the opportunity to choose a team based on his own interests and needs. The teacher’s task is to provide such a choice.

3. The principle of a child’s success in the process of activity. If in the process of educational activities a child cannot express himself, he is not doing well with his studies, the teacher’s task is to create conditions in which this child will find his “I” and get rid of his complexes.

Professional achievements of Elena Anatolyevna Sapegina Technology teacher of the highest qualification category, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School 16”, Vorkuta Competition for receiving monetary incentives for the best teachers for high achievements in teaching activities in the Komi Republic in 2010

Results of extracurricular activities of students in technology Club "Sewing Studio" Club "Decorative and Applied Arts" Elective course "Fashion Design" Municipal and republican competitions and exhibitions of decorative and applied arts City competition "Vorkutaugol - through the eyes of the young" model project Dynamics of student attendance growth in the circle “Sewing Atelier” City exhibition of decorative and applied arts “Rainbow of Inspiration” IV Republican exhibition of children’s creativity “Mirror of Nature”

The results of my activities as a class teacher. Methodological topic “Creating conditions for the development of the spiritual, moral, socially adapted personality of a schoolchild. Raising an active, enlightened citizen and patriot, a person of high culture who loves his Motherland, city, school, family." Leisure Teaching Patriot Health Communication Culture Native land I am a Citizen MY AREAS OF WORK

Use of modern educational technologies Presentations of creative works Design and research, design and technological, research papers Development of creative abilities Overcoming individual deficiencies in educational training Independent search for information Technology of individually differentiated training Presentation technologies Project technology Information and communication technologies Training programs Developmental education

Generalization and dissemination of own teaching experience 2010 – Publication of the additional educational program “Sewing Atelier” on the website of the professional community of teachers “Methodists”, materials are registered under 2978 Generalization of experience on the topics: “Activation of students in technology lessons” (2007) “Lesson structure technologies. Algorithm for drawing up a lesson plan on technology" (2008) "Innovative approach: the method of "Inner game in the educational process" (2009) Open lessons and extracurricular activities Open lessons and extracurricular activities Participation in subject weeks Participation in subject weeks Providing assistance to young teachers Providing assistance to young teachers Organizing and conducting city Olympiads and master classes Organizing and conducting city Olympiads and master classes Introduction of innovative technologies through seminars, reports, lectures Introduction of innovative technologies through seminars, reports, readings Head of the school and city methodological association of technology teachers Head of the school and city methodological association of technology teachers

Advanced training and professional retraining Advanced training courses for teachers at the State educational institution of additional professional education, the Komi Republican Institute for the Development of Education and Retraining of Personnel under the educational program “Psychological and pedagogical aspects of formation creative activity students in technology lessons." Syktyvkar, 2005. Courses of lectures by full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.M. Potashnik “Lesson of the 21st century” and “Restructuring methodological work with teaching staff in a developing school.” Vorkuta, 2005. Advanced training courses at the Komi Republican Institute for Educational Development and Retraining of Personnel under the program “Problems of teaching technology and entrepreneurship in the conditions of pre-profile and specialized training.” Syktyvkar, 2008.

Fadeeva Tatyana Viktorovna MBOU Secondary School No. 9 with in-depth study of individual subjects in Pavlovo. Pavlovo, 2014 Computer science and ICT teacher Work experience 2 years Education: higher, NSTU named after. R.E. Alekseeva, software engineer

The use of project methods in the middle level E. S. Polat gives the following definition of the project method in the modern sense: “...method”, which involves “a certain set of educational and cognitive techniques that make it possible to solve a particular problem as a result of independent actions of students with the obligatory presentation of these results." The project method is always focused on independent work of students. With its help, students not only receive a sum of certain knowledge, but also learn to acquire this knowledge and use it to solve cognitive and practical problems.

Conditions for the formation of the project method Technical conditions: modern computers; software; special equipment; multimedia equipment. Implementation of the project method: network projects; scientific and practical conferences; competitions; Flash - mobs; etc. Organizational and pedagogical conditions: Speeches at ped. councils, RMO and ShMO; publications on the Internet; creative groups

The relevance of personal contribution to the development of education Traditional learning Project-based learning 1. Target setting for students. Get a good grade. Show your abilities and do something important. 2.Organizational forms of work. Individual. A combination of individual, pair and group work. 3. Sources of information. As a rule, one or two sources. Various sources from different fields of knowledge. 4. Subject area. One academic subject. As a rule, the content is multi-subject. 5. Nature of the work in terms of content. Abstracting. As a rule, a combination of theoretical and practical research methods. 6. Presentation or protection of work. Not required. Required.

Theoretical justification of the educational complex “Informatics and ICT” for grades 5-7, author Bosova L. L. Educational complex “Computer Science and ICT” for grades 8-9, author Bosova L. L. “Design and scenario of innovative forms of educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard general education." G.A. Ignatieva, M.N. Krainikova, A.S. Molkov, O.V. Tulupova, O.E. Fefelova New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat - M., 2000

Goals and objectives of pedagogical activity Goal: To form the creative personality of students. Objectives: To involve students in an educational research and project situation. control of knowledge and skills on the material covered; to form an information picture of the world in the student’s mind; develop skills in searching and processing information; develop independence; develop the ability of personal confidence in each participant in project-based learning; develop research skills.

The leading pedagogical idea is the inclusion of students in their own research search in computer science, as well as extracurricular and extracurricular work through the development of projects. The essence of the project method is “to stimulate students’ interest in certain problems that require possession of a certain amount of knowledge and through project activities that involve solving these problems, the ability to practically apply acquired knowledge, development of reflexive (in the terminology of John Dewey or critical thinking). … The problem sets the goal of thought, and the goal controls the process of thinking.”

Objectives: to develop students’ cognitive and creative skills, to be able to independently construct their knowledge, to be able to navigate the information space, to develop critical thinking; to develop skills in cognitive, research and creative activity. The project method is always focused on students’ independent activities - individual, pair, group, which are carried out over a certain period of time to solve a problem. And the solution to the problem involves, on the one hand, the use of a set of various methods and means of teaching, and on the other, the need to integrate knowledge and skills from various fields of science. This is also a pedagogical technology, which includes a set of research, search, and problem-based methods and can be implemented using various teaching aids (books, reference books, videos, etc.), including the use of new information technologies ( virtual libraries, multimedia, etc.).

Inclusion of gaming technology in the project method The implementation of gaming techniques and situations during the lesson form of classes occurs in the following main directions: a didactic goal is set for students in the form of a gaming task; educational activities are subject to the rules of the game; educational material is used as its means, in educational activities an element of competition is introduced, which transforms the didactic task into a game one; successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result. Various types of games can be integrated into the project method: implement project defense in the form of a game; organize the search and collection of information in the form of a quest; scenarios of your own design; etc. Project creation stages

Stages of project preparation 1) Preparation a) definition of the problem and the goals and objectives arising from it; b) putting forward a hypothesis for their solution; c) discussion of research methods; 2) Planning a) identifying sources of information; b) determining methods for collecting and analyzing information; c) determining the method for presenting the results; d) establishing procedures and criteria for evaluating results and process; e) distribution of tasks (responsibilities) between team members. 3) Research a) collecting information; b) solving intermediate problems. 4) Results and/or conclusions. a) analysis of the data obtained; b) drawing conclusions. 5) Evaluation of results and process; a) registration of final results; b) summing up, adjustments, final conclusions.

Conditions for successful learning of the project method Information subsystem Activity subsystem Psychological subsystem Content-regulatory conditions Regulatory and organizational conditions Psychological and pedagogical conditions History of the issue Availability of research interest Development of various types of thinking Ability to make decisions Availability of a material base for research Organization of research activities Idea of ​​modern problems Idea of ​​research methods

Projects In my practice, I use the project method quite often, for example: in the 5th grade, this is the lesson system “Creating animation in MS PowerPoint”; in 6th grade – lesson “Creating crosswords” on various topics in MS Word; in 7th grade lesson “Creating Models”; in 8th grade - lesson “Creating a Portfolio”, in 9th grade “Semantic Web”. I implement the integration of the game method into the project method, for example, in the project “Semantic Network” and in grade 5 “Creating animation in MS PowerPoint”: Semantic Network: Studying the theory of semantic networks Creating your own network - fairy tales Debugging the project Presenting the network Getting a fairy tale from the semantic network another student (can be staging) Creating animation in MS PowerPoint: Studying the theory of working with the program Writing a script Thinking through the text and words of the characters Checking the result by acting out scenes (choosing an actor, playing according to the script) Implementation in MS PowerPoint Debugging the result Example of a script for an educational task

Scenario of a training session Stage of a lesson or other form of educational instruction Substage of a lesson or other form of educational instruction Actions of the teacher (educator) Actions of students (sample versions of answers) 1. Motivational indicative 1.1. Getting in touch Hello guys. Let's start our lesson. First, let's watch a short video. The shortened cartoon “Smeshariki” is launched. 1.2. Updating the subjective experience of students What do you know about cartoons and how they are created? Students answer the question. They express their opinions and put forward possible options. 1.3. Creating a problem situation Do you think it is possible to create a cartoon using the programs that we have studied this year? Students answer. Actually it is possible. To do this, you can use a program you are already familiar with for creating and editing PowerPoint presentations. Most often the answer is no – it’s impossible. Since students are familiar with presentations only in the form of a report. 2. Operational and performance 2.1. Goal setting and planning Would you like to try yourself as an animator? Students answer. So what will be your task today? Of course we would. Create your own cartoon. 2.2. Finding a way to solve a problem situation What do you think needs to be done before starting to create a cartoon? Students answer. Draw heroes; come up with words; create a plot. 2.3. Selecting the correct solution, recording the method found. You answered correctly. The characters for your raging tales have already been drawn, which means your next step will be to think over the plot or words? Students answer. That's right, first you need to think through the plot of your fairy tale. The easiest way to do this is in the form of a plan. Think over the plot. 2.4. Practicing the open method in a system of exercises, specific practical actions. Each of you has a manual on your computer on how such cartoons are created, it is located in the 5th grade folder and is called “Animation”. And now I’ll show you how it’s done, after that you’ll sit down at your computer and try it yourself. The teacher explains the material, then the students complete the task. 3. Reflective - evaluative 3.1. The situation of monitoring the implementation of educational actions You have all worked successfully and fruitfully today. First you made a plan - a plot, then added characters to the slides, wrote words for them. I have a question for you: is it easy to implement your plan - plot, what difficulties have you encountered? It's difficult to create a story. The plot is too complicated. Too much time was spent choosing characters and backgrounds for the slide. It is difficult to correctly integrate the actions of the characters. 3.2. Evaluation situation educational results At the end of our lesson, I ask you each to evaluate your actions. To do this you need to fill out a form. Look, each question begins differently: “I know that...”, “I can”, “I know why...”. You can choose one of the proposed options or add your own. And you answer the last question yourself - “What has changed in me”, two or three phrases. Each student answers the questions independently.

The effectiveness of the project method Examples of projects

Practical achievements

Semantic networks

Interregional network project “We must live on this Earth” Information about the project

Software products

Translatability of practical achievements The project method can be used by both beginning teachers and teachers with a high level of skill. Difficulties and possible risks: pairing project tasks with the requirements of educational standards; difficulty in formulating project tasks in such a way that standard knowledge, skills and abilities can be used; selection of materials for the project; a complex system for assessing the results of projects. Scope of application: lesson; lesson system; extracurricular activities; extracurricular activities. Broadcast of the result: publications on the Internet (nsportal); students’ performances at scientific and educational complexes and competitions; participation in network projects.

References “Design and staging of innovative forms of educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education.” G.A. Ignatieva, M.N. Krainikova, A.S. Molkov, O.V. Tulupova, O.E. Fefelova. N. Novgorod, “Volga region”, 2013-75 p.2. Educational complex "Informatics and ICT" for grades 5-7, author Bosova L. L. Federal State educational standard basic general education (grades 5-9) Federal state educational standard of basic general education (grades 5-9), order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897

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