Management of career guidance and adaptation of personnel. The essence of vocational guidance and adaptation of personnel Vocational orientation and adaptation of personnel

Career guidance is understood as a scientifically based system of forms, means and norms of influencing people who study or find a job. It contributes to the timely involvement in social production, rational placement, effective use and consolidation at the place of work, based on an objective assessment, taking into account the abilities, inclinations and other individual traits of a person.

The vocational guidance organization consists of the following types: vocational information and counselling, vocational selection and vocational adaptation

-. Professional information is designed to ensure constant communication of information about specialties in educational institutions of various ranks

-. Professional advice- the essence is to assist a person who is faced with a choice of profession, in assessing his abilities for one or another labor activity, in providing specific recommendations on choosing a profession and possible ways of mastering a profession.

-. Professional selection is based on determining the professional suitability of a person for a particular type of work activity

-. Professional adaptation is a component of labor adaptation and its essence lies in familiarization with a specific job and acquiring professional skills

The first step in the work of a person in an organization is the introduction to the position, which is a set of procedures aimed at accelerating the mastery of work, shortening the period of adaptation in the team, and helping to make contacts with labor collectives.

career guidance may be individual or collective. Responsible for the first stage of induction is the personnel management service

Distinguish between general and special orientation

Special orientation provides familiarization with one's own official duties, rules, responsibility. In addition, it covers the following topics:

Goals, features, technologies of the unit, internal and external relations and communications, assessment standards, results that are expected from a person;

Norms for the performance of work, specific questions: where, what to take, whom to contact;

In the process of general orientation, a person will get acquainted with the questions:

Information about the organization as a whole (structure, leadership, customers, traditions, priorities, standards, etc.);

O wages(norms and methods of payment, payment on weekends, bonus conditions) on the regime of work and rest (holidays, days off) on additional benefits (insurance, severance pay, medical services, etc.));

Questions about labor protection and safety;

Issues related to personnel management (conditions of appointment, relocation, dismissal, probation); solving everyday problems, the question of the economic condition of the organization; a question of discipline, encouragement, punishment.

. Adaptation of a new employee, i.e. its adaptation to the working conditions and the team, to the social environment, the content of labor goes through several stages:

Introductory (lasts about a month, sometimes drags on up to six months), the performer should demonstrate his abilities;

Evaluative (up to a year, sometimes up to a year and a half), it achieves compatibility with the team, the development of social experience;

The final, gradual integration of employees into the organization and the formation of an active creative employee (qualification growth, stability of labor indicators, creative activity)

Distinguish between primary and secondary adaptation

Primary - adaptation for persons who do not have work experience. Secondary adaptation - for persons changing workplace without change or with change of profession

According to the direction distinguish:

Professional adaptation - active development of the profession, its features, specifics, techniques, etc.;

Psychophysiological adaptation - getting used to the working conditions, work and rest regime, which occurs quite quickly and depends on the person himself, his reactions and working conditions;

Socio-psychological adaptation - getting used to the team, to the norms, exist, to the management and colleagues

It is also necessary to remember about adapting the work to the person. This is about:

Organization of the workplace in accordance with the conditions of ergonomics;

Flexible regulation of the rhythm and duration of working time;

Building the structure of the organization and the distribution of labor functions, taking into account the personal inclinations of a person

Individualization of the incentive system

In addition, one should remember about the peculiarities of the adaptation of young professionals and management personnel.

Career guidance and adaptation are an important component of the personnel training system and are the regulator of the relationship between the education system and production. They are designed to help cover the needs of organizations in the labor force in the necessary qualitative and quantitative terms to increase their profitability and competitiveness.

Vocational guidance is a system of measures for professional information, professional consultation, professional selection and professional adaptation, which helps a person to choose a profession that best meets the needs of society and his personal abilities and characteristics. Incomplete use of the employee's opportunities in work activity not only harms his own development, but also turns into a loss for the organization. The gap between professional training and the content of labor functions performed by an employee reduces his interest in work, efficiency, which ultimately leads to a drop in productivity, deterioration in product quality, and an increase in occupational morbidity and injuries.

There is another important task of vocational guidance - to promote rapid structural shifts in employment. Today, a mixed economy provides workers with different abilities and interests with the opportunity to find a place in the labor field. Ideally, job cuts should be carried out only when conditions are created for the retraining of laid-off workers, taking into account the motivational mechanism for choosing a profession, when programs to create new jobs in priority areas for society begin to operate. Until managers accept career guidance as a method of regulating the supply of labor in the organization, they will experience economic and psychological difficulties.

In order to identify and develop the psychological and motivational mechanism for choosing a profession, it is necessary to use the mechanism of career guidance management. It is a way of organizing interrelated processes of forming the personality of an employee with competitive qualities, including professional training, consulting, selection, informing, etc.

The purpose of career guidance is to assist young people and people looking for work in choosing a profession, specialty, finding a place of work or study, taking into account inclinations and interests.

Tasks of vocational guidance - informing interested persons about the types of professional activity;

Creation of conditions for the development of professionally significant abilities of future employees;

Identification of the degree of compliance of the psychophysiological qualities of those who applied for advice with the professional requirements of the type of work they have chosen.

The following forms of vocational guidance work have developed:

Professional education- initial professional training schoolchildren on the basics of various professional activities;

Professional information - a system of familiarization measures job seekers with the situation on the labor market, prospects for the development of activities, the nature of work in the main professions and specialties, conditions and remuneration, professional educational institutions and training centers;

Professional consultation - assistance to interested people in choosing a profession and place of work by studying the person who applied for a consultation in order to identify the state of his health, the direction of the structure of abilities, interests and other factors that influence the choice of profession or the direction of retraining;

Vocational selection is a part of the recruitment process, including a system of methods and techniques for conducting a medical examination, psychophysiological diagnostics of a person in order to select candidates for a specific position from a group of employees who, other things being equal, are able to perform specific tasks in the best possible way. labor functions.

Forms of professional selection:

Selection - selection from several employees with the same profession, specialty, qualifications, meeting the same requirements of a candidate for a position;

professional recruitment - mass appointment or selection to the position of specialists of various professions and qualifications who have passed the selection and professional selection;

Promotion - the appointment of an employee working in this team to a new, more high position;

Rotation - an appointment in which the place of work changes in accordance with the principle: "The right place for the right employee." In this case, a specialist with a broad profile qualification is formed.

One of the problems of working with personnel in an organization when attracting personnel is labor adaptation.

Labor adaptation of personnel is the mutual adaptation of an employee and an organization, based on the gradual inclusion of an employee in the production process in new professional, psychophysiological, socio-psychological, organizational, administrative, economic, sanitary and hygienic and living conditions of work and rest.

There are two directions of labor adaptation: primary and secondary.

Under the conditions of functioning of the labor market, the role of secondary adaptation increases. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully study the experience of foreign companies that pay increased attention to the primary adaptation of young workers. This category of personnel needs special care from the administration of organizations. Most often, professional adaptation is considered as a process of introducing a person to work within a certain profession, including him in production activities, mastering the conditions and achieving labor efficiency standards. However, adaptation cannot be considered only as mastering a specialty. It also provides for the adaptation of the beginner to social norms behavior acting in the team, establishing such relations of cooperation between the employee and the team, which to the greatest extent ensure effective work, satisfaction of the material, domestic and spiritual needs of both parties.

The principal goals of adaptation can be summarized as follows:

Reducing start-up costs, since while a new employee does not know his job well, he works less efficiently and requires additional costs;

Reducing the degree of concern and uncertainty among new employees;

Reducing workforce turnover, as if newcomers feel uncomfortable in a new job and unnecessary, then they may respond to this by dismissal;

Saving time for the manager and employees, as the work carried out under the program helps to save time for each of them;

Development of a positive attitude towards work, job satisfaction.

It should be noted that in domestic organizations there is an undeveloped mechanism for managing the adaptation process. This mechanism provides for the solution of three major problems:

Structural consolidation of adaptation management functions in the organization's management system;

Organization of technology adaptation process;

Organization of information support of the adaptation process. Structural consolidation of adaptation management functions can take place in the following areas.

1. Allocation of the relevant division (bureau, department) in the structure of the personnel management system. Most often, adaptation management functions are part of the staff training unit.

2. Distribution of specialists involved in adaptation management, according to production departments organization, coordination of their activities by the personnel management service.

3. Development of mentoring, which in last years in domestic organizations undeservedly forgotten.

The tasks of the adaptation management unit or specialist in the field of organizing the technology of this process are to organize:

Seminars, courses on various issues of adaptation; conducting individual conversations of a manager, a mentor with a new employee;

Intensive short-term courses for new managers taking office; special training courses for mentors;

Using the method of gradual complication of tasks performed by a beginner;

Fulfillment of one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team;

Preparation of replacements during the rotation of personnel; conducting special role playing for rallying employees.

Information support of the adaptation process consists in the collection and evaluation of indicators of its level and duration. Collection and processing of information is recommended to be carried out within the framework of the procedure of the current business evaluation personnel. For domestic organizations, the main problem of information support for adaptation is the need to accumulate normative indicators of the level and duration of adaptation.

Let us give a brief description of the experience of career guidance and adaptation of personnel.

Vocational guidance and adaptation should promote rapid structural shifts in employment while keeping unemployment as low as possible. However, the practical solution of this problem is hampered by the underdevelopment of the labor market. The State Employment Service is not yet able to effectively manage career guidance and adaptation. The mechanical filling of vacancies, inherited from the organized labor service, works poorly, since few people will accept any job. The reason for this is not only the old load of stereotypes, but also the lack of knowledge about the content of career guidance and adaptation, their forms and possibilities in the market.

Over the years, our country has accumulated some experience in the field of career guidance and adaptation. In the conditions of extensive development, the availability of free hands and relatively low requirements for the qualifications of workers, there was no urgent need for a unified system of information and employment of specialists and workers. The result of this practice was a chronic and widespread shortage of workers with part-time and irrational employment, underestimation of the requirements for the level of their training.

Career guidance services, which operated in individual schools, in large enterprises and in administrative districts, often acted as recruiting and agitation centers. As a result, only 15-20% of school graduates chose a profession related to the skills acquired at school. Now centers for employment, retraining, vocational guidance and adaptation have been created in the republics, territories, regions and large cities. These centers widely use foreign experience in their activities.

As the experience of domestic organizations shows, in our country not enough attention is paid to the problem of career guidance and adaptation. Unfortunately, managerial workers do not fully understand the importance of career guidance and adaptation as methods for regulating the supply of labor in an organization. In addition, now the managerial link of the national economic and sectoral levels is weakened in organizational and methodological terms, which has led to the formation of many administrative bodies in the regions (career guidance and employment centers, career guidance offices in schools, special educational institutions, organizations) without sufficient regulation of their powers.

Narrow departmentality counteracts the development of direct links between career guidance and adaptation management bodies. And this does not allow eliminating organizational shortcomings in the practice of career guidance and adaptation, deepening them at each subsequent level of management. Therefore, it is at the level of the main link of the organization - it is necessary first of all to overcome the shortcomings in the formation of the personality of the employee by identifying his reserves of psychophysical and motivational mechanisms for choosing a profession, bringing them into action, taking into account personal and social needs. The main task of career guidance and adaptation should be to overcome the imbalance in the need for professional work between the employee and the organization. After all, the organization is interested in increasing the competitiveness of its products, and this requires the selection of both highly efficient technologies and equipment, and the most capable employees. The higher the level of development of an employee in terms of the totality of his professional knowledge, skills, abilities and motives for work, the faster the material factor of production is improved and more productively used.

One of the tasks of career guidance and adaptation is to establish interaction between general education schools, vocational training institutions and enterprises, which, in turn, should be able to quickly identify labor resources of the necessary qualifications and meet the needs for personnel. In this regard, it is advisable to develop complexes of three types: complexes of regional orientation, focused on the region or a group of organizations in the region; industry-oriented complexes created at the base organizations of industries; local complexes in organizations concluding agreements on direct links with special educational institutions.

Professional orientation and adaptation are an important component of the personnel training system and are the regulator of the connection between the education system and production. They are designed to help cover the needs of organizations in the labor force in the necessary qualitative and quantitative terms to increase their profitability and competitiveness.

career guidance is a system of measures for professional information, professional consultation, professional selection and professional adaptation, which helps a person to choose a profession that best meets the needs of society and his personal abilities.

Incomplete use of the employee's opportunities in labor activity not only damages his own development, but also turns into a loss for the organization. The gap between professional training and the content of labor functions performed by an employee reduces his interest in work, efficiency, which leads to a drop in productivity, deterioration in product quality, and an increase in occupational morbidity and injuries. Career guidance also contributes to rapid structural shifts in employment.

In order to identify and develop the psychological and motivational mechanism for choosing a profession, it is necessary to use the mechanism of career guidance management. It is a way of organizing interrelated processes of forming the personality of an employee with competitive qualities. These processes include professional training, consulting, selection, informing, etc. (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. Forms of career guidance

The main purpose of career guidance is to assist young professionals and job seekers in choosing a profession, specialty, finding a place of work or study, taking into account inclinations and interests.

The tasks of career guidance are:

Informing stakeholders about the types of professional activities;

Creation of conditions for the development of professionally significant abilities of future employees;

Identification of the degree of conformity of the psychophysiological qualities of the persons who applied for advice to the professional requirements of the type of labor activity they have chosen.

Professional education is the initial professional training of schoolchildren on the basics of various professional activities.

Professional Information is a system of measures to familiarize job seekers with the situation on the labor market, prospects for the development of activities, the nature of work in the main professions and specialties, conditions and remuneration, vocational schools and staff training centers.

Professional advice consists in assisting interested people in choosing a profession and place of work by studying the personality of the person who applied for advice in order to identify his state of health, orientation and structure of abilities, interests and other factors influencing the choice of profession or the direction of retraining;

professional selection is a part of the recruitment process, including a system of methods and techniques for conducting a medical examination, psychophysiological diagnostics of a person in order to select candidates for a specific position from a group of employees who, other things being equal, are able to best perform specific labor functions. There are the following forms of professional selection:

- selection- selection from several employees with the same profession, specialty, qualification, meeting the same requirements of the candidate for the position;

- professional set - mass appointment or election to the position of specialists of various professions and qualifications who have passed the selection and professional selection;

- nomination - appointment of an employee who works in this team to a new, higher position;

- rotation - an appointment in which the place of work changes in accordance with the principle: "The right place for the right employee." In this case, a specialist with a broad profile qualification is formed.

One of the problems of working with personnel in an organization when attracting personnel is labor adaptation.

Labor adaptation of personnel is a mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the gradual inclusion of the employee in the production process in new professional, psychophysiological, socio-psychological, organizational, administrative, economic, sanitary, hygienic and living conditions of work and rest.

In the course of interaction between the employee and the organization, mutual adaptation takes place, the basis of which is the gradual entry of the employee into new professional and socio-economic working conditions.

There are two types of adaptation:

1) primary, i.e. adaptation of young workers who do not have professional experience (in this case, we are talking about graduates of educational institutions);

2) secondary, i.e. adaptation of workers with experience in professional activities (changing the object of activity or professional role, for example, when moving to the rank of manager).

Under the conditions of functioning of the labor market, the role of secondary adaptation increases. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully study the experience of foreign companies that pay increased attention to the primary adaptation of young workers. This category of personnel needs special care from the administration of organizations. Most often, professional adaptation is seen as a process of introducing a person to work within a certain profession, including him in production activities, assimilating the values ​​of the organization and achieving labor efficiency standards. However, adaptation cannot be considered only as mastering a specialty. It also provides for the newcomer's adaptation to the social norms of behavior in force in the team, the establishment of such relations of cooperation between the worker and the team, which to the greatest extent ensure effective work, satisfaction of the material, domestic and spiritual needs of both parties.

Adaptation is designed to provide:

Reducing start-up costs, since while a new employee does not know his job well, he works less efficiently and requires additional costs;

Reducing the degree of concern and uncertainty among new employees;

Reducing staff turnover, because if newcomers feel uncomfortable in a new job and unnecessary, then they may quit;

Saving the time of the manager and employees, because the work carried out under the program helps to save time for each of them;

Development of a positive attitude towards work, job satisfaction.

Vocational guidance and adaptation should promote rapid structural shifts in employment while keeping unemployment as low as possible.

However, the practical solution of this problem is hampered by the underdevelopment of the labor market. The State Employment Service is not yet able to effectively manage career guidance and adaptation. Mechanical filling of vacancies is not successful, as few people will agree to any job. The reason for this is not only the old load of stereotypes, but also the lack of knowledge about the content of career guidance and adaptation, their forms and possibilities in the market.

As the experience of domestic organizations shows, in our country not enough attention is paid to the problem of career guidance and adaptation. Unfortunately, managerial workers do not fully understand the importance of career guidance and adaptation as methods for regulating the supply of labor in an organization. In addition, now the managerial link of the national economic and sectoral levels is weakened in organizational and methodological terms, which has led to the formation of many administrative bodies in the regions (career guidance and employment centers, career guidance offices in schools, special educational institutions, organizations) without sufficient regulation of their powers.

Today, at the level of the organization, it is necessary, first of all, to overcome shortcomings in the formation of the personality of an employee by identifying his reserves of psychophysical and motivational influence on the choice of profession, bringing them into action, taking into account personal and social needs. The higher the level of development of an employee in terms of the totality of his professional knowledge, skills, abilities and motives for work, the faster the material factor of production is improved and more productively used.

Professional orientation is a complex of interrelated economic, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at forming a professional vocation, identifying abilities, interests, suitability and other factors that influence the choice of a profession or a change in occupation. Career guidance is aimed at helping young people (mainly students of general education schools) and people looking for work in choosing a profession, specialty, place of work or study, taking into account the inclinations and interests of people, their psychophysiological characteristics, as well as taking into account the emerging market situation. labor market.

The above general goal includes a number of more specific objectives. These include:

Informing interested parties to facilitate the choice of the type of professional activity;

Creation of conditions for the development of professionally significant abilities of future employees;

Determination of the conformity of the psychophysiological and socio-psychological qualities of those who applied for advice to the professional requirements of the type of work they have chosen.

The main forms of career guidance work are:

Vocational education is the initial vocational training of schoolchildren, carried out through labor lessons, the organization of circles, special lessons on the basics of various professional activities, etc.;

Professional information - a system of measures to familiarize students and job seekers with the situation in the field of supply and demand in the labor market, prospects for the development of activities, the nature of work in the main professions and specialties, conditions and wages, vocational schools and staff training centers, and also with other issues of obtaining a profession and employment;

Professional consultation is the provision of assistance in choosing a profession and place of work by studying the personality of the person who applied for advice in order to identify the state of his health, orientation and structure of abilities, interests and other factors influencing the choice of profession or the direction of retraining;

Professional selection - participation in the recruitment and selection of personnel, taking into account the requirements specific professions and workplaces for the purpose of better career guidance for employees.

Career guidance is aimed at another condition for the success of the future labor adaptation of workers. This is the prestige and attractiveness of professions and specialties in society, in various social groups, for an individual. Prestige characterizes the assessment of any type of activity in accordance with the scale of values ​​accepted in society. Attractiveness determines the desirability of acquiring a profession or specialty by one or another potential employee. The higher the prestige and attractiveness of the profession, the stronger the desire of the worker to gain a foothold in it.

Professional adaptation is the mutual adaptation of an employee and an organization, based on the gradual development of an employee in new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions.

There are two directions of labor adaptation: primary and secondary. Under the conditions of functioning of the labor market, the role of secondary adaptation increases. Types of adaptation are shown in the figure.

Figure - Types of adaptation and factors affecting it

Professional adaptation is characterized by additional development of professional capabilities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professional necessary qualities personality, positive attitude towards their work. As a rule, job satisfaction comes when certain results are achieved, and the latter come as the employee masters the specifics of work at a particular workplace.

In the process of psychophysiological adaptation, the totality of all conditions that have a different psychophysiological effect on the worker during work is mastered. These conditions include: physical and mental stress, the level of monotony of labor, sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment, the rhythm of work, the convenience of the workplace, external factors of influence (noise, light, vibration, etc.).

In the process of socio-psychological adaptation, the employee is included in the system of relationships between the team with its traditions, norms of life, and value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee receives information about the system of business and personal relationships in the team and individual formal and informal groups, about the social positions of individual members of the group. He perceives this information actively, correlating it with his past social experience, with his value orientations. When an employee accepts group norms, the process of identification of the individual takes place either with the team as a whole, or with any formal or informal group.

In the process of organizational and administrative adaptation, the employee gets acquainted with the features of the organizational management mechanism, the place of his unit and position in common system goals and organizational structure. With this adaptation, the employee should form an understanding of his own role in the overall production process. One more important and specific aspect of organizational adaptation should be singled out - the preparedness of an employee for the perception and implementation of innovations (technical or organizational).

Economic adaptation allows the employee to get acquainted with the economic mechanism of managing the organization, the system of economic incentives and motives, to adapt to the new conditions of remuneration of his labor and various payments.

In the process of sanitary and hygienic adaptation, the employee gets used to the new requirements of labor, production and technological discipline, labor regulations. He gets used to preparing the workplace for the labor process in the conditions of production that have developed in the organization, adhering to hygienic and sanitary standards, safety and health requirements, and also taking into account the economic safety of the environment.

Despite the difference between the types of adaptation, they are all in constant interaction.

Socialization in an organization- the assimilation by the employee independently and through the targeted impact of a certain system of values, social norms and patterns of behavior necessary for successful activity, gaining a social position (status) in this organization.

The process of socialization is directly related to the career guidance and labor adaptation of the employee to the social and production and technological environment of the organization, his entry into one or another social group, the role structure of the organization's team.

The social structure of the team includes the following indicators: gender, age, work experience, education, social status, nationality, marital status, type of motivation, level of progressiveness, standard of living, attitude to property.

The role structure of the team determines the composition and distribution of creative, communication and behavioral roles between individual employees and is an important tool in the system of work with personnel. Creative roles are characteristic of enthusiasts, inventors and organizers and characterize an active position in solving problem situations, searching for alternative solutions and thinking variability. Communication roles determine the content and level of participation in the information process, interaction in the exchange of information in the decision-making process. Behavioral roles characterize typical models of people's behavior at work, at home, on vacation, at work, in conflict situations and play an important role in the team. The main methods for determining the role structure are socio-psychological methods, testing, observation, analysis of biographical and personnel data, personnel assessment materials, and the results of business games.

Professional orientation and adaptation are an important component of the personnel training system and are the regulator of the connection between the education system and production. They are designed to help cover the needs of the organization in the workforce in the necessary qualitative and quantitative terms to increase their profitability and competitiveness.

career guidance is a complex of economic, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at forming a professional vocation, identifying abilities, interests, suitability and other factors that influence the choice of a profession or a change in occupation. Career guidance aims to assist school graduates and job seekers in choosing a profession, specialty, place of work or study, taking into account the inclinations and interests of people, their psychophysiological characteristics, as well as taking into account the current situation in the labor market.

The main forms of career guidance work are:

    professional education - initial vocational training of schoolchildren, carried out through labor lessons, the organization of circles, special lessons on the basics of various professional activities, etc.

    professional information - a system of measures to familiarize students and job seekers with the situation in the field of supply and demand in the labor market, prospects for the development of types of activities, with the nature of work in the main professions and specialties, conditions and wages, vocational schools and staff training centers, as well as with other issues of obtaining a profession and employment.

    professional advice - this is the provision of assistance to interested people in choosing a profession and place of work by studying the personality of the person who applied for advice in order to identify his health, orientation and structure of abilities, interests and other factors that influence the choice of profession or the direction of retraining.

    professional selection – participation in the recruitment and selection of personnel, taking into account the requirements of specific professions and jobs in order to obtain better career guidance for employees.

Adaptation- this is the mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization, based on the gradual development of the employee in the new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions. The process of mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization will be the more successful, the more the norms and values ​​of the team are or become the norms and values ​​of the individual employee, the faster and better he accepts, assimilates his social roles in the team. There are two areas of labor adaptation:

    primary, i.e. adaptation of young personnel who do not have professional experience;

    secondary, i.e. adaptation of workers with professional experience (usually changing the object of activity or professional role).

Types of adaptation are shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 5.1 - Types of adaptation and factors affecting it

Goals of adaptation:

    reduction of start-up costs;

    reduction of stress indicators for new employees;

    reducing labor turnover;

    saving time for the manager and employees on mentoring;

    development of a positive attitude towards work, job satisfaction.