What does it take to be a train conductor? The work of a train conductor: the pros and cons

1. Animals can be transported in compartment cars. And everything would be fine, but I once saw how a raccoon was carried on a leash and walked it at the stations. hahaha i live here

2. If you think that no one will know about smoking in the toilet, you are mistaken, because the carriage ventilation is designed in such a way that all the air is drawn from the vestibule, toilet and slanting corridor into the conductor's compartment

3. An information sheet is created for caught smokers. The first such sheet is a fine of 1,500 rubles and it will be indicated on the ticket that you are a smoker, the second - you simply will not be sold a train ticket

4. There were very mixed feelings when the Ukrainian train arrives at the station. If in my composition I knew for sure that I had perfect order and a new car, and our brigade too, then our brothers have hell, both inside and outside the car. The USSR never left

5. By the way, you can use the toilet during the sanitary zones only if you need to wash and brush your teeth, shave, etc. The conductor is obliged to stand nearby and make sure that the toilet is not used.

6. Now I will reveal a terrible secret - you can not hand over bed linen to the conductor when you leave your station! And the conductor cannot force you to take him a set of linen, maximum - in half an hour to be ready to go

7. For God's sake, don't charge your gadgets from sockets in the cars. Most often, the wiring in the car is so-so, and if all the electrics in the car do not fail from the iPhone, then you will definitely spoil the battery yourself. Powerbank is our everything! Although, in fairness, it is worth saying that the iPhone is not so scary yet. That's when they insert an extension cord into an extension cord, and several laptops into it - this is already scary and dangerous, conductors usually stop this

8. 3rd and 5th compartments - emergency exits, the windows do not open there, so in summer it is unbearably hot there and nothing can be done if there is no air conditioning. Keep this in mind if you are going to go far, and your car will be like this

9. DRINKING VODKA ON TRAINS IS POSSIBLE. But only for passengers. And do not overdo it - the conductor has the right to drop off a passenger who seems too drunk to him, it will not be difficult to take two confirmations from passengers

10. In many cases, too frequent wet cleaning of the car by the conductor only leads to dust rising from the bottom up, so the conductors are not pigs, these are operating features

11. By the way, the conductor’s career growth is so-so - from the 3rd category you pass to 4th, you work in two-story buildings and Siemens, the salary is 15 percent higher. Then, if God does not save, they will send the head of the train to the courses. There are very few places where you will meet such zaebs, so they stuff them there

12. Each element of the car that is not nailed to the floor must be monitored. Forks, spoons, glasses, brooms, knives, brushes - in case of loss, all this is deducted from our salary, so the conductor, although he is obliged to give a fork, spoon, etc. for free, will still look after you

13. Brushes are a different story altogether. People manage to FLUSH THEM down the toilet. Seriously, I don’t know how it happens, but in the second year of work I began to tie a brush with a rope

14. Once a passenger rode with us, whom other passengers handed over to the cops right at the station, for injecting himself in the toilet and leaving syringes in the urn. He was accepted directly at the station, but it turned out that he was a diabetic and injected insulin

15. The air conditioner in the car is powered by a generator, which starts working only when the train picks up speed over 30 km/h. That is why the trip Black Sea coast(4 hours at a speed of 30-35 km / h and stops) turned into hell

16. In general, in the matter of air conditioning, the conductor is on the passenger side. We are the same people who ride in the same conditions as you, although our shifts last 12 hours and all this time you have to be in shape. If the conductor says that the air conditioner is not working, then he is not lying.

17. In the summer, student teams work on many trains. Most of them really try and work well, otherwise they would simply not be on the lineups. So if your guide is a student, then most likely he will try very hard for you.

18. Very often, trains like Adler-St. Petersburg put old cars for a while, because new ones are needed for other flights. And no one changed the price, so having bought a ticket for 6-8 thousand, you may well go in an old German carriage without a dry closet, such things

19. But the old German cars are very much appreciated by conductors. Yes, the door opens from the foot, yes, it’s hot, but such cars definitely won’t fail on the road and you won’t have to wait for repairmen at large stations. Hello, new TVZ cars!

20. The average salary of a student conductor is 25-30 thousand per month. Advance payment is issued at the beginning of the month, salary - in the 20th. It may seem like a cool salary for a student, but most of the money is spent on stupid meals. And the conductors want to eat all the time

21. Personnel conductors do not like students, students - personnel. All this is transformed into a global pizding of everything and everything when handing over / accepting a car

22. The strangest and most infuriating question I have heard - a couple of minutes before arriving at the station, those leaving the car ask, “Which way will we arrive?”
olo, I'm not a dispatcher, how do I know where we will be served?

23. Conductor is a profession in which ingenuity must be twisted to the maximum. She will help and resolve the conflict with the passenger, and earn money, and win over the boss. If you're stupid as a cork - you have nothing to do here

24. Carriage depots organize dormitories for students for the summer. These are old wagons parked forever in the asshole of the world. Traffic never stops there, and life is seething, despite the unsanitary conditions and heat in such cars.

25. It also happens that the conductor rides in a troika - three conductors for 2 cars, and for this one comes hell and Israel if he rides in a reserved seat. Sleep in the "have 5 minutes - sleep" mode, eat in the "doshirak of the gods" mode, and that's all

26. No need to think that if a student guide is traveling, then he can do whatever he wants, because he still works temporarily. Everyone is asked the same way, and a particularly large joint will end with expulsion from the university

27. Passenger luggage is a separate story. No one wants to remember that the maximum weight of luggage is 36 kg per ticket in a reserved seat, and the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm.

28. A group of tourists of 30 people somehow rode from Moscow to Belomorsk in a reserved seat, and they placed all their kayaks on 3 shelves above. The feeling of the jungle did not leave me when I passed through this car.

29. There are a lot of people who like to buy fruits, vegetables, meals at grandmothers' small stations. Most often, such purchases end up in a queue for the toilets.

30. The night shift is much more soulful than the day shift. Stick to the computer, sleep, sometimes open the doors at the stations, smoke at technical stations, drink tea and eat - heaven on earth

31. A lot of students go to the conductors "to see the country from the train window." For all the time that I worked, I got 3-4 hours of pure time looking out the window, the rest of the time I need to do something

32. Personally, I have never seen or given wet linen to passengers. On the contrary, it comes from the laundry hot, and it's a thrill, it's nice to give. Therefore, 99% of wet laundry on trains is tales

33. If you buy tea products from a conductor for at least 100-150 rubles, you will open the door to the magical world of smoking on a train if you are a smoker. 150 rubles is not such a big amount to go broke, but the conductor has a sales plan

34. No need to think that you are the smartest spies in the world and can hide your trash under a shelf, in a shelf, under a mattress, in a table, etc. After each flight, I raked out a bunch of small garbage, and once the passengers forgot the gas burner on the 3rd shelf, lol

35. Flight attendants bathe in toilets. Yes Yes. We collect a basin of warm water, cut off the bottom from a five-liter bottle and pour it over ourselves until cooked. Otherwise, you will quickly turn into a huge piece of dirt and sweat.

36. Wet cleaning should be carried out at least 2 times a day, dry cleaning - as the car gets dirty, but not less than 2 times. Remember this

37. The money from the sale of charity cards really goes to the fund for helping children, this is not a rip-off from Russian Railways. This is done by a special department.

38. If you want to really thank the conductor for the trip, call hotline. The probability of receiving a bonus will increase several times

39. I hate people who do not drain the water from the doshirak after themselves, but throw the box directly into the trash bag. It then leaks, most often on the floor, and complaints begin. Don't do this, better flush down the toilet and throw it away, it will take 1 minute

40. No matter how many warnings they write, people still throw paper into the dry closet. You spoil your own life, such a toilet is not repaired on the road. And so because of one fucker the whole car suffers

41. After being fired, the first desire is to take a human shower. Oooooh, how much happiness is in this😍

42. Carrying a group of children is both a plus and a minus.
Plus - if the car is full, you can sleep peacefully and not open small stations, plus they often buy ALL tea products

43. It's insanely nice when a person cleans up after themselves if they accidentally litter. Let's all be like this

44. In the summer, you can very cheaply travel long distances in good cars. Discounts on the top shelf in a compartment - 50%, you can save money and save yourself from reserved seats, grannies and constant walking around the car

45. Also, the work is associated with minor scratches, abrasions and bruises. Sometimes you don’t know at all where and what you hit, but it hurts and goes away for a long time

46. ​​The water in titanium is not infinite, so you should always make sure that the car is filled with water. The electric boiler also works only in motion, so you need to especially monitor the water level, because you can burn the heating elements and you will heat with anything

47. Oh yes, old wagons are really heated with coal. No, but who cares?

48. Vapers are a different story. You can’t vape in the car, just like smoking, but there are smart people who THIS IS STEAM AND NOT SMOKE I DON’T SMOKE

49. Rain is a conductor's worst dream. You wash the floor 3 times more often, and the rag for wiping your feet is usually stepped over

50. The solidarity of the conductor and the passenger is when you wash the floor in the compartment, and everyone leaves their seats, taking your shoes and not disturbing you

51. Safety is not an empty phrase. Although this is monitored, but every year there are accidents with both passengers and conductors. Therefore, a big request to be careful and listen to the conductor, all instructions on the piece of iron are written in blood

52. PACKAGES SHOULD NOT BE TRANSFERRED. ABSOLUTELY NOT. EVEN ENVELOPES. For my comrade, the FSB officer planted a dummy bomb in the vestibule, disguised as a package of pills. Nearly got fired

53. In the new cars, the conductor has a refrigerator. We are obliged to carry in it children food, if asked, but if you ask the guide, put something else

54. Guides sometimes sell their own tea instead of the one sold with stickers. Most often, this is not from a good life - the conductor buys the rest of the tea products, or the rest is sold later
I personally now always have some trifle, but I will buy from the conductor, solidarity

55. Well, or if the child urgently needs to go, we have no right to refuse, but in this case you can’t press the toilet pedal

56. In general, sanitary zones are a rather arbitrary thing. If the car is full, it is enough to close it 5 minutes before the station and open it 5 minutes after departure. This reduces the stress of passengers, in every sense)

57. Watching meetings and partings is really a magical thing, for which it is worth working as a guide. Entire stories fly by your side, and feeling it is something

58. If you decide to save money and not buy linen, your destiny is to lie on a shelf or walk around the car, because you can’t use a mattress without linen, yes

59. The area of ​​responsibility of the conductor is a clean car and good service if the air conditioner breaks down and it's hot in the car, then its maximum is to open the windows and pray for the repairmen

60. During my work, I learned how to cook buckwheat with meat, naval pasta, chicken soup, sausages and salads on titanium, so conductors do not always eat only doshiraki
They alone can be guaranteed to bring home an ulcer

61. The dining car is a separate caste. Cooks and waiters practically live in it, and at night they creep right on the floor, because there is nowhere else. And during the day they can feed the guides at a slightly reduced price.

62. Pizding and theft flourish on a cosmic scale. They steal everything and everyone, so even leaving for 5 minutes he locked everything with a key

63. Guides - the place where love is. I know a lot of couples who started dating when they were partners in train cars.

64. In theory, the conductor is obliged to provide dominoes, checkers, chess on demand, but in 3 years of work I have NEVER seen them, not in any car!

65. Conductors are prohibited from carrying, let alone selling alcohol in carriages. Punishable by dismissal and blacklisting

66. And most importantly - the conductors are the same people as the passengers. If you treat them humanely, then your trip will be very comfortable, additional goodies are possible and a wake-up call is guaranteed if you go out at night, etc.

67. I always used a little trick - when the white nights began near Murmansk, I tightened the windows so that the light would not go on sleeping
A cloud of thanks was not long in coming😄

68. The conductor sometimes gives out small questionnaires, asking you to fill in the name, surname and phone number
This is a must, guys, the chance of a call to you is 1%, so it will be good if you help the conductor and fill out

69. The side of the toilet has the advantage that sometimes covers all the disadvantages - you are always the first to go to the toilet in the morning

70. According to corporate rules, the conductor cannot discuss his work with passengers, so most conductors will not support your conversation about how bad Russian railways are with old cars

71. Sleeping while sitting in the service compartment, because your partner sleeps in the rest compartment, and bags of laundry on the top shelf are the norm

72. Getting sick on a flight is as easy as shelling pears, even my strongest comrades lay for a week with a temperature of 38, and I had to work non-stop and sleep at night on hauls

73. If the car caught fire at speed, it will burn out in 5 minutes. Observe fire safety

74. If you want to lose weight - go to the conductors, for 3 years I have never lost less than 15 kg

75. There are auditors who travel with you for work, there are auditors who just go on vacation. The first ones are still those scum, the second ones are the most understanding people in the world

76. Conductors who leave the toilet dirty will be devoured by their own - because complaining about the toilet of one destroys the bonuses of the entire composition, so I have not seen really disgusting dirty jerks for quite some time

77. Flights to the north give a LOT of toilet paper, fresheners, rags and paper towels, so a good half of all this is carried home at home stations

78. Sector of quality - representatives of Satan on earth. They look to see that the car has been literally licked, they write violations for the fact that the window is cracked, or the paint on the wall has come off. As a rule, it is unrealistic to pass the quality sector without violations, and this is a minus premium.

79. If the toilet drips from the ceiling - give the conductor a cap, he did not make sure that when refueling the car, the hose was disconnected in time and the car was “poured”

80. The average sales plan for tea products per passenger is 25 rubles per person. If you carried 200 people in a reserved seat in both directions, which is quite realistic, get ready to give 5k. Souvenir does not count here

81. The best sleep is when you passed the day shift and can sleep at night without breaking the regime. I always worked with my best friend as a couple during the day to make sure everything in the car was good and without jambs, and he kept the floors clean at night

82. I love passengers with a column. Although they most often listen to something old, it’s a little more fun to ride this way.

83. I can’t tell you much about two-story buildings. I only know that on the second floor the upper shelf is very close to the ceiling, and the automatic coupler is simply finished, the cars kept uncoupling in motion. In the Adler depot, mostly two-story buildings were under repair, I don’t know why

84. What they just do not give us for sale - Swiss knives, pillows for sleeping, golden coasters, children's coloring. Once we were given Altai balms for potency on a flight, flew away in an instant

85. If you're lucky, tea products at the end of the flight are accepted after the fact - how much you sold, give so much. But it must be the top train head

86. I noticed that the level of pohuism of the conductor increases in proportion to the age of the subject. Therefore, young conductors can move, if that)

87. The conductor of a passenger car is actually a difficult job. I know people who broke down after the first flights and went home without giving a damn about everything

88. If you want to know Russia from the inside - welcome to the train car! Here they discuss all the most diverse layers of our society: from painters to customs officers of the port of Novorossiysk

89. Knowledge foreign languages very useful. Americans, British, Chinese, Germans, Norwegians, Greeks, Israelis regularly travel from Moscow to St. Petersburg - and they all helped to creep and find their place. As a reward they gave a denyuzhka or a souvenir - a Swiss knife

90. For all the difficulty and ambiguity, I really loved this job. The feeling of being needed comes almost immediately, this is one of those jobs where the result of your work is momentary. Passenger gratitude for your work means a lot

91. Well, a little more about money. The rate of a conductor of the 3rd category (students) floats from 75 to 85 rubles per hour. The most interesting thing is that your working time does not include parking time. Although it is 2 minutes, at least 40. It seems small, but over the summer you lose about 1000

92. “It must be hard for you, yes, young man?”, “Poor thing, how do you work here?”
People ask, as if regretting, and after 10 minutes they throw garbage past the bin

93. During work, thermonuclear hatred for seeds develops! Lord, they start to dream about you at some point!
Everything is in the husk: the floor, shelves, carpets, windows, toilets, bedding, it’s easier to assemble a Lexus with your ass than to completely collect all the skins from seeds on the road

94. Cool new service - take a car with you in a special trailer car. I saw how a fairly expensive Ferrari was loaded in Adler. Do not carry a car in a special wagon, no need.

95. Some trains have a service - a shower in the staff car. It costs 100-250 rubles, but the conductors are intelligibly asked not to swim in this shower🤔

96. Russian Railways is scolded a lot, and scolded on business, but the fact that there are more and more new cars, especially in the southern directions, is a fact. There is something to compare

97. Every third conductor is a smoker. Exactly because there is simply nothing to do at large technical stations, plus the load is such that somehow it is necessary to relieve stress after the shift. With such conductors, you can smoke yourself, play tales and just have fun

98. At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, daylight lighting is turned on, at 19 o'clock - evening luminescent, at 23 o'clock - night. Often everyone is already sleeping at 9, so they complain that they say the conductor does not want to turn off the light. And this is just a guideline that we follow.

99. Do not be surprised at old cars if your train number starts with 4, 5 or 6. I myself saw how, to form one summer train from Adler, they pulled out a car from somewhere with broken glass in one of the compartments and on the door. It must have been cold

100. Anniversary tweet. I reveal another secret. In the old wagons in two vestibules there are pockets for storing coal. There the temperature is lower than in the entire composition, if you are carrying, for example, a fish from north to south, agree with the conductor and carry the fish in this pocket

101. An absolutely amazing system operates in old cars: one thing can work to choose from: a boiler or ventilation. Some bosses force titanium to be heated with fuel so that the fan runs in parallel. The show has begun!

102. There is always a first aid kit in the train car. It has bandages, gauze, a bunch of plasters, gloves, iodine, but no medicine. It is forbidden to give your passengers. Therefore, always check all the medicines before the trip, and do not spare money on it.

103. The best shawarma I ate on the road - at the Michurinsk-Uralsky station. She really is worth the money!

104. One granny really liked the way I worked, and she decided to treat me with homemade tomatoes. When I opened the package, I saw that they were rotten through and through. Attention, of course, is nice, but not like that😂

105. The conductor is obliged to provide first aid to a passenger who has become ill. This is specifically taught, so feel free to ask for help. At the nearest large station, doctors will already come to the car and will examine it professionally

106. There are always people in compartment cars who love to stand in the aisle and look out the window. They do not leave even when the guide comes with a bucket to wash the floor. Guys, how would you explain that you are in the way?

107. The conductor is forbidden to let people out at stations that are less than 5 minutes long. Treat with understanding, you don’t need this “yes, I’ll smoke quickly.” It's a safety issue my friends, so be patient.

108. A little more about alcohol. The conductor has the right, in principle, not to let the passenger into the carriage if, in the opinion of the conductor, he is too drunk or behaves inappropriately. Even if he has the most expensive ticket to the coolest place

109. A little about the stop-cock. The conductor must rip off the stopcock ONLY in case of a threat to the lives of passengers. In all other cases, an act is written, with a fine of about 5 thousand, plus even a minute downtime of the train on the tracks costs a pretty penny

110. Lotteries are given by the head of the train, most often 3 things, they need to be sold. They are already, as it were, considered to be bought by you, so your task is to sell them in any way. How? Turn on your ingenuity! Didn't sell? Prepare money

111. About scrap in the toilet of the train. For you to understand, the crowbar attached to the wagon is a huge armature about 1.5 meters long and 2 centimeters in diameter. In principle, it is difficult to carry it, not like throwing it somewhere. This is probably why there were no experimenters

112. The ingenuity of train electricians is admirable. Often, if the air conditioner broke down in the carriages, a couple of windows were pulled out in the aisle (!!) and a crazy draft began in the carriage. Rain? Are we going north? Do not care, tighten the sheet so that the floor does not get wet

113. A separate admiration for the Pechora station when you go to Vorkuta. The orchestra at the station is amazing, just for the sake of it it is worth going so far!

114. Back in the days when there were not so many checks, one train chief taught to bottle 0.5 chacha for sale. The bottom line is that chacha from the south is very popular, basically, if they make sour in the cars, then it’s for her

115. At some stations, a customs officer, or someone in civilian clothes, kindly approaches the conductors and asks for the presence of foreign citizens. For 3 years, I still did not understand why this is necessary and what will happen if you answer that they are

116. The conductor must be clean-shaven before the flight, but I couldn’t shave before one flight, because the machine broke down and a bristle of about 2 mm appeared. Before the flight, the instructor stood next to me with a ruler, the passengers were perplexed, to put it mildly

117. About the photo at the beginning of the post. This is the first thing I saw when I arrived at the Adler depot and entered the student hostel in 2016. This is not a corpse, this is a student sleeping, it’s just hot at night in the car

Conductor work seems romantic to many - trains long distance, different cities and random interlocutors. It is not difficult to get a job here: Russian Railways accepts everyone with a secondary education, you just need to take preparatory courses. But the work is hard enough, and the salary is low. We asked young man who dreamed of becoming a conductor and now works on a train, how he treats his work, how much he earns and what he spends money on.

How to become a conductor
I was born in Biysk, Altai Territory, later my family moved to Moscow, where I lived for only a year and a half, but I fell in love with this city very much. Then I had to travel a lot by public transport, and I really wanted to become a machinist. Then we returned to the Altai Territory again. After the ninth grade, burning with the desire to become a machinist, I entered the specialty “rolling stock locksmith, conductor of passenger cars, inspector-repairer of cars, operator” at a technical school in Novosibirsk (since studying in Moscow would not have pulled the family budget). I studied for four years, and in the second year in the summer I had the opportunity to try myself as a conductor and earn extra money. After that, I lost all desire: there was a terrible team, it was not clear how the money was paid - 47 thousand rubles came out in two months. After graduation, he was assigned to the Russian Railways. Thanks to good grades, I had a choice, and I chose the job of a conductor of passenger cars. In the future I want to move to Moscow.

In general, this is a job for people aged 35–45 who have a lot of experience in another field. There are even special three-month courses for such people. To start working, the conductor needs to pass a medical examination, register with the personnel department, pass exams on labor protection and safety. You also need to pass the test, which has more than 250 questions. There you need to quickly and correctly count, remember numbers, solve a puzzle, and so on. It happens that some do not pass it.

Features of work
The conductor must be able and aware of everything: to seat a passenger, give him a set of linen, write it down on a strict accountability form, warn him 40 minutes before his departure, drop him off. Keep the cabin clean: clean the car at least twice per trip, and at least four times in the toilet. It's like a Sims game where the characters have an indicator: if it's green, then everyone is happy. So did the passengers: I almost followed them, and immediately became dissatisfied.

The conductor has many professions - for example, a loader, a waiter, a psychologist. Big fat bags with dirty linen should be dragged to your compartment. You need to walk with a tray and tell passengers that there are tea products and souvenirs on sale. You also need to be a little encyclopedic - at each station, passengers ask: "What area are we in?" or “And what river flows here?”, “And what is the population of this city?” and so on. Sometimes you resolve a quarrel between passengers or they themselves come to talk, because several days on the train is hard for them. Many passengers come up to me themselves and ask about the work - whether they like it or not. In general, we cannot criticize our work, but I answer as it is, that I receive little and that you would not wish to work as a guide to the enemy.

It's cold outside now, and the first thing passengers ask about is air conditioning. I had a case when in Rostov-on-Don the passengers did not have time to board the station, and only their 14-year-old son remained in the car. He didn't know the phone numbers. The head of the train contacted the station, the parents eventually went to catch up with the train in a taxi, gave 5 thousand rubles. And on our last trip between the stations, a locomotive caught fire, the driver made an emergency brake, all my dishes fell and broke. The passengers jumped up and began to panic. After 40 minutes, we set off, although it seemed that the locomotive had not yet been extinguished: if there had been more downtime, the entire brigade would have lost the bonus.

I prepare for the trip like this: the day before departure, I go to the store for shopping. It turns out about 3 thousand rubles, and so twice a month. The next day at the appointed time (8 hours before the train departure) I arrive at the park for a planning meeting. I have a suitcase, a bag and a large bag of food with me. At the planning meeting there is the head of the train, an instructor and conductors with whom I will go on a flight. The head of the train scatters us into the cars, usually in a pair of a boy and a girl. I work recently, and all partners are new to me. They also say in which class we will go - reserved seat, compartment or SV. I fell in love with the reserved seat, because all the passengers are in sight, I know who and where, and it’s easier to get out. Then we go to the wagons; happiness for me when I see that the car is new. We accept the wagon - we count the inventory, we get cleaning products, garbage bags, soap, paper and goods that will go on sale. And the team does not have to do it again, sometimes people have more swear words in stock than usual.

Then the head of the trip goes around the train, checks if everything is in order. We arrive at the station in an hour, and boarding begins in 30 minutes. I must be dressed strictly in uniform and be the face of the company. Now it gets dark early, and you still need to turn on the lights in time and switch from evening to night, rebuilding according to local time. The big minus is that you eat very little on the road, a lot of unhealthy food, and I lose weight (well, women - on the contrary).

The one-way trip takes four days. The climate, time zone and passengers are changing. On the last day of the journey, the guides make a report and clean up. Upon arrival, we go to the shower, to the grocery store, sometimes souvenirs, and on the same day we leave back with new passengers. But they must not see our weariness. Upon arrival, we also do not sleep for a day: after all the passengers leave, we begin to count the inventory again, in case of a shortage, a certain amount can be deducted from the salary. If the train arrives at 09:45, then I come home at 15:45, if I'm lucky. All this time is not paid, only the travel time is paid.

It is also necessary to hand over the linen of passengers, the shortage is also deducted from the salary. Then we go to the raters, they appoint the next flight, name the date and direction. In a special regime (in summer, when trains run every day), rest takes 30-50% of the time (for example, after an eight-day trip, three to four days of rest), in normal times - after eight days of a trip, seven to nine days of rest.

Salary and expenses
It was impossible to relax in the summer: you sleep off for two days, the next day you go to the store, and then on a trip. Now I have more rest, but fewer hours, therefore, the salary is lower accordingly. Salary depends on the time spent on the road. In a good month, I get 34 thousand rubles, in an unsuccessful one - 14-17 thousand rubles. The average is 22 thousand rubles. In August, I dashed off 222 hours - this is 16,198 rubles plus a 20% coefficient and an advance payment for the previous month - 7,700 rubles. This amount does not suit me. I want to move to Moscow and become a subway driver.

My mother and I rent an apartment, and I pay half - 7 thousand rubles. I spend 6 thousand rubles on food for the trip. I also eat fast food, and when we arrive in a city, I buy souvenirs there. There is no opportunity to go to sections and to the gym, let alone healthy eating you can forget. Another expense is transportation (500 rubles) and phone bills. After that, there is almost no money left. Last month I paid a lot of money for temporary registration. And the rest I save up for something good, for the same clothes I have to give at least 5 thousand rubles.

It seems to many of us that the profession of a conductor is not very difficult. But few people think about the fact that in addition to checking tickets and issuing bed linen, conductors have a lot of other duties. For example, they must be able to provide first aid, clean the car before and after the trip. So, how much do conductors get and what does it depend on?

The conductor profession is in demand in several transport industries at once. But regardless of the place of work, the list of job responsibilities includes the following:

  1. Passenger service.
  2. Maintenance of the internal inventory of the car in good condition.
  3. Heating of wagons in winter.
  4. Checking hand brakes.
  5. Delivery of bed linen.
  6. Notification of passengers about the names of stopping points.
  7. Dry and wet cleaning.
  8. Registration of customs declarations.

The list of responsibilities of the conductor does not end there. When emergencies he must ensure the safety of passengers and be able to provide the necessary medical care.

What determines the final salary

The most important factor influencing wages is the number of hours worked. Further, much depends on the destination of the flights. Long-distance train workers earn more than their commuter counterparts.

The following also affects the salary of conductors:

  1. Seasonality.
  2. Flight complexity.
  3. Number of night shifts.
  4. train class.

In addition, on a number of long-distance trains, the conductor must fulfill a sales plan for products and services. Its implementation can significantly increase the amount of bonus payments. Seniority and referral can also give a significant boost. Some more conductors privately provide parcel transfer services for a fee, which sometimes also gives a good increase to the basic salary.

In some cases, no bonus is expected. This happens mainly due to inattention or negligent attitude to work. For example, if the conductor loses part of the bed linen or during the audit, significant violations in the performance of official duties were identified.

Salaries in the capital and regions

According to statistics from such a well-known resource as trud.com, more than 200 vacancies are open daily by profession. For 73% of them, the salary is indicated in the range from 14,000 to 27,000 rubles. For 16% - from 5,000 to 14,000 rubles. And only 9% of employers are willing to pay from 27,000 to 41,000 rubles.

Salary in Moscow and other major cities

If we consider the statistics separately for large cities, then the conductors from St. Petersburg earn the most, their average income is 26,000 rubles. Next come their metropolitan colleagues with an average salary of 25,000 rubles. The top three are closed by conductors from Sverdlovsk, their average salary is 19,000 rubles. At the same time, it is most profitable to work as a conductor on the so-called branded trains. The level of salary of such employees is much higher than the average.

Salary in the regions

As with most other professions, conductors from the regions receive much less. Their average salary ranges from 17,000 rubles. In addition, the choice of vacancies here is much less.

According to statistics from the website trud.com, guides from the Chechen Republic have the highest earnings, their average income is 54,000 rubles. They are followed by colleagues from the Amur region with a salary of 44,000 rubles. In third place are employees from the Novgorod region - 40,000 rubles.

  1. Republic of Karelia - 38000.
  2. Murmansk region - 38000.
  3. Leningrad region - 36000.
  4. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 34000.
  5. Buryatia - 30,000.
  6. Saratov region - 26000.
  7. Penza region - 26000.

Rating of regions of Russia in terms of salary for the profession Conductor

What additional payments and benefits can conductors expect?

Like all and other employees of Russian Railways, conductors can count on a full social package. It is also one of the few organizations that has its own trade union. It is he who monitors the rights of workers and tries to achieve more for them. favorable conditions work. Now the conductor of passenger trains can count on the following benefits:

  1. Free train travel.
  2. Vacation.
  3. Paid leave in connection with the registration of marriage and the birth of a child for up to 5 days.
  4. Additional allowance for the birth of a child.
  5. Monthly supplement for mothers with children under 3 years of age.
  6. Additional payment for a second or more child.
  7. Compensation upon dismissal at the initiative of the company.

Not all benefits are listed above. In fact, their list is quite extensive.

How to become a conductor

Getting a job as a conductor is easy. To do this, you need to finish a technical school, college or courses in the specialty "conductor of passenger cars." The curriculum necessarily includes such subjects as the Russian language, business ethics and psychology. In addition, future conductors study the electrical equipment of the car, fire safety and physics.

After graduation, future specialists are assigned a category. 2nd - allows you to work only on suburban trains, 3rd - long-distance, 4th category is the most prestigious, you will not be able to get it immediately after training. It is awarded only after 2 years of work and completion of advanced training courses. This category allows you to become an employee of a branded train with the highest pay.

To get a job, you will need to take a certificate of education or a diploma and a health book. After the interview, the HR specialist will make the final decision.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The main disadvantage of the profession of a conductor is a long absence from home. This problem is especially relevant for those who work on long routes. The next problem is the need for constant contact with a variety of people. Not all passengers are disciplined. Some after landing use strong drinks and annoy others.

After accepting the shift, the conductor must be awake even at night, and upon arrival at the destination, fully prepare the car for departure on the return flight. And it sometimes takes 4-5 hours, which, of course, no one takes into account.

Also, one of the most important problems of the profession is systematic processing. They happen especially often in the summer. The number of wagon trains is increasing, and the company is in no hurry to hire new employees.

Of the advantages of the profession of a conductor, it is worth noting a full social package and annual paid leave. Also upon receipt higher education can count on the opportunity career development up to the position of the head of the train.

At the moment, the profession of a conductor is not popular. Most often, young professionals who do not have work experience agree to this job. And the lack of prospects for increasing the level of salaries does not add to her chances. For a number of years, the level of wage growth was the lowest.

However, there are many applicants for the vacancy of conductors. This is explained by the provided social package and a number of benefits. In addition, even after the retirement of Russian Railways for former employees retains the right to free travel.

Many people do not quite correctly imagine the profession of a conductor of a passenger car. Job Responsibilities employees are not limited to checking tickets, distributing bed linen, serving tea. A specialist must have a number of skills to provide passengers with a comfortable trip, while observing all safety regulations, and reducing the risks of creating emergency situations. To work on railway transport you need to get a specialized education.

Few people know that representatives of the profession have a number of attractive benefits, earn good money, and have chances for career growth.

A modern passenger car attendant must perform a variety of activities at the workplace. His working day begins long before the departure of the train. The specialist must attend planning meetings and briefings, check the situation in the car or train entrusted to him, check the availability of consumables, and update stocks on time. Sometimes an employee needs to inspect the car for problems, call a team to fix them.

Approximate job description for Russian Railways conductors for the duration of the movement of the train looks like this:

  • checking tickets, placing passengers in accordance with the seats;
  • providing people with bed linen, water, tea, and other things put to them;
  • organization of disembarkation and landing of customers at intermediate stations, reporting information to passengers about approaching the desired station, parking time;
  • ensuring the uninterrupted operation of electricity, toilet, heating, communication with the driver or the police;
  • providing first aid if necessary;
  • ensuring the cleanliness of the car, wet or dry cleaning;
  • organization of training for interns, advanced training of inexperienced employees;
  • the conductor of an international train has additional responsibilities - providing passengers with customs declarations or travel sheets, assisting in their completion.

Through the caretakers of the carriages, communication is carried out between passengers and the police or the driver. The railway employee must keep order in his car, if necessary, resolve incidents or conflicts, explain to customers the reasons for the deviation of the composition from the schedule time.

Requirements for knowledge, personal qualities

Specialists of the profile warn that it is not enough to learn to be a conductor, you still need to understand the specifics of the work, be aware of the level of responsibility. To start a career, you need to get a specialized education, undergo an internship under the supervision of an experienced employee. After that, the young specialist is allowed to work independently.

The conductor of passenger cars must have the following qualities:

  • punctuality, organization, accuracy;
  • the ability to communicate with people correctly, quickly find a common language with them;
  • ability to work in a team and independently perform assigned tasks without anyone's control;
  • physical endurance, lack of health problems;
  • the ability to quickly respond to changing conditions, make adequate decisions, process new information;
  • stress resistance - during trips you have to work with different people, solve unexpected problems.

A certified wagon attendant who meets these requirements can count on a good position in Russian Railways, commercial or government structures, and the subway. With ambition, he is able to quickly achieve a promotion, take a responsible position, go to work in a prestigious company or ministry.

Pros and cons of the direction

In Russia, the railway network is well developed, which is the key to the demand for conductors. A graduate of an educational institution can easily find a job in his specialty. If there is a desire, a young or experienced employee is able to move up career ladder, a wage the worker is largely dependent on him.

Here are a few more reasons to unlearn to be a conductor:

  • there are no special requirements for the age of the employee if he is in good health;
  • conductor professions are taught in specialized secondary educational institutions, in courses, in specialized schools - this significantly reduces the time of professional training;
  • if you have experience, it is possible to start operating international flights - this is a completely different level of remuneration, foreign trips, career prospects;
  • a train conductor with impressive work experience can count on various benefits, bonuses, and an increase in pension;
  • You have the option to create your own work schedule.

The main disadvantage of the direction is its Negative influence on human health. During trips, you have to communicate with a lot of people, which is fraught with infectious diseases, stress. Being in a constantly vibrating composition also affects the body in a not very favorable way. Not all people like the system of salary formation for conductors. The level of income depends on the number of flights, so you have to travel a lot.

How to become a conductor

Obtaining a basic education in the direction of "conductor of passenger trains" is only the first step towards mastering the profession. This is followed by an internship under the supervision of experienced employees. When an employee begins to work independently, he initially gets to serve local flights. As you gain experience or improve your skills, the conductor can count on a place on long-distance trains, branded or international trains. People with a higher education in the field of management are eventually able to apply for the positions of the head of the train, the senior shift, the director of the station.

Where and how much to study

You can start getting a profession after the 9th or 11th grade. In the first case, it will take no more than 4 years, in the second - less than 3 years. With these goals, one should enter specialized technical schools, colleges, and schools. Russian railways offer courses in this area, seminars for advanced training. If a person has a higher education, it is enough to undergo special professional retraining.

Employee salary and prospects

How much conductors and conductors receive is influenced by several factors at once: work experience, level of education, number of flights performed, place of service, features of working conditions. Employers can offer their employees additional ways to encourage work so that their employees earn more. Special conditions include different variants salary or pension indexation.

The specifics of payroll

Calculating the salary of the conductor, take into account the number of hours worked by him. There is a limit of indicators below which you can not fall. There is also an upper bar, the excess of which is undesirable, as this can lead to an insufficient amount of time for the employee to rest. Some give up the profession when they find out how much a novice specialist earns - up to 25 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that in 1-2 years these figures can double due to experience, qualifications, and job changes.

Most of all, conductors of branded trains and those who serve international flights receive the most. Employers put forward additional requirements for the latter, but their level of earnings can be from 80 thousand rubles. Much depends on the company's strategy. For example, Russian Railways provides for regular bonus payments based on the results of the year, five years, and so on.

Bonuses and Perks

Job seekers should take into account the fullness and features of the social package. It provides free medical care under expanded programs, an increase in the seniority pension, options for free train travel around the country. For employees of Russian Railways, metro and others large companies vouchers to sanatoriums, camps for children, educational programs are provided.

Passenger car conductor is an interesting, promising and in-demand profession. It can be a guarantee of financial stability or the start of a career. You just need to correctly understand the specifics of the direction, adequately assess your own capabilities.

What should or should not the conductor of Russian Railways or other passenger carriers do during the train route? There are strict instructions for this, excerpts from which we offer you. Study carefully the duties of the conductor so that your train is not overshadowed by non-standard situations.

On the route of a passenger train, the conductor must:

  • fix on the door of the service compartment a sign with the surname, name and patronymic of the conductor on duty;
  • maintain constant cleanliness and comfortable air temperature in the passenger compartment of the car in accordance with the Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of Passenger Cars along the way;
  • monitor the condition of the internal equipment and the correct position of the inter-car transition areas;
  • at least twice a day to carry out wet cleaning in the passenger car, and in the toilets as necessary, but at least four times a day with mandatory washing of the floors in accordance with the Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of Passenger Cars along the way;
  • wash the floors in cars with electric heating only after turning off the heating stoves; in wagons with combined heating, it is allowed to wash the floors, except for the floors of the boiler room, without turning off the heating elements of the heating boilers;
  • at least three times a day from 8 am to 10 am, from 3 pm to 5 pm and from 8 pm to 10 pm local time, provide passengers with tea, coffee, confectionery, and in branded trains and CB cars of all categories - at the request of passengers at any time of the day ; when serving passengers, the conductor must be in a white jacket or white apron;
  • maintain the presence of hot water in the boiler, and chilled water in the water cooler;
  • in carriages with berths, provide passengers with bedding sets; at the request of passengers and if it is possible to change bed linen on the way for an additional fee; deliver bed linen to passenger seats, as well as make beds for the disabled, the sick, passengers with young children;
  • remove bedding after disembarking passengers; in exceptional cases, with the consent of passengers, it is allowed to remove bedding no earlier than 30 minutes before arrival at the railway station for disembarking passengers;
  • keep records of the consumption of bed linen on the forms of the form LU-72 or INU-4 and the availability of free and vacated places on the form of the form LU-73;
  • when checking in and out of a shift, check the presence of travel documents (tickets) in the folder, their compliance with the seats occupied by passengers, the consumption of bed linen and make the appropriate marks in forms LU-72 or INU-4 and LU-73;
  • provide passengers with first aid;
  • in the absence of centralized electric heating when using solid fuel, maintain the temperature in the passenger compartment of the car in accordance with clause 2.8 of this Instruction;
  • in the event of a failure of the radio installation, announce the names of stopping points to passengers in the daytime, report on the boundaries of sanitary zones and the duration of parking passenger train;
  • inform passengers about the rules of customs and border control;
  • make sure that windows, if necessary, are opened only from the corridor side, and on double-track sections - only from the field side; when the air conditioner is running - that all windows are closed;
  • strictly observe the requirements for sanitary zones, closing toilets when passing through them.

Cleaning of garbage containers

Garbage in the car must be collected in a special container and then burned in the car's boiler or removed from the car to the places provided for this at railway stations; throwing garbage and ash on the way, on the floor of the vestibule, transitional platforms is prohibited.


In case of loss, damage or contamination of bedding, as well as damage to inventory or equipment of the car through the fault of the passenger, the conductor must report this to the head of the passenger train, who recovers the cost of the damaged or lost property in accordance with the pricing sheet with the issuance of a receipt to the passenger for payment of the form GU- 57.

Car doors must be closed while driving.

During the movement of a passenger train, the end doors of the vestibules at the ends of the carriages must be closed with internal locks ("secrets") and with a special key lock. In the rest of the cars, the end tambour doors are not locked. The side tambour doors of the non-working tambour are locked with a "secret" lock accessible only from inside the car, a lock with a special key and a lock with a trihedral key. The side doors of the working vestibule are locked with a lock (“secret”) accessible only from inside the car and a lock with a trihedral key

Arrival, parking and departure of the train

30 minutes before arrival at the railway station where passengers are disembarked, the conductor is obliged to warn passengers about this.

After a complete stop of the passenger train at the railway station, the conductor must open the side door of the working vestibule from the side of the boarding platform, in the absence of a high platform, raise and fix the folding platform (apron), wipe the handrails, start disembarking and boarding passengers. When a passenger train stops less than 5 min and in the absence of boarding and disembarking passengers, the conductor must open the door and, being in the vestibule, recommend that passengers do not leave the car; when a passenger train departs, the conductor must close and lock the door, the conductors of the tail and staff cars escort the railway station to the end of the railway boarding platform, after which they also lock the vestibule doors.

When the train stops at the station more than 10 min the conductor of a passenger car is obliged to inspect the undercarriage equipment, the brake leverage and, if necessary, in the winter season, remove ice that interferes with the normal operation of the brake leverage, as well as clean the battery deflectors from ice and snow.

The conductors of passenger trains standing at the stations before passing along the adjacent track of a high-speed passenger train are obliged to close the doors of the cars on this side and warn passengers about the passage of such a train.

If it is necessary to pass passengers of other passenger trains located on adjacent tracks through the vestibule to the passenger building (station) of the railway station, the conductor must open both side doors of the working vestibule, raise the folding platforms ("aprons") and monitor the passage of passengers.

Travel documents (tickets)

At linear railway stations, the conductor must board passengers with travel documents (tickets) for this passenger train, regardless of which passenger cars the travel documents (tickets) are issued for; Boarding and disembarking of passengers should not be allowed while the train is running.

Upon receipt of travel documents (tickets) from passengers after boarding the carriage, the conductor must cancel them by tearing the ticket, without violating the compost marks. The travel documents of transit passengers who are to transfer to another passenger train, and passengers wishing to make a stopover along the way, are not cancelled.

In cars with berths, travel documents (tickets) until the end of the trip on this train must be in a special folder with the conductor, who is responsible for their safety.

For transit passengers, the conductor returns travel documents (tickets) 30 minutes before the arrival of the passenger train at the transfer point.

Official railway travel documents of all forms are not canceled and are kept by passengers.

It is prohibited to issue used travel documents (tickets) to persons who have not traveled on them.

If the travel document (ticket) accepted from the passenger is lost, the conductor must draw up an act, which is signed by the head of the passenger train and the passenger. The act is certified by the stamp of the railway station where the passenger train has a stop. The railway station issues a new travel document (ticket) to the final destination of the passenger with a mark on the back of this travel document (ticket) "Instead of the lost one". The travel document (ticket) is issued by the head of the passenger train or the conductor at the ticket office of the railway station without the participation of the passenger.

If a passenger leaves the train...

If the conductor finds that the passenger of the car served by him has lagged behind the passenger train, he must inform the head of the train about this, draw up an act indicating the name and number of pieces of hand luggage left. The act is signed by the head of the passenger train, the conductor and two passengers.

Change of route en route

When receiving information about a change in the route of the train, the conductor notifies passengers about the order of following the new route. In the absence of radio communication in the train, the assistant driver of the locomotive transmits information to the conductor of the head car, and he to the other conductors and the head of the passenger train.

When uncoupling a faulty passenger car, the conductor must inform the passengers about their forthcoming accommodation in other cars of the passenger train.

Happy travels and friendly guides!