The most profitable business ideas in agriculture. How to make money on your farm: what to do and how to draw up a business plan The most profitable business in livestock farming

Agriculture is an ancient branch of business that can be called quite profitable. Everything that is now sold on grocery store shelves - dairy products, meat, vegetables, fruits, eggs and much more - is the result of this activity.

Of course, many can immediately say that now the leading place is occupied by products from abroad, and therefore opening such a business will be unprofitable. It's not like that at all! Environmentally friendly and natural products are always in great demand. And knowing the right approach, developing a profitable idea and finding points of sale for finished products are all the main indicators of a smart investment. And in order to avoid difficulties at the initial stage, you can use ideas for starting your own business in the field of agriculture.

This is a profitable and quickly paid off business. First of all, you need to choose a profitable industry.

Rabbit breeding

- This is a very profitable option. In addition to the fact that the meat of these animals has good qualities and is of high cost, their reproduction rate is also quite high. By about 3-4 months the animal has commercial value.

Rabbits have high fertility. The pregnancy period lasts about a month. After giving birth, the female is ready for fertilization. A female rabbit can give birth to an average of 12 babies at a time. Therefore, you can be sure that this business will pay off in a short time.

It is best to start with 5 rabbits. From this amount per year, on average, you can get up to 300 kilograms of dietary meat.

The following breeds can be used for breeding:

  • gray giant;
  • butterfly;
  • Californian;
  • black-brown;
  • Vienna blue;
  • Flanders;
  • Soviet Marder;
  • veil-silver;
  • rabbit ram;
  • Russian ermine;
  • downy;
  • silver.

Before you start breeding, you definitely need to calculate the costs.

Cost calculation:

  • Land rental costs range from 20 to 100 thousand rubles, it all depends on the region.
  • Purchase or independent construction of cages for keeping animals - from 10 to 40 thousand.
  • Purchasing 60 rabbits costs from 20 to 30 thousand, it also all depends on the region.
  • The cost of compound feed for the year is from 50 thousand to 100 thousand.
  • The employee’s salary per year is about 120 thousand.

On average, it will take a year of work from 218 to 390 thousand rubles.

Income calculation:

  • Income from the sale of meat products. If you have 40 female rabbits and 20 males, then from each female you can get 20 rabbits in a year. As a result, there will be 800 of them per year. Each weighs 1.9 kilograms, which means 1.5 kg of pure meat comes out. A kilogram of rabbit meat costs an average of 200-250 rubles. You can earn up to 375 thousand rubles from meat per year.
  • Income from the sale of skins. 1 skin costs 200 rubles, which means 800 skins will cost 160 thousand rubles.

In the first year you can earn about 535 thousand rubles.

Sheep breeding

What you need to open:

  • The first step is to implement the milk production plan. It consists of 3 stages:
    • Preparation. Funds are being sought to develop the business, contracts are being concluded with suppliers and purchasers of products. Duration is 5-7 months.
    • Arrangement. At this stage, it is necessary to build a barn, a milking parlor, purchase equipment and feed. This stage will take 4-5 months.
    • Work process. At this stage, direct activities are carried out. This includes the production of feed, sales of milk and dairy products.
  • Feed production. To reduce feed costs, it is better to produce feed yourself. To grow fodder crops, you should use land that will be located near the farm. It is advisable to use spring vetch, corn, clover, oats, and perennial cereal grasses as forage crops. For production it is necessary to build a workshop. It will cost approximately 150-200 thousand rubles. Cows should be fed hay and silage. For deoxidation, soda is added to the feed.
  • Work on the production and marketing of dairy products. To do this, you can purchase your own milk bottling and packaging line. High temperature processing is used during the filling and packaging process. Packaged products are transported to distribution points. Unprocessed milk can be sold to factories that specialize in processing it.

In the future it will be possible to expand the farm and increase the number of livestock.

Growing vegetables

Food production is a profitable business because it is always in price and in great demand. Growing vegetables is especially profitable. At the first stage you need to consider:

  • Landing place. First of all, you need to find a piece of land to grow. The soil must be of high quality and fertile. Therefore, an analysis must be carried out to identify soil contamination with nitrates, pesticides, and heavy metals.
  • Selection of vegetable crops. To do this, a market analysis of the most popular options is required. You can choose potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers.
  • Choice of variety. The variety is selected depending on the climatic conditions of the region.

Where can you sell your products:

  • Sales on the wholesale and retail markets. At these points you can make high profits with fast turnover. But there must be transport for transporting vegetables.
  • Sales of products to wholesalers. This method will save shipping and transportation costs, but the cost of vegetables will be lower.
  • Sales to shops, supermarkets, restaurants.
  • Growing for a specific buyer.

What you will have to spend on:

  • costs for planting material;
  • purchase of plant protection products from pests;
  • purchases of fertilizers;
  • costs of renting land, construction and repair of structures;
  • costs of purchasing and maintaining transport;
  • expenses for paying utility bills;
  • payment to working personnel.

In general, the level of income depends on the amount of vegetables produced per 1 square meter. m of land. If all conditions are met, proper planting is carried out and further work is carried out for the full growth of plants, you can get a good harvest. Vegetables can always be sold at a good price.

Housekeeping is a daily chore for the rural population, but it can be turned into a stable income. This is not as simple a matter as it might seem, therefore, in order to make money on your farm, you need to decide on the direction and draw up a detailed business plan.


Business Description

Not only rural residents, but also people who have a small plot of land or utility room are thinking about how to make money on their farm.

Economic business can be called:

  • breeding of domestic animals;
  • growing vegetables and fruits;
  • beekeeping;
  • food preparation.

Which one to choose depends on your capabilities and desires. If there is a suitable room for keeping livestock and a place to store feed, take up livestock farming. If you have a plot of land, grow a garden, vegetable crops, or create a flower garden.

Goods and services

The resulting product, which will generate money, depends on the choice of the range of activities. When considering the idea of ​​a home business, pay attention to all possible sources of income from it. This may be the business object itself, products made from it, or services provided with its help.

Breeding animals will bring the entrepreneur such products as:

  • meat;
  • leather;
  • feathers;
  • eggs;
  • milk.

From the listed raw materials, leather, fur and down products can be made, as well as sour cream, butter and other food products. Both offspring and adult animals generate income. By growing vegetables and fruits, you can sell the harvest, planting material and products from them. Beekeeping produces honey, wax, propolis, which are highly valued on the market.


More and more people are beginning to value a healthy lifestyle, in particular healthy eating. Therefore, the relevance of housekeeping as a way to earn money is increasingly increasing.

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a household to eat healthy food. Some people don't want to do this, but still appreciate homemade products. Therefore, there is always a demand for farm products, but it varies everywhere.

Activities Options

When choosing a type of activity, rely not only on the existing conditions and opportunities, but also on your knowledge and experience. After all, in every case there are features that you need to know.

The most famous things to do in the village are:

  • livestock farming;
  • agriculture;
  • beekeeping.

Other types of entrepreneurship are less common:

  • mushroom cultivation;
  • breeding fish, crayfish, worms;
  • production of feed or fertilizer.

ABOUT different options activities from personal experience on the video channel “We live well. Life in the village and self-sufficiency."


The choice of livestock for breeding determines the availability of a sales market, maintenance conditions and the cost of the down payment.

The simplest type of livestock farming is quail breeding. What you will have to spend money on is cages, food, veterinary medications and the purchase of young animals. Chickens begin to lay eggs after six months, quails after a month. Broiler meat can be sold after only 3 months of cultivation.

It’s even easier to buy an incubator and sell chickens, ducklings, and goslings. But this type of activity is seasonal.

Larger animals - rabbits, pigs, goats - already need hay for the winter. To do this, you need a hayloft or other storage room.

The most expensive and difficult to raise is the cow. But at the same time, milk and dairy products will find their buyer in any city or village.


This is a very popular and promising way to earn money. Many enterprises buy honey from private beekeepers. The beekeeper's net profit is about 50% of the initial costs for the year.

But here you cannot do without an experienced specialist, since the craft of a beekeeper is not taught anywhere. Such knowledge is given only with experience.

Growing vegetables and fruits

The main direction of growing a vegetable garden is the use of greenhouses. Since they bring the most profit out of season.

In greenhouses you can grow seedlings for sale, and then vegetables a couple of times a year. This way you can significantly increase your income.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the cultivation of strawberries. This berry is well appreciated by buyers and can be harvested several times a year.

Bird Farm Beekeeping Raising cattle Growing strawberries in a greenhouse

Description and analysis of the sales market

The success of business development largely depends on the sales market and consumers. Not everyone will buy chicken meat or milk the same way. In addition, it is necessary to gain the trust of customers and cope with competitors. Therefore, before starting your business, analyze the market and potential customers.

The target audience

The ideal option for starting a business is to have a regular customer: a store, a food processing plant, etc. In this case, you only need to organize the work in such a way that the consumer’s needs coincide with the manufacturer’s capabilities.

If you plan to sell products yourself, keep in mind that the needs of different segments of the population differ from each other. If chicken eggs While in the city they are in great demand, in the countryside there are chickens in almost every yard. Therefore, it is better to do this business in the suburbs, near large populated areas. But chickens are in greater demand in the countryside.

Competitive advantages

To stand out from your competitors, pay great attention to product quality and variety. It is more profitable for people to contact the manufacturer for young animals and immediately purchase good food for raising them. If you grow vegetables, fruits or vegetables, freeze or pickle them for the winter.

This will not only help you beat your competitors, but also increase your customer base and income.

Promotion and advertising

Advertising and promotion of your farm It's worth doing before it even opens. Chat with wholesale buyers and processing enterprises. Regular advertisements in stores, markets and other crowded places will also be useful.

How to open and what is needed for this?

Those who have already decided on the choice of type economic activity They often don’t know how to properly open a personal business and what needs to be done to make good money. The answer is different for each individual case.

There are several common aspects that all businessmen face:

  • registration of permits and certificates;
  • search for premises;
  • purchase of equipment and tools;
  • selection of suitable personnel.

In addition, you need to find and purchase planting material or young growth, fertilizers or feed, and much more.

Required documents

To work at a high level, have good clients and make big profits, you need to officially register your farm.

To do this you will need:

  • business registration;
  • obtaining certificates about the condition of animals and vaccinations;
  • obtaining a certificate from the SES;
  • obtaining permission from fire safety authorities.

IN in some cases this list may be expanded or decreased.

Search for premises

The size and type of premises depends on the type and volume of activity. You can grow livestock in a small area, but for greenhouses you will have to allocate a large plot of land.

To save on rent, small animals can be housed in tiered cages. The location of the premises also affects the cost of rent: the further away from large settlements and junction stations, the lower the rent.

Premises requirements

The main requirement for a room is the required area. The amount of work and total earnings depend on it.

Keep in mind that certain types of animals do not fully develop in close quarters, while others, on the contrary, must grow in small cages. On average, livestock farming requires an area of ​​10 acres, and greenhouses - about 100.

Purchase and installation of equipment

The list and quantity of equipment and tools is different in each case. The cheapest option would be to purchase farming tools. Although if you have large areas, you cannot do without Vehicle for cultivating the land and harvesting crops.

In the case of livestock farming, equipment will be required to facilitate working conditions or to automate it, for example:

  • bulldozer equipment;
  • rope-scraper type installations;
  • scraper conveyors;
  • milking machines.

To store food you need separate refrigerators or freezers.


It is impossible to run a business alone; this requires workers with experience in this industry.

Each specialist must engage in a certain type of work. One person is responsible for growing, the second is for harvesting and processing products, the third is responsible for selling finished products and finding customers. Due to this, labor productivity increases.

Step-by-step instruction

Before starting his own business, the farmer needs to draw up an accurate business plan, which will include all initial expenses, monthly investments, calculated possible earnings and the payback period of the event. Such planning will allow you to correctly allocate funds and time to open a business.

Action Guide:

  1. Analysis of the sales market, your preferences and capabilities.
  2. Choosing a direction of activity.
  3. Preparation and execution of documents.
  4. Selection and equipment of premises.
  5. Land preparation.
  6. Purchase of fertilizers, equipment, feed.
  7. Team recruitment.
  8. Advertising development and promotion.

Financial plan

  • initial costs, including paperwork, rent of premises, purchase of equipment, raw materials and other things;
  • monthly expenses;
  • estimated profit over a period of time based on calculations of the cost and quantity of goods.

Regular expenses

In the process of developing a farm, there is always a certain list of costs that must be met monthly:

  • rent;
  • purchase of feed, fertilizers and other consumables;
  • staff salaries.

When calculating a business plan, these costs affect the profitability and payback period of the enterprise.

Approximate investments, profits and payback periods

Opening dates

Calculate opening dates together with your business plan. Consider possible unforeseen situations with the supply of equipment or arrangement of the premises. Collecting all permitting documents also takes some time.

Risks and payback

The main risks are animal diseases and adverse weather conditions. A businessman practically cannot influence them, but he can try to foresee them and take them into account in the development plan. Many branches of agriculture do not require large expenses, and their payback occurs within a year. The prospects of the business also lie in the fact that the demand for high-quality agricultural products is only growing every year.

Business in rural areas is characterized by low competition. The industry is replete with unclaimed land resources, and you can start a business by setting up a farm for growing vegetables or raising livestock. In the future, it is possible to develop an agricultural business through expansion and industrial processing of manufactured products. But it should be borne in mind that such activities require serious financial investments.

Features of business in agriculture

An agricultural business cannot act as passive income, if we talk about the first stages of its development. It will take a lot of time and work for the business to begin to bear fruit. First of all, you need to determine the direction. Depending on whether it will be bird breeding or beekeeping, growing flowers or fruits, you will need to calculate profitability, purchase equipment, etc.

To open an agricultural business you will need:

  • draw up a business plan, which will contain a detailed analysis of the market, advantages and disadvantages of the direction, development prospects and risks;
  • register an individual entrepreneur and obtain permits.

It is especially important to identify all the weaknesses of the project and calculate possible hidden threats. It is necessary to take into account such nuances as seasonality and weather conditions, and assess the competitive environment, which dictates certain development trends. The ideal option would be if you manage to find an unfilled niche and formulate your offer within its framework. This will significantly reduce the budget, including advertising, and pay for the business faster.

Creating a plan for an agricultural business will be especially relevant if attracting outside contributions is required. Neither the bank nor the investor will issue funds if they do not familiarize themselves with the detailed organizational, financial and production part. Keep in mind that the use of money from a third party will affect both the profitability and payback of the activity, and therefore the agricultural business plan will need to be adjusted, taking into account new inputs.

After completing this stage, it is necessary to resolve land issues with local authorities. If relatives, neighbors, or business partners are involved in opening an agricultural business, it is imperative to conclude a farm agreement and have it notarized. This is necessary to protect yourself and your property, profits from possible legal disputes, and to establish clear boundaries.

Only after all legal and financial issues have been settled can you begin to construct the premises that will be needed to run a business: workshops, barns, sheds and warehouses, greenhouses, administrative buildings. At the construction stage, it is important to check whether communications meet production needs: electricity, heat and water must be supplied uninterruptedly.

One of the important final stages is the search for personnel. Considering that production is located in rural areas, you will have little choice. Since the success of production depends on the performance and specialization of each employee, it would be correct to draw up a list of requirements for candidates and select applicants according to it.

10 Best Farming Ideas

Idea 1: greenhouse farming:

To implement such an agricultural business you will need a small land plot. It is necessary to install and equip one or more greenhouses, depending on the scale of the intended production. It is better to purchase seeds from reliable suppliers.

Regardless of what you grow (vegetables, berries, herbs, flowers, etc.), the plants must be provided with light, heat, watering and fertilizers. When deciding on the production format in your region, you need to establish product sales channels and analyze competitors in the industry. What you need to analyze when opening a greenhouse business in agriculture:

  1. What type of vegetables, fruits, berries is in demand in the region. This indicator will depend on the climate and competitive environment.
  2. Seasonality of products. You can grow different crops at different times of the year to expand your market.

A properly equipped greenhouse produces about 5-6 harvests per year. But for the success of an agricultural business, special attention must be paid to marketing and advertising. One of the best solutions is to enter into a supply agreement with a supermarket chain.

Idea 2: growing sunflowers

Such activities do not require huge capital investments, and the business model can be implemented even by a novice entrepreneur. The key advantage of growing sunflowers is the low level of competition with high demand for the product.

To start such an agricultural business, you will need to rent a plot of land, special sowing equipment, hire workers, and equip a warehouse for storing seeds. This type of activity can be registered as a simple individual entrepreneur.

Such activities have certain specifics from a technical point of view. The culture itself is unpretentious, not affected by weather conditions and is little susceptible to pest attacks. Harvesting can be done 5-6 months after sowing. But one important factor should be taken into account before choosing this line of activity: sunflower literally draws useful substances from the soil, and after 5-7 years, planting crops on the site will be impossible.

Therefore, you should not take out land for a long-term lease; it would be more correct to change the plot annually. Some entrepreneurs choose a combined agricultural business scheme: in the first year the field is sown with sunflowers, and in subsequent years a greenhouse is equipped.

At proper organization activities and expenses, income from growing sunflowers exaggerates expenses by 2-3 times.

Idea 3: growing hazelnuts

Such a business, like growing sunflowers, is characterized by high profitability, because the demand for nuts is very high. Hazelnuts grow in Russia, in the foothills, and are not very common as a home crop, which explains the lack of competitors in this niche. At the same time, hazelnuts are not demanding in storage and care, and tolerate changes in humidity and weather well.

The product's sales market is not limited to the average consumer: it is widely used in the confectionery industry and for the manufacture of cosmetic products.

Hazelnuts can be sold in several forms: raw, shelled, roasted. The kernels occupy about 50% of the total mass of the nut.

High productivity of hazel is possible only under certain conditions: the soil must be rich in sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, and the pH cannot exceed 7.2 units. Otherwise, there will not be a high hazelnut harvest. Therefore, be sure to conduct a soil analysis before purchasing seedlings for planting. You should only purchase seedlings that were obtained through vegetative propagation.

For the first 5 years, hazel will not produce enough hazel, so experienced entrepreneurs recommend planting the space between the beds with other crops that ripen early and are popular in the region. Attention should be paid to greens and early vegetables.

Idea 4: breeding meat chicken breeds

This line of business is considered very profitable. To implement such an agricultural business, it is necessary to rent or build premises, purchase cages, feed and poultry. The broiler is considered the best breed for breeding. It is also necessary to provide space heating during the cold period.

Grains and plant foods are often used as feed. Experienced businessmen recommend creating a plot nearby and using it for growing potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, and herbs. This will reduce costs and minimize some risks.

The main threat to such an agricultural business is disease. To avoid troubles with sick birds, you need to carefully select chickens and properly care for them.

Idea 5: breeding dwarf cows

This type of breed is considered exotic, and competition in the niche is minimal. Therefore, you can quickly develop your agricultural business in this direction and take a leading position in a short time.

One cow produces up to 8 liters of milk per day, but this depends not only on the breed, but also on the quality of the feed and care of the animal. To build a barn, you should choose a location close to good pasture so that the cows have the opportunity to receive proper nutrition. The advantage is that for grazing a dwarf breed, the pasture can be 2-3 times smaller.

Another distinctive feature of the breed is the taste and quality of milk. It has a much richer composition and can be stored without refrigeration for up to a day.

Idea 6: freezing fruits and vegetables

Competition in this industry is quite high, but the business is characterized by profitability and is considered very promising. The significant demand for freezing is explained by the fact that such products retain a certain percentage of vitamins and minerals that we cannot get in the off-season. The only condition is that the freezing process must be carried out correctly, using special technology. To start such a business in the field of agriculture, you will need a fairly large room and equipment: installations for cleaning, drying, chopping fruits and vegetables, a blast freezing chamber, and a packaging machine. You will also need to purchase freezers in which the products will be stored until they are sold. In practice, such a business pays for itself in 3-4 months.

Idea 7: selling chicken eggs

Launching such a business project is in many ways similar to breeding meat breeds of chickens. Here you will also need to equip the premises - purchase incubators, cages, laying hens themselves, feed, and organize proper lighting. At the start, up to 20 chickens will be enough. The business principle is very simple - to organize sales of goods through markets or networks retail stores. But since competition in the industry is quite high, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the market. For a successful start, you need to focus on marketing strategy and advertising.

Idea 8: growing oyster mushrooms

Growing mushrooms will allow you to receive a stable income, since the demand for such products is very high. Oyster mushrooms, unlike other mushrooms, are unpretentious, and therefore they manage to gain a foothold in the market quite quickly, despite high competition.

Growing mushrooms on stumps is considered the least expensive option, but the waiting period will be quite long and the yield will be quite low. In addition, there are additional financial risks due to weather conditions.

Stumps must meet certain criteria: be clean, have a smooth surface and are free of mold. According to the technology, they need to be prepared by first soaking them in water for 3 days to create the required level of humidity. Then the mycelium is laid - seed material.

From May, the stumps are taken out into the garden or vegetable garden, left in the shade, and the humidity level is monitored. It is also necessary to provide a greenhouse or basement so that you can put them there during bad weather.

Idea 9: harvesting and packaging of black soil

Considering the low competition in this niche, such an agricultural business can bring good income. What do you need to start a business? First of all, determine distribution channels in your region. The essence of the idea is to process and harvest black soil enriched with useful substances. Growing different crops requires soil with different chemical compositions.

Having determined who is more numerous in your region, gardeners or farmers, you can understand what kind of black soil needs to be prepared. The relevance of this area is quite high, because There are not many fertile areas in Russia.

Idea 10: breeding rabbits

This option for running an agricultural business is ideal for beginners. This direction is very popular: running a business is very simple, caring for animals does not require a lot of effort and resources, profitability is high (with proper planning, the business pays off in 9-10 months).

Rabbit meat is in demand among expectant and young mothers, people who are on a diet. In addition to direct supplies of meat, a farmer can breed rabbits for the purpose of selling them to other farms. Activities in two directions simultaneously will minimize risks, eliminating the seasonality factor.

Depending on the chosen area of ​​activity, the correct breed of animals is purchased, as well as equipment and everything necessary for their maintenance.

Your own business in the flower industry

Very often the idea of ​​starting a business in this direction arises during the holidays. However, the demand for flowers is relatively high all year round. You can even organize such an agricultural business in the attic of your house. But in this case, it will need glazing, and the roof slope itself will be equipped with special blinds, dormer windows will be provided, and a heating system will be installed. All this is necessary to create and maintain a special temperature regime.

On 1 square meter of greenhouse it is possible to grow:

  • 27 hyacinths;
  • 25 daffodils;
  • 30 tulips;
  • 100 daisies.

Equipment for an attic with an area of ​​80 square meters will require about 150 thousand rubles. And it will be possible to grow about 2,000 tulips in such an area. It will take about 2 years to recoup the business.

Crop production using hydroponics

A very popular trend in business is soilless growing of plants. Specialized water granules are used as soil here, allowing you to get a good harvest.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of the technology is some loss of taste in the fruits. However, at the moment, plants grown using this technology are in high demand among consumers.

If we talk about classic greenhouse farming, then it would be appropriate to use a drip irrigation system. It allows you to grow any plants year-round for subsequent sale. A device designed for drip irrigation can be made by you yourself at home.

Harvest canning

In this case, you will need to create a small workshop. With the right approach, such a business can bring you good income. Another advantage of conservation is the possibility of selling substandard goods. In addition, not every enterprise manages to sell the harvest in full.

While carrots, potatoes and beets can be stored in warehouses for a long time, tomatoes and cucumbers are perishable vegetables. They quickly become unusable, and therefore it is advisable to sell them immediately after collection. And a small cannery will help you sell your surplus, bringing significant profits.

Let's consider the main advantages of this direction in business:

  • cheap raw materials;
  • production does not require much time;
  • ability to work at full capacity, since products can be stored in warehouses for a long time.

Production of feed mixtures for livestock and poultry

Making feed is a great idea for a rural business. Initially, you can produce compound feed intended for most types of poultry and livestock. Over time, you can expand your production with products used only for certain breeds.

By producing complete mixtures from grain crops, you can do without specialized equipment. You just need to mix the plants, dry them, package them, and you can start selling the finished product. In the case of feed production, considerable investments in the business will be required. However, they will pay for themselves fairly quickly due to high demand.

Modern farmers have excellent opportunities for running a rural business. To successfully gain a foothold in the market and become a leader in your industry, you need to conduct an in-depth analysis of consumers and their needs, competitive offers, and also pay attention to factors such as seasonality, the influence of weather conditions and the susceptibility of crops to pests and animal diseases.

The concept of “agricultural enterprise” covers a wide range of activities in fishing, agricultural, livestock, and processing areas. Often, an agricultural producer combines several of them in one enterprise, for example, raising livestock and processing meat, wool, and milk; fishing and production of semi-finished products, canned food; crop production and raising animals using their own feed.

The final product can be in the form of raw materials (raw meat, furs, fresh fish, vegetables, fruits) or include a processing stage (canning, pasteurization, cleaning, vacuum packaging, deep freezing and others). The scale of an agricultural enterprise also varies from a small farm employing 5-10 people to a multi-stage agricultural complex with a staff of more than 1000 people.

Thus, in order to open an agricultural enterprise and promote this business, you need to decide on the direction of activity, stages of production and types of final products. Let's consider a more complex business scheme, including raw materials and processing industries. For example, let’s take a small farm that can be organized without huge financial investments - growing vegetables, fruits, herbs with a processing plant.

Investment size

Since we are considering the option of opening an agricultural enterprise in the medium-sized business segment, we will calculate the volume of investment in a farm where a vegetable field and a garden each account for 1 hectare of land. To process such an area, it is more expedient to purchase mini equipment. By purchasing 3 mini tractors instead of one regular one, you can process vegetation in 3 areas at once, and not in one place. This is very important in agriculture, since large-scale processing is often required in the shortest possible time (insect infestation, harvesting, fertilizer spraying, etc.). In addition, installation of automatic watering, drainage system, lighting, and equipment of paths and platforms for vehicles will be required. For the agricultural sector, it is necessary to provide for soil improvement. Initial costs will be approximately as follows:

    Field development - 300,000 rubles.

    Arrangement of the garden - 300,000 rubles.

    Construction of facilities - 2,500,000 rubles.

    Purchase of equipment - 3,000,000 rubles.

    Purchase of seedlings, seeds, seedlings - 200,000 rubles.

    Registration of documents - 20,000 rubles.

Total: 6,320,000 rubles.

Note that these figures are very relative, since the cost of seed may vary depending on the varieties, equipment - on its quantity and varieties. In addition, some people prefer to purchase used equipment, gradually replacing it with new ones. An excellent option is to take out equipment on a long-term lease. The soil also varies in degree of fertility, acidity and other characteristics. Accordingly, different amounts of investment will be required to bring it back to normal. There may be already built but destroyed objects on the territory, fortunately in Russia there are many abandoned buildings since the collapse of collective farms, then the construction and repair estimate will be significantly reduced.

Step-by-step instruction

Having decided on the direction of activity (in this case, it is the cultivation and processing of agricultural products), you need to rent or purchase land and register your business. Next, you can begin arranging the areas. On the territory of such an agricultural enterprise there must be:

    Field for growing vegetables.


    Greenhouses for greenery and seedlings.

    Raw materials warehouse.

    Finished goods warehouse.

    Canning workshop.

    Garage for equipment.

    Administrative block.

The latter can be part of a canning shop and occupy 1-2 rooms. There should be an office where there will be a computer and documentation related to the business. The location of objects must be carefully thought out so that it is convenient to transport products from one to another. It is better to locate the finished product warehouse next to the canning shop, close to the exit from the territory. It is more rational to place greenhouses next to the field, and so on.

A canning shop needs a compartment with automatic line bottling, a room for squeezing juice and primary processing of vegetables and fruits, departments for cleaning, cutting, cooking. You will also need a container storage area under finished products: glass and tin cans, juice boxes and bottles, frozen bags and dried fruits, other packaging materials. Despite the extensive number of zones, each of them can be allocated from 15 to 40 meters, depending on the chosen type of processing. After the construction and finishing of the premises, equipment is imported, seed is purchased and workers are hired.

To work at the agricultural enterprise in question, you will need to hire: workers in the agricultural sector, automotive equipment, technologist, employees for the processing workshop, driver, agronomist, security guards. An electrician, a cleaner, an accountant can come and not be part of the staff, working as hired workers employment contract or upon request.

The place where land will be rented or purchased to open an agricultural enterprise must be chosen carefully. Sales and implementation costs depend on this. If you plan to focus on fresh vegetables and herbs, it is advisable to set up an agricultural enterprise at a distance of no more than 50 km from the city, because daily deliveries of products will be necessary, and transportation over a long distance will require additional costs for gasoline and may affect the freshness of the goods.

Enterprises based only on the production of canned products may not have to worry about the distance from the place of sale, but we must not forget about the workers who will need to be transported to workplace. By organizing an enterprise far from roads and populated areas, you will have to bring workers in your own vehicles, which will be an additional expense.

An important factor in future profitability is the distance from hazardous industrial production. No one will want to buy apples, cucumbers and parsley grown near a silicate or chemical plant. The remoteness of such dangerous neighbors will give you an additional advantage. If, with this arrangement, you also do not spray your vegetables and fruits with harmful pesticides, you can claim environmentally friendly production, and this is especially valued in our time. Eco-friendly products are always in demand and sell at a higher price.


You need to register your agricultural enterprise, register with tax authority as an individual entrepreneur, LLC or CJSC. A small business with little working capital is in most cases registered as an individual entrepreneur or a farm using UTII taxation. Larger enterprises, including growing and processing products, are more often registered as an LLC. For LLCs and CJSCs the following package of documents will be required:

    Protocol for the creation of an LLC.

  • A copy of the founder's passport.

    Application for registration.

    Receipt for payment of state duty (2000 rubles).

The following must always be available to the tax or other inspection authority:

    Copies constituent documents, certified by a notary.

    Passport details of the general director and accountant.

    Certificate of the amount of authorized capital.

    Document about the location of the enterprise.

    A document about the number of shares and their value.

    Certificate from the bank confirming the opening of a current account.

    OKVED codes.

    Certificate of registration.

    Bank details of the legal entity.

    Letter from GoskomStat on assignment of codes.

    Medical records of canned shop workers.

    Journal of fire, electrical and industrial safety.

    Accounting and tax reporting.

    Permission from the SES.

The optimal tax regime for agricultural producers is the Unified Agricultural Tax. In order to switch to it, you need to be engaged in the production and sale of agricultural products, and the income from sales must be at least 70%.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

Agricultural products, which include food products, are highly competitive among domestic and imported producers. When starting your business, you should not aim at exports and large-scale turnover. To begin with, it is easier to master the local sales market. This will help establish profitable production, take into account shortcomings, and learn to use the achievements of modern scientific and technical base. The good thing about agricultural business is that it can expand, adding both territories and directions. No one can prohibit adding to existing activities animal breeding, growing mushrooms, collecting herbs or berries and purchasing them from the local population, and so on.

Today the easiest way to make money is in rural areas. A variety of areas of entrepreneurship opens up prospects for gardeners, gardeners, livestock breeders and fish farmers. As practice shows, business in agriculture quickly pays off despite quite significant investments. Considering the high demand for natural, environmentally friendly food, the most cost-effective project can be implemented in country farms. Since the majority of the population of large cities tries to lead a healthy lifestyle, the need for quality food will increase to unprecedented heights. Therefore, today many in Russia are actively occupying empty niches in the food market.

Before starting farming activities, the resources available are analyzed. In particular, they form a list of the advantages of the existing land business, take into account the geographical location of the area and climatic features.

After studying the pros and cons, they consider ideas. No matter how modest the land resources, the choice of activities is rich. Having selected several of the most acceptable options, they calculate profitability based on three basic components of success:

  • The presence of demand for products decides everything; if the buyer is interested and the sales market is not oversaturated, the following aspects begin to be considered.
  • Local competitors will not give a young farmer the opportunity to develop, so they immediately sweep aside the niches occupied in this region.
  • There should be one idea. By exchanging for several parallel directions, business is lost. Only a long-term business that has been put on stream can be supplemented with alternative branches. At the beginning of activity, they work strictly in a given vector, so? get the best result.

An agricultural business requires investments, and not small ones, so before going to the bank, you need to make cost calculations and analyze the payback. Having described in detail the development plan, promotion and sales strategy, they discover shortcomings and difficulties that can be easily corrected at the preparatory stage.

BBQcash experts explain:

The land plot, as well as the activities planned on it, are registered with state authorities. This also applies to fish farming; you must obtain permission and a license. In the case of joint ownership, a notarial agreement is signed to exclude proceedings within the family.

Before developing a site with agricultural structures, a company to implement the project is selected. You should not save on production premises and equipment; it is recommended to invite experienced craftsmen, rather than using the strength of neighbors and acquaintances.

It is equally important to analyze potential employees for the enterprise, to find out whether there are specialists in a given field in the region. The lack of competent personnel complicates the production process.

It is difficult to engage in production, regardless of its size. Rash actions lead to negative consequences and the collapse of the enterprise; it is worth rechecking all stages of planning several times.

TOP 11 best ideas for agricultural business

Possible agricultural options are divided into animal husbandry, crop production, horticulture, beekeeping and fisheries. Each direction has branches. BBQcash experts recommend profitable types of business for consideration.


When choosing this direction, they carry out thorough preparation. Is the investment in equipment and seed material significant, in addition to this? they purchase lighting equipment and an irrigation system, and be sure to think about heating the room, especially for the northern regions.

The correct selection of grown crops allows you to get 5-6 harvests per year, but starting labor activity, enlist the support of an experienced agronomist and set up sales. An agreement with nearby supermarkets for the supply of vegetables is considered ideal; this will require some work. First, they conduct a competent advertising campaign, then enter into supply contracts.


Growing the crop will provide an optimal start for the greenhouse business. When renting land for sunflowers, you need to know that the plant selects useful substances from the soil. After it, nothing will grow on the site for 7-8 years, so it is used for greenhouses.

The payback on a sunflower field is several times higher than the costs. Ripening period is 5 months. Care for the crop is minimal, the unpretentious flower is not afraid of drought and pests, and does not require regular watering or fertilizing. However, it is better to ensure proper conditions. The farmer's main enemy will be birds, so it is worth hiring workers in advance who will cover the plant heads with a thin translucent cloth, this way? protecting seeds from pests. They use scarecrows in the fields; the old ancestral method with mechanical modifications fully replaces the guards.

After harvesting, they receive a minimum income by selling seeds, but experienced farmers earn more by sending their products for processing. The cost of oil is higher; selling it will increase profits several times and will reduce the cost of building greenhouses.

The stems and heads of plants are of some value; they are used in livestock farming and other activities. Sunflower roots are left in the ground to serve as fertilizer.


The popular hazelnut is in a niche free from competition. Its cultivation is not difficult to organize, but it is a long-term investment. The first harvest is expected after 5-6 years. With the correct arrangement of trees, free space is used for planting crops such as onions, potatoes, beets, herbs, and medicinal herbs.

Selling nuts profitable business, you can’t call it small, since the size of the area for hazel must be large. At least a hectare, preferably more. The culture is undemanding to care, resistant to frost, but requires a specific soil composition. They watch it strictly, otherwise they won’t expect a rich harvest. Before organizing the business, the soil is taken for analysis; it must contain magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. The acidity level should correspond to 6.8-7.2 pH. Regular control of the chemical composition and regular fertilization will ensure yield and profit in subsequent stages.

Considering the costs of purchasing seedlings, care and the long ripening period, the income will be small in the first years. Vegetable crops planted between rows will help break even, but will take nutrients from the soil and will require additional fertilizing.

Having endured a difficult period in raising the garden, the owners are looking for sales of their products. Hazelnuts are used in many fields of activity, in cooking, cosmetology, oils are made from it and simply eaten.

Merchants sell products wholesale or process them. For example, shelled nuts are more expensive, but roasted and packaged nuts provide additional income growth. The peel is used as a source of energy obtained by burning. Ash is an excellent fertilizer.

Poultry farm

Domestic chickens and eggs are in demand in all regions. Poultry meat is lean and easily digestible. When opening a business related to raising animals, they carefully prepare. Consultations with veterinarians and experienced farmers are required to help you choose chickens and tell you which breeds are best for meat and which for eggs.

The activity is profitable, pays off in 2 months. In general, income depends on the size of the farm; the larger the farm, the higher the income, but the starting investment will also increase.

For successful development and increased sales, the poultry is provided with optimal living conditions. Feed with plant foods own production. This is inexpensive; maintaining a small plot of corn and cereals will provide the birds with what they need; the rest can be purchased.

Milk farm

Milk is a tasty and healthy product when it comes to fresh cow or goat milk. Experts have calculated that keeping an ordinary cow is unprofitable; the animal eats a lot, takes up space, and requires extensive pastures. They propose to raise a new species, dwarf cows. This promising project underdeveloped, there is practically no competition. The quality of the product is excellent and it lasts longer than regular milk.

The costs of preparing structures and their equipment are lower, the size of pastures is reduced or more heads are taken. One dwarf cow produces 6-8 liters per day. It is important to use high-quality natural food, regularly call a doctor for checks, and give the animals the opportunity to move.

Freezing vegetables and fruits

A beginner can easily cope with such a business; the main investments are in equipment for washing, drying, freezing and packaging. Production payback is 2 months.

By growing their own products, they receive high profits. To start, it is permissible to use purchased raw materials. Especially at the first stage, when sales markets have not been developed and storage space is expensive. Industrial freezers require additional premises with proper organization and equipment.


Growing oyster mushrooms or champignons is not difficult. The main costs will go to creating conditions and greenhouses. Mushroom crops love high humidity, coolness and twilight. Electricity savings are guaranteed.

Oyster mushrooms are grown on stumps, champignons on bags with a special composition. Having prepared the premises and introduced the mycelium, they are looking for sales. Products spoil quickly, so deliveries are planned in advance.

If a surplus occurs, equipment for conservation is purchased.

Packaging of chernozem

Not all regions of Russia are rich in fertile soil; many gardeners have to buy soil for growing crops. Having an allotment of high-quality substance, they organize packaging and deliveries to neighboring areas.


Raising rabbits is a profitable business. The meat of cute animals is a healthy dietary product, popular and always in demand. Setting up a business is inexpensive; it is enough to have a small warm shed for winter maintenance; in the summer, the cages are taken outside.

You will need to consult a veterinarian to select meat breeds and then constantly monitor the health of the animals. Rabbits are very sickly.

To reduce the risk of death, they get two types of rabbits, meat and fur, or choose a transitional breed.

Animal nutrition must be natural and balanced. For marketing, you will need documentation on the health status of the animals issued by a doctor.


A complex type of activity that requires skills and knowledge in its field. Caring for hives and bee colonies is daily work.

Be sure to take houses to fields where insects will collect nectar. They agree on this in advance with neighboring farms. Bees pollinate flowering crops, and the beekeeper receives honey. For example, sage and lavender. Honey is stored in debt and is expensive. Promising and advantageous view business for experts.

Fish farm

Fresh fish is an infrequent guest on the tables of city residents. They eat defrosted or salted seafood. There is little benefit in such products, so fish farms are thriving.

Breeding takes time and investment. It is necessary to purchase a fry, feed it, and monitor its health. Having raised the pets to sexual maturity, they create conditions for spawning. Catching for sale begins when the juveniles have grown up. Sales are sought in advance, since the product is perishable.

BBQcash experts explain:

Not all considered possible ideas for business in the village, only the best and little competition. Each offering varies depending on the type of product being grown. For example, we will replace hazelnuts with an apple or plum orchard; instead of tomatoes and cucumbers, strawberries are grown in greenhouses. To deal with freezing, it is desirable to have a forest or swampy area nearby for collecting berries, which are valued in the southern regions.

Planning stages

When creating an agricultural business, they carry out a number of works to formulate a development strategy. Each stage is important and has a direct impact on the success of the enterprise.

Site selection

Options for purchasing and leasing land are acceptable if there is no allotment. For beginning farmers, it is better to look for hiring with the option of buyout.


In the course of activities, buildings, equipment and inventory will be needed, which are purchased or leased along with the site. The second case is preferable for starting. If the business does not work out, the losses will not be so great. It is also worth including raw materials and Consumables, remuneration of workers. Having received the total amount and calculated the profits, they turn to the financial issue.

Start-up capital

Not every farmer can purchase what he needs to work without external funding. They often attract investors or take out a loan from a bank. Before receiving financing, they provide detailed plan development, prepared in advance. If the financial institution approves the business plan, funds are released. The state supports agricultural producers, so they are trying to win free support. Grants are difficult to obtain; the project is designed at the highest technical level, using modernization tools and non-standard solutions for development. If they receive a refusal, they don’t get upset; by submitting the project to the bank, they can receive a preferential loan.


The case must be registered, so after completing the preparatory work, they start the process. Draw up entity, obtain permits and licenses. Depending on the type of enterprise and type of activity, the package of documents varies, so we will not consider them in detail. Immediately after receiving the papers, they begin to implement the plan.

Emerging problems in agriculture

Agricultural business is considered profitable and pays off in a short time, unless we are talking about gardens or livestock farming, where you have to wait for income, but even with a long wait, the result covers the costs. It is worth remembering that there are known cases of unforeseen circumstances that ruined the plans of farmers and ruined farms.

Rural activities are associated with risks. For example, seeds may not sprout, a garden may be damaged by hail, animals may die from an epidemic. It is impossible to insure against these troubles, therefore, when calculating the start-up capital, it is recommended to invest in an emergency fund and, even if it is not useful, to leave funds for the future.

In conclusion, we note that the work of a rural worker is difficult, but under favorable circumstances it pays for itself three or even five times.

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