Recreation center business plan - an example with calculations. How to open a camp site? The project of the Recreation center (hostel) Download a business plan for a holiday home

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

The business plan of the recreation center should include all costs for arranging all houses or complexes for living with the necessary furniture, equipment, inventory and accessories.

In addition, it is necessary to organize meals, additional services for entertainment events, playgrounds for children, sports grounds for adults.

No one will do a business plan for a recreation center for free and quickly, you need to find out all the features of an existing recreation center, calculate the necessary expenses (without forgetting anything). When drawing up a business plan, the expected profit margin and profitability of the recreation center, its payback are calculated.

A ready-made business plan for a recreation center is available on the Internet or in special organizations that deal with such issues. It is possible to download a business plan for a recreation center in a few seconds.

The business plan should be adjusted according to the individual characteristics of your territory, etc. The recreation center business plan that you found on the web may be perfect for you or contain only basic organizational problems.

A business plan is a serious undertaking, including many organizational and financial problems. Building your own recreation center is a very expensive business, it is better to take it on a long-term lease. The first important factor in the organization of recreation is the location of the selected object. This place could be:

  • - land near the sea;
  • - recreation center in the forest;
  • - a complex of holiday houses near a river, lake, rate;
  • – tourist base in the mountains;
  • — recreation complex on the outskirts of the city;
  • – recreation center in a beautiful village, etc.

Depending on this, the area of ​​the territory, the number of possible vacationers, the level and quality of existing communications, the equipment of the houses with furniture, air conditioners, refrigerators, etc., depends on the amount of investment.

The main condition for the normal functioning of the recreation center is the presence of constant electricity and running water without interruption. When there are interruptions in centralized water, it is better to build your own water intake tower with a pumping station and a good filtration system.

A sewerage system that functions efficiently and without failures will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the drain sewer.

If the activity of a recreational institution is connected with water, then it is necessary to protect the places for swimming. A medical worker and a lifeguard must be on duty at the base. It is desirable to have a pharmacy kiosk and catering establishments.

In connection with the growth of the level of service to the population, the demand for a truly comfortable stay has increased. When earlier vacationers on the sea were content only with the sea, now their requirements are associated with the presence of:

  • - individual refrigerator;
  • - TV;
  • - air conditioner;
  • - electric kettle;
  • - kitchen utensils;
  • - iron, etc.

Good to know!

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Now vacationers strive for a certain amount to get the maximum of the highest quality services. And they are right, many recreation centers offer accommodation services complete with cultural events, performances by artists, clowns, circus performers, animal trainers.

An important factor in attracting customers is the advertising of the recreation center. Special booklets, posters, commercials on local television, advertising on transport or billboards will make your recreation center popular. The final result of the event for the organization of the recreational base will depend on the number of vacationers.

The essence of the proposed project and the place of implementation

The essence of the project: Construction of a sanatorium.

Target: The construction of the sanatorium should ensure the following:

  • at a minimum level of risk, provide the investor with a return on invested funds and, after reaching the declared payback period, the initiated project is also able to become a constant source of profit;
  • increase the efficiency of the resort and recreational sector by comprehensively meeting the needs for high-quality health-improving recreation;
  • attract additional investment resources in the development of both individual business areas and socially significant infrastructure facilities;
  • create new jobs;
  • ensure additional receipt of tax payments to the budgets of all levels.

The total cost of the project

The required amount of investments is 149,030 thousand rubles.

The objectives of the project are:

  1. increasing attractiveness for vacationers and tourists;
  2. landscaping and beautification of the recreation area;
  3. increase in the flow of tourists;
  4. creation of new jobs;
  5. creation of a competitive enterprise and the formation of an economic basis that provides a guaranteed return on funds spent on the project;
  6. development of the enterprise at the expense of funds received from income;
  7. Receiving a profit;
  8. increase in tax revenues to the budgets of all levels.

2. Description of the business, product or service

As part of the project, it is planned to build a building of a balneological complex, which includes:

  • treatment center;
  • Cafe;
  • restaurant;
  • dining room
  • gym;
  • sleeping rooms for 300 people;
  • SPA-center.

In addition to the construction of the building, social work is planned:

  • landscaping of the adjacent territory;
  • pavement construction (roads, sidewalks);
  • construction of gazebos.

Main activity new enterprise health and wellness services will be provided.

The total area of ​​the complex considered in this project is 3 hectares. The complex will be able to accommodate 300 people at a time. The maximum workload considered in the calculations is 210 people per month.

Directly on the territory of the complex, vacationers will be able to use the following services:

    relaxing massage

    cosmetology services



    therapeutic baths

    underwater shower (massage)

3. Description of the market

Most of the sanatoriums operating today in Russia were built back in Soviet times. This state of affairs has a negative impact on the technical equipment of sanatoriums, and on the level of service, which falls short of foreign standards.

At the same time, most resort organizations are located in the South Federal District(28.8% of total Russian sanatoriums). In second place is the Privolzhsky District (22%), in third place is the Central District, where 16% of Russian sanatoriums operate. Least of all sanatorium-resort organizations are in the Northwestern (7.8%) and Far Eastern (3.6%) districts. Only 9% of these organizations are located in the Ural Federal District.

At the same time, in the south and in the central part of Russia, there are mainly large sanatoriums, and in other parts of the country - small institutions with 135-145 beds.

Most establishments continue to operate at a loss, despite the high demand from the population. The reason is the insufficiently well-organized management system of the sanatorium-resort complex and the lack of a quality tourism product.

However, the health resort complex needs to be reformed. Analysts expect that up to $4 billion could be invested in the resort and recreational segment of Russia in 5 years, which will provide an incentive for the development of the regions as a whole.

The created sanatorium will allow to receive up to 4.7-5% of the total number of all vacationers in sanatoriums annually.

4. Sales and Marketing

Description of products, confirmation of demand in the domestic and foreign markets, the possibility of import substitution

Unique geographical and climatic conditions, gentle, warm sea, sandy beaches and surprisingly clean air allow not only to have a good rest, but also to improve your health. The sun shines here 280 days a year, the average air temperature in summer is 28-33 degrees Celsius. The shallow sea is very convenient for children and families. The average water temperature reaches 28 degrees Celsius. The swimming season lasts more than five months.

Justification of the market niche of products and the medium-term concept of its expansion. The nature of demand

The demand for these types of services will fluctuate throughout the year, in the autumn-winter period the number of vacationers in the complex will be lower compared to the spring-summer period.

General marketing strategy of the enterprise. The most effective mechanisms for promoting products (works, services) to target markets

The market price will be set based on the current prices for these types of services.

Later, on the basis marketing research it is planned to carry out a policy of weighted average pricing at a level below average market prices and their possible increase based on determining the elasticity of demand for services.

Characteristics of enterprise pricing

Planned sales promotion activities. The cost of its advertising and promotion in the market

After-sales Service and Quality Assurance Policy

The policy in the field of quality will be the desire to achieve 100% absence of complaints and claims from vacationers.

Quality strategy

The priorities in the field of quality are the quality of services and the quality of service.

Even the highest quality service, accompanied by insufficient attention to you as a client, will not bring you satisfaction. On the other hand, no matter how high the quality of service is, if you get insufficiently high-quality results, you will be disappointed. The knowledge and experience accumulated over the years of work allow us to find the optimal balance between these two key elements.

The basis of the service quality assurance system are:

    Standardization of processes and procedures. The enterprise will develop, implement and constantly improve a quality assurance and control system based on the standardization and formalization of all order processing processes and work performance procedures based on an internal quality standard. Such standardization allows you to clearly plan all work and avoid surprises and mistakes - each employee clearly knows what and how he should do, and performs his work at a high professional level.

    The professionalism of the staff. The professional level, qualifications and experience of employees will be at the forefront. No matter how thoughtful and standardized all processes and procedures are, no matter how perfect the system for processing and fulfilling orders, and no matter how perfected and fine-tuned all methods of quality control and assurance, in any case, our employees are the main source of quality. An important role is played by the optimal system of division of labor - which allows each employee to concentrate on their work and ensure the high quality of services provided and customer service.

5. Production plan

Construction is planned to take place inflow 12 months.

The project implementation schedule includes the following steps:

    Preparation of design estimates.

    Preparation of the infrastructure of the balneological hospital, which involves the preparation of its premises in accordance with the requirements for them, the performance of construction and installation work. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the following work:


    construction and arrangement of land plots, access roads;

    construction and installation of other structures;

    organization of communications.

3. Purchase and installation of equipment. This stage involves:

    supply of equipment;

    equipment installation and commissioning.

Provision of engineering infrastructure

For the full-fledged operation of the complex, it is necessary to provide engineering communications and communications, including electricity, sewerage, ventilation systems, and telephone communications.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure the performance of work in accordance with the technical conditions of the city housing and communal services and the conclusion of relevant contracts.

All engineering networks of the designed objects are connected to the existing engineering general networks. Water supply and sanitation of the complex is provided from the public network. Power supply - centralized with connection or autonomous.

The cost of these works is included in the total estimated cost of the construction of the complex.

Cost of fixed production assets, form of depreciation (simple), depreciation rate

According to the project, the cost of buildings and structures without VAT is 82,229 thousand rubles, and the cost of equipment is 30,890 thousand rubles. Depreciation of fixed production assets will be:

Buildings and structures - 2.0%, the average annual depreciation will be 1,645 thousand rubles;

Equipment - 10%, the average monthly depreciation will be 3,089 thousand rubles.

The cost of social facilities is 13,178 thousand rubles, depreciation is 264 thousand rubles. in year.

Calculations of depreciation of the main production assets of the project are presented in the Appendix (table 6).

Production and marketing costs

As part of the current costs of the project, they are allocated and justified;

  • material costs;
  • labor costs;
  • depreciation;
  • other expenses.

The total annual value of current, including general production and general business expenses, at the end of the planning period is 58,244 thousand rubles. on an annualized basis and is presented in the Appendix in Table 7.

Measures and costs to ensure environmental and technical safety

According to federal law dated January 10, 2002 N 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection" environmental protection is an activity of public authorities Russian Federation, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, public and other non-profit associations, legal and individuals aimed at preserving and restoring the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, preventing the negative impact of economic and other activities on environment and elimination of its consequences.

According to this law, the methods of economic regulation in the field of environmental protection include:

  • setting limits on emissions and discharges of pollutants and microorganisms, limits on the disposal of production and consumption waste and other types of negative impact on the environment;
  • conducting an economic assessment of natural objects and natural-anthropogenic objects;
  • conducting an economic assessment of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment.

The negative impact on the environment is paid.

Forms of payment for negative impact on the environment are determined by federal laws.

The types of negative impact on the environment include:

  • emissions of pollutants and other substances into the atmospheric air;
  • discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into surface water bodies, groundwater bodies and catchment areas;
  • pollution of bowels, soils;
  • disposal of production and consumption waste;
  • pollution of the environment by noise, heat, electromagnetic, ionizing and other types of physical influences;
  • other types of negative impact on the environment.

The payment of the fee indicated above does not exempt the subjects of economic and other activities from the implementation of environmental protection measures and compensation for damage to the environment.

All building materials must pass radiometric control.

Lands falling under economic sites, storage sites building materials, after completion of construction should be plowed and sown with grass.

To exclude or minimize the possible harmful effects of waste expected during the construction period on the environment and human health, the conditions for collection, temporary accumulation on the territory of the enterprise and further disposal (utilization) of waste must comply with the requirements of the following regulatory documentation:

SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the placement and disposal of production and consumption waste";

GOST 12.1.004-91 “Fire safety. General requirements".

6. Organizational structure

To organize the work of the complex, it is necessary to involve the main staff in the amount of 30 people, auxiliary in the amount of 18 people, the administrative staff will be 3 people.

Distribution of responsibilities among members of the management team

CEO - general control over the enterprise.

Chief accountant - financial reporting, payroll.

Deputy CEO- operational management.

Headcount, labor costs

During the implementation of the project, much attention will be paid to personnel issues.

It is very important that the staff meet the requirements, have a certain education, and perform work tasks with high quality. The staff of the organization to a large extent ensures the success and stability of the enterprise.

The recruitment of specialists and workers for the first time will be carried out in order to check their business and professional qualities, learning ability, adaptation in the team.

To ensure the effective functioning of the company, it is planned to create 51 jobs.

Job title



Monthly salary (rub.)

Payment expenses (thousand rubles)

Administrative and management personnel

Management personnel

Key Personnel

Complex staff

support staff

Workers and employees not directly involved in the production of products


Thus, the cost of wages personnel amount to 501 thousand rubles. per month, payroll - 357 thousand rubles. per month.

The required staffing for each category of personnel is determined by the need for personnel to carry out the activities of the balneological complex.

The monthly salaries for each group of employees are determined by the current level of remuneration in the labor market of the Krasnodar Territory.

Proposed organizational and legal form of project implementation

The planned organizational and legal form of the project implementation is a limited liability company with the application of the general taxation regime.

Legal issues of project implementation

To open the complex you need:

    register an enterprise with the tax authorities, organizational form - LLC (limited liability company);

    setting for mandatory maintenance of equipment;

    obtaining a certificate from the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor;

    conclusion from the OGPS Ministry of Emergency Situations.

After registration and issuance of the necessary documents, the enterprise legally has the right to start its activities. The fire service will need the necessary fire-fighting measures (the presence of a fire alarm, fire extinguishers, an evacuation scheme, etc.), which is checked by a fire inspector.

To accommodate a balneological complex, including the territory necessary for its maintenance, it is required land plot with an approximate area of ​​3 ha. The land plot will be on the right of lease. The rent will amount to 392 thousand rubles. in year.

7. Financial plan

The total investment is 149,030 thousand rubles.

The volume of investments under the project, thousand rubles.

No. p / p

Investment structure

Total for design and estimate documentation

Capital investments according to the approved design and estimate documentation - total, including:

Construction and installation works

Equipment (including customs duties)

Capital investments for production purposes

land registration

water supply and sewerage



district heating

construction works (buildings, structures)


equipment installation

Capital investments in sales facilities

Capital investments in objects of social importance

Costs for the acquisition of working capital

Other investments during the construction, development and operation period, not provided for by the design and estimate documentation

Total investment for the project (clause 1 + clause 2 + clause 3)

VAT on construction and installation works, equipment, working capital

Total investment for the project (excluding capital investments in social facilities) minus VAT (p. 4 - p. 5)

Revenue from services will amount to 160,169 thousand rubles. It is planned to receive profit from the first year of the project implementation. Profit from sales will be about 378,959 thousand rubles.

Project implementation efficiency




Revenues from sales

Gross profit

Profit before tax

Net profit

Total investment


  1. Project summary.
  2. Description of the conceptual idea of ​​the project.
  3. Marketing analysis.
  4. Capital Raising Plan.
  5. Plan for the construction of a recreation center and its equipment.
  6. Recreation plan.
  7. Organizational and legal aspect.
  8. income plan.
  9. Cost plan for the maintenance of the recreation center.
  10. Risk assessment and methods of dealing with them.
  11. Final results and conclusions.

Why do you need a recreation center business plan?

  1. To present a clear picture of the result you want to achieve and describe the actions that need to be taken to achieve it.
  2. To present the project in front of those who decide on financial support (banks, investors, partners).
  3. To track the compliance of actual activities with planned

An example of a recreation center business plan

suitable option


with financial calculations
with Excel financial model

with adjustments

Standard business plan

Extended recreation center business plan with full business analysis and financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model of the recreation center

  • Break even point calculation
  • Analysis of profit and profitability in the context of individual business areas and products
  • Analysis of business risks and margin of safety in terms of sales volume, cost and credit load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Cost forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Calculation of conditions for obtaining and repaying a loan
  • Break even point calculation
  • Movement Report Money quarterly for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Adjustment of the business plan to your figures by our analysts within 5 working days

Business plan volume: 30 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages.

10 000 rub.

20 000 rub.

39 000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to get a loan or attract investments.


An extended business plan includes a financial model of the recreation center in Excel format.

The business plan was developed taking into account the practice of evaluating projects in Russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and entrepreneurship support funds in the Russian Federation. It will allow justifying management decisions on investing in the creation and development of a recreation center, predicting its financial results and assessing risks.

A full description of the business plan can be downloaded from the link:


To view the content, download the file:

Tables and graphs

To get acquainted with the list of tables, graphs and diagrams, see the file:

Payment and delivery

You can pay in the following ways:

  • Bank cards(Russia)
  • Electronic money
  • Terminals and communication salons
  • Money transfers
  • Bank cards (International)

Sending a business plan and financial model:

Sending is carried out within 24 hours after payment to your email address.

Business organization

Rest is not only pleasant, but also useful. Not every Russian manages to go on vacation to distant shores, and on short weekends this is completely impossible. An excellent option for such cases would be a recreation center located not far from the place of residence, offering its customers a comfortable pastime. In order to effectively organize the work of the facility, use the recommendations of a professional recreation center business plan.

The main stages of work on the organization:

  1. Analysis of competitors' offers.
  2. Formation of own concept of the recreation center.
  3. Attracting resources for the construction of the facility.
  4. Search for a suitable territory.
  5. Recreation center design.
  6. Project approval.
  7. Construction, installation of communications, interior decoration and landscaping of the adjacent territory.
  8. Customer acquisition work.
  9. preparatory activities.
  10. Start of work.

When choosing a place for the construction of a recreation center, consider the following recommendations: it is desirable that the distance to the nearest large settlement be no more than 100 - 150 km, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base is from 20 - 25 hectares, ideally if it is located on the river bank and has at least would be a small forest area. As a rule, 2 options for accommodating guests are used in recreation centers: in the rooms of the main building and in separate cottages (houses). Therefore, try to take into account all formats of accommodation when designing in order to satisfy the needs of the maximum number of customers.

Whether you decide to organize a recreation center in the forest or on the lake - it does not matter, in any case you will need to prepare a good business plan.

Market analysis and description of the recreation center project

The popularity of recreation centers is growing every year, and noteworthy offers are practically absent. Now is the time to launch such a project: the decrease in the purchasing power of the population, as well as the difficult political situation, are forcing people to look for options for recreation closer to home, there is also a growing trend for a healthy lifestyle, outdoor activities not only on vacation, but also on weekends. More detailed market analysis can be found in the business plan. tourist base recreation.

Produced goods/services

Accommodation in the rooms and houses of the recreation center, meals, provision of additional services: equipment rental (bicycles, skis, fishing rods, etc.), excursions or master classes.

Potential clients


The opening of a recreation center with calculations is presented below in a sample business plan. The design capacity of the facility is a recreation center with 10 rooms in the main building and 7 separate cottages.

The financial part of the recreation center business plan


AttachmentsTimingAmount, thousand rubles

Organization registration, paperwork

Land lease

Design work

Coordination of the project and obtaining permits

Construction of recreation facilities

14 months

Conducting communications (electricity, water supply, etc.)

Finishing work

Organization of parking

Organization of work to attract customers

all period

Other costs

According to a sample recreation center business plan, investments in the business will amount to about 90 million rubles.


The annual revenue will be about 90 - 100 million rubles.


Annual expenses - an average of 60 million rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period of the project is about 3 years, the profit is on average 30-40 million rubles annually, and the profitability is 38%.


The recreation center is an excellent option for a highly profitable and sought-after business. The old dilapidated Soviet-built bases are being replaced by modern facilities with a high level of service and comfort. This process is in its infancy, so there is no need to talk about market saturation yet. It is in your power to join this type of entrepreneurship in time and achieve unprecedented success. However, in order to get started, you will definitely need a recreation center business plan. You can download an example of a business plan with calculations or download ready business plan(fishing and tourist recreation center or any other direction). But all these options will have one significant drawback - the document will not reflect all the individual characteristics of your business. The solution for you is a document template.

Download the business plan for the construction of a recreation center, and you will be able to:

  • Independently calculate the main performance indicators and the current work of the recreation center, based on the individual input parameters of your business.
  • Form a consistent and detailed strategy of action, and systematically strive to implement it.
  • Accelerate the process of promoting the recreation center through a well-thought-out marketing plan that works specifically for your business.
  • Attract the required funding for the project by presenting a unique business plan for the development of the recreation center to the bank or investment company.
  • Do not lose money and funds to work with third-party consultants and experts, create your own project.

Opening your own recreation center is the dream of any entrepreneur, the opportunity to earn money in comfort for yourself. Now is the time to start this project. Don't lose it. Take action right now.

Other ready business plans.

How to open a camp site - how to register an activity and calculate finances + 3 competitive advantages of a recreation center + 5 effective ways to promote.

Capital investments in the camp site: from 6,500,000 rubles.
The payback period of the recreation center: from 2 years.

The need for quality rest is not included in the list of priority items of human expenditure.

However, each of us knows how important it is to pay attention to restoring strength after labor exploits.

That's why recreation center as a business has its customers even in times of economic crisis.

All camp sites are created with one goal - to create comfortable conditions for guests in which they can relax, improve their health, and spend their leisure time interestingly.

This industry is developing and does not slow down, which attracts many entrepreneurs.

However, opening a truly successful recreation center is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

What documents are needed to open a camp site?

For any activity to organize a business and make a profit, it is necessary to have registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

It is impossible to unambiguously answer the question which option is better.

Everyone has their pros and cons.

Let's compare in which situation it is worth choosing an individual entrepreneur, and in which one, if you decide to open a camp site:

An individual entrepreneur is a person who has registered himself as an entrepreneur. Suitable if you plan to open a camp site on your own.OOO is entity. Unlike an individual entrepreneur, an LLC provides for the presence of several founders.
Simplified taxation system, you can do without an accountant. It is easy to generate and submit reports, so that the entrepreneur can do this on his own.As a rule, it is necessary to hire an accountant on staff or conclude an agreement with a firm for outsourcing tasks. LLCs must maintain complex accounting records, which are almost impossible to master from scratch and without appropriate education.
Individual entrepreneurs are registered for small firms, organizations in which all work can be done independently.An LLC requires at least one employee. At the same time, there is more confidence in the LLC, both among customers and partners. It is believed that the status of an LLC is more solid and reliable.

In addition, no additional licenses for activities will have to be obtained.

In the future, documentary red tape is connected only with the site where you will open a recreation center.

The first step is the selection of a suitable piece of land (we will talk about which one is considered “suitable” below).

When it is found, soil research will be carried out, as well as the creation of an architectural project and a construction project.

These papers will be considered by the city administration, which will issue a permit for construction work.

The procedure for filing papers, as well as their list itself, varies depending on the chosen region for activity and current legal requirements.

Marketing analysis for opening a recreation center

How to open a camp site is only part of the question.

It is necessary to "probe" the relevance of this idea in advance.

If you open a recreation center in the wrong place, do not run advertising campaign or simply offering unsolicited services, no amount of professional staff or beautifully furnished rooms will save the day.

List of competitive advantages

"Business is like a chess game, and you have to think several moves ahead."
Ted Turner

One of the key steps in promoting a recreation center is the ability to highlight competitive advantages.

Demand for the services of a tourist destination has led to the emergence of high competition.

To stand out from other hostels, you must offer your customers something special.

Low pricesA popular option for a competitive advantage is to offer customers relatively low prices at the start of their work. This will attract the first guests and smooth out possible omissions that often happen at the beginning of work.
Special ServicesThere are camp sites that attract certain categories of customers. For example, with all the conditions for successful fishing. Or bases for rest with small children. The presence of a "chip" will allow you to determine a specific channel of guests for a targeted advertising campaign.
Cleanliness and serviceIn the minds of many, recreation centers are still closely connected with the times of the USSR. Therefore, such simple items as cleanliness, new renovation and Wi-Fi are already competitive advantages.

Methods for promoting the recreation center as a business

The mere presence of benefits is not enough.

To attract people who can appreciate them, it is important to invest effort and money in an advertising campaign.

The recreation center as a business can be promoted in the following ways:

    Word of mouth is the best way to promote any type of business, including camp sites.

    In order for people to talk about you, carefully approach the selection of professionals for the staff, monitor the performance of the equipment, be interested in the guests' impressions of the rest.

    It is also important to maintain prompt and attentive feedback.

  1. For camp site advertising, standard advertising methods are also effective: ads in newspapers and magazines, television commercials, and the use of outdoor advertising.
  2. The recreation center should have a high-quality website on the Internet.

    Before going anywhere, most tourists carefully study all possible information: photos, descriptions, reviews.
    If there is little or no information at all, photos of poor quality, and texts with errors, this will turn away a large part of customers.

    To promote your recreation center, communicate on various thematic forums and sites.

    There you can get feedback from potential guests, answer their questions and take into account any tips.

    Find firms with which you can conclude a mutual partnership agreement.

    For example, with training centers who arrange field trainings or seminars.

How to choose accommodation for a camp site?

Choosing the location of the land plot on which you will open your recreation center is the main step.

After all, future success will depend on the convenience of the chosen location.

To choose where to open a camp site, pay attention to the following factors:

    The presence of a nearby forest, planting, grove is one of the essential attributes for a recreation center.

    The fact that there is a clean, natural environment around is considered by most of the guests to be a mandatory and self-evident item.

    If there is also a reservoir near the camp site, this is a big plus.

    Of course, if it is clean, suitable for bathing, does not spread an unpleasant odor and is not a source of a large number of insects.

    The recreation center should be removed from settlements.

    But exactly the distance that is easy to overcome by car or bus.

    Focus on the estimated capacity of the base.

    In accordance with it, select the territory of the site.

    There is a lot of space needed, but it should not produce a feeling of desolation.

Important! You should not consider the territory of protected areas for the location of the recreation center. You simply cannot get permission to build a camp site in this place. And if you find an opportunity, you will still spend a lot of nerves and money.

To open your own camp site, you should pay attention to the former sanatoriums or children's camps.

Often they have a good location, the territory is zoned, there is pure nature around.

Sometimes even old buildings and communications can be used (it is enough to repair them and equip them with modern equipment).

The downside of this choice is only the difficulty of finding such a place.

Necessary equipment for your recreation center

When the issue with the site is resolved and the camp site is built, the next serious stage begins - how to equip the recreation center in order to meet the needs of customers, but not go broke?

Consider an indicative list of equipment that will be required to open a small camp site.

NameCost, rub.)
Communications in each room of the camp site or in separately organized bathrooms (shower, toilet bowl, sink, various fittings)
10 000/room
Furniture for each room of the recreation center (beds, wardrobes, bedside tables)
10 000/room
Arrangement of the kitchen and dining room (appliances, furniture, kitchen utensils, dishes and appliances for guests)
1 000 000
Additional equipment for organizing leisure activities (fishing tackle, sports equipment, etc.).
50 000
Buying fresh food (1-2 times a week)
240 000/1 month
Hygiene products, household chemicals (purchase 1 time in 2-3 months)
5 000/1 month

We select personnel

Consider what list of employees is needed to open your camp site:
Job titleQtySalary (rub.)
Total:10 RUB 182,000
Administrator2 25 000
Nurse1 19 000
Cook1 23 000
Waiters2 15 000
Waiters2 15 000
Handymen2 15 000

If we are talking about a small camp site, at first you can do all the work yourself.

Some enlist family members to help.

This results in significant savings.

However, in the future, you will have to hire new people in any case if you want to expand and develop.

It will not be difficult to search for employees, because the presence of special knowledge or qualifications is not required. Although experience in similar positions is a significant plus.

Think about how your employees will get to work and go home. Most often, camp sites are located far from settlements, and employees live right there, in rooms allocated for staff.

However, after the end of the shift or season, they will need to be transported to the nearest bus station.

How much does it cost to open your own recreation center?

Opening your own recreation center is not a cheap task, everyone understands this.

The main items of expenditure are the lease of a land plot, investments in the construction and arrangement of a camp site, regular expenses for paying salaries to employees.

Due to different capacity, location and other factors, the cost of opening a recreation center can vary greatly.

For example, a small recreation center “for their own” with 10-15 rooms will cost you 6-8 million rubles.

But a cottage-type camp site with 20+ houses, which will occupy more than 10 hectares of land, can be opened for at least 100-150 million rubles.

In the approximate calculations below, we will consider the first option for opening a camp site.

Initial investment

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 6,500,000
Registration of activities, paperwork for
land plot and project creation
20 000
Construction of a recreation center4 000 000
Arrangement of rooms (residential and office)2 000 000
Conducting electricity, sewerage, water supply200 000
Purchase of equipment, utensils and other things100 000
Creating a food stock50 000
Other expenses for the operation of the camp site50 000
Advertising campaign (website creation, TV commercials,
advertising on radio, in newspapers); creation of signs and signs
80 000

Regular investments

In addition to capital investments in opening a recreation center, you must have a financial reserve to ensure the operation of your business and its development.

For a successful opening of the camp site, also read the information in this video:

Payback periods and profitability of the recreation center

The payback period and the level of profitability of the recreation center depends on many factors:
  • how well the place for the accommodation of the camp site is chosen;
  • what is the average number of guests at the same time resting at your base (never use the technical maximum capacity of the hostel in calculations);
  • the format of the base is a weekend vacation, working only in summer, year-round leisure.

If we consider the option of a small recreation center, in which 6,000,000 - 8,000,000 rubles were invested, the average payback period will be from 2 years.

Answering the question how to open your own camp, it remains to be summed up: the implementation of this business idea will require large capital investments that will pay off for more than one year.

The recreation center is a long-term option.

Therefore, organizational issues must immediately be addressed in detail and with due attention.

You can make minor adjustments as you go.

But for this it is important to initially provide yourself with a solid and reliable base.

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